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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. Wow.. .. very fast hauler.. BTW bro dano, i want to ask something about evo7, how u put on the sideskirt? how about the base, does it stick onto the base? i still on process to put the sideskirt for my customs ~~~~
  2. mr sinclair had so many expressions , huhu~~
  3. seems like no need for me to customs it anymore, just buy it,
  4. some of them not HWs, right? very very lots of loose cars.. and sorting them up by colors, nice... Very nice garage u got there xebec..
  5. then custom la piece by piece,
  6. jhc7598

    evo color shifter

    what?? dont la mr sinclair, if not soon i'll be poisoned to custom one myself, huhu.. BTW, already test several CS and this red-yellow evo is most awesome in changing the colors.. better than another CS evo..
  7. huhu.... but this is an official ed from tomica, a must get !!
  8. wahh, got 2nd set of colour?? must get left one,
  9. wahh, got evo police also?? looks better than mine police HW.. Gonna find it, and also red 370Z..
  10. waaahhh... so cute la shorties $uper ~~
  11. Good tip bro dano. But as aphong said, buying a drill is a good investment.. and for those who can't afford to but drill, here is the solution..
  12. wahh.. u got pm, bro enyo..
  13. huhu.. ye la bro one, nice conclusion.. tp cmana nk kawin, duit dah abis, hunting 2 minggu ~~ huhu
  14. gundam marker is also better one.. unlucky i cant get the marker here in Tganu..
  15. nice... now go to 2nd stage, customizing....
  16. haha.. so lucky aa.. i'm not checking lyn for about 1 month ady, huhu..
  17. i check it, and i think it's a error.. but i'm not an expert in HW, so i'm may be wrong..
  18. kurz, dun poison me anymore la.. . later u cant grab anything from mr sinclair sales la coz i'll grab all, from lyn forum?? how i gonna miss that? arghh..
  19. no ler.. i'm tired of travelling la, now had to work, .. but my customs looks like on their way la.. cannot privide w.i.p coz got no camera.. will borrow from my fren la after finish the customs.. They are silvia and gt-500 from F&F series.. and another "secret" car, .. but not to expect very high la coz this is my second customs after those 3, and not very nice as the EvoXs i think.. BTW, looks forward to finish them..
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