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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. nice hauls dude.. btw welcome to the club and be prepared to be poisoned!!
  2. whoa!!! chantiknya haull.. too bad i didnt go to JB anymore.. kat JB ke bang??
  3. jhc7598


    nak join... tapi jauh...
  4. stupid jokes.. some of reasons why i didnt read berita harian for about 7years..
  5. jhc7598

    some new cars

    nice hauls.. now got card variation summore.. = =
  6. whoa, so fast finish.. great outcome bro.. me like it..
  7. lol @ hassan... btw long time didnt hear from mr admin.. hope he can get out from hibernation fast fast.. btw happy birthday boy mr !!
  8. awesome!!! and congrats for the new club!!
  9. eh?? bday deme ke? la.. dia nyer birthday, aku lak yg dapat hadiah dr dia.. haha happy birthday bro!!! gila nye wishlist, mati keras aku kene racun.. @hassan : lawo bahasa tganung mung, haha
  10. ahahaha.. edited dah.. biasa la.. high on drugs.. LOL!!! btw nape abg sahama post drag car?? drag cars pun ada yg tuners ke?? Drag cars kena tune jugak jadi tunerz le, kawan oo mcm tu ke? hmm.. rally, circuit, nascar, f1 pun tunerz jgk ke bang? sbb nk race kene tune kan? baru la hamba paham...
  11. la, aku igt org² yg menjual jer ada urgent ( sbb nk pkai duit dll.. ), yg membeli pun ada yg urgent jgk ke?
  12. ahahaha.. edited dah.. biasa la.. high on drugs.. LOL!!! btw nape abg sahama post drag car?? drag cars pun ada yg tuners ke??
  13. AWESOME!!! many cars from my wishlist!!! awesome hauls bro!!
  14. ko ingat senang2 je ker... kene mohon kebenaran dari dua dewa custom dulu... setakat sembah limau dengan betik tak yah la... ada satu 'mamat' tu sudah main bedal jer sampai lani kene laknat ko tau ..wakakaka... haha.. weih, aku pn rasa mcm nk order jer.. hari tu aku dh tgk custom dia, mengancam jgk..
  15. gila ah!!! terbaik!!!
  16. jhc7598

    ** Jokes **

    i like,.. hahaha!!!
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