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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. wah.. nice hauls bro! looks like changing avatar to star Wars characters really attract greenies la, hehe~
  2. ^nice nice.. ayat baik jer, tp muka brader ni brutal tau.. tgk avatar dia, jgn cari pasal dgn dia.. haha~ dah dah, asik OT jer.. cham, update la helang lagi..
  3. haha.. nice nice.. kereta aku standard..
  4. metal base+kaler silver.... memang cun... kalau bleh bukak pintu, lg cun!!
  5. hehe.. all tunerz that i have, u already have la bro.. but it'll be some tunerz here...
  6. i wish this time machine will have metal base,
  7. ya la.. for those who had bad intention like that, please READ or SEE @ ADVEdder's avatar... that is for you..
  8. Awesome color.. btw WRC version can buy majorette one.. Do Helang punya~
  9. wah, 1st inventor was better? so it's mine... thanks for the compliment but i think cham's is great as well...
  10. double hunt!! great finds !! good job bro!!
  11. LOL!!! no la, that time still too young and pure in minds, haha!.. i remember "Summersault berputar!!!"
  12. been pushing my brain to remember the title for this series for past few days, at last i remember it!! Love this series!! Moreo Attack!!
  13. wow, nice.. still looking for that 24-seven..
  14. jhc7598

    These day haul

    nice hauls bro!! waiting for the detailed ecto1..
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