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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wahh.. need to send right away to car wash.. huhu.. nice, bro hokuan..
  2. wahh.. got 3rd mercy breaker now.. danielh, looks like our mercy breaker got 3rd twin brother, huhu~~ btw, nice idea bro.. cabriolet mercy breaker..
  3. Wow.. nice ride.. maybe try to custom 1:64 version or other scale for ur ride, Great ride u got there man.. u r so lucky..
  4. from hauls thread become a sales (or demand) thread.. huhu.. btw all nice cars la bro cham.. thats why many ppl interested.. huhu..
  5. hehe... looks like somebody spending a lil bit this time, huhu.. nice la evoX n spider tu.. mintak satu bleh, hehe joke joke
  6. but our mr cooolman spelled with cooolman, not coolman, huhu..
  7. i'm only collect SC Thunts.. .. but till now, just got small amount only, btw nice scion mr eight..
  8. aik, earlier just now its ok, but now?? already broken link.. huhu.. looks like mr nuno had to repair those link..
  9. wow.. nice haull.. got BS summore.. congrats..
  10. wow.. u got seriously nice stuff bro... Really really nice la..
  11. that's not a good news, that's a GREAT news... Sure that i'll be attending the Official Gathering..
  12. seriously, very hardworking and full of passion guy.. keep up the good work bro..
  13. sure a talented one.. so nice la mr eight... the paint is impossible for me to do it, looks like need artistic talent, which i dun have,
  14. way too different, lol..
  15. its error car!! lucky u.. and its ur destiny to customs more and more and more...
  16. nice hauls bro!! congrats..
  17. bro.. thats awesome!! really really nice la bro..
  18. arghh.. that 3rd color CS EvoX!!! i gonna find that.. btw all ncie cars la bro sinclair.. congratz..
  19. wow.. nice!! great mural he got there.. looks like he's gonna be HW hardcore after this.. like mother like son, ..
  20. @sinclair : thanks alot mr sinclair.. glad that u like this.. @cham : thanks bro cham.. i follow ur teaching la, but i use silver as primer coz if u want to know, there is NO code 5 ps grey in k tganu.. LoL @Rayz : thanks alot mr rayz.. still learning.. will learn more from customizing links that u post..
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