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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. whoaa!!! nak nissan z tomica!!! .D19 biru pun chantek jgkk!!!
  2. @ hassan btw nice cars bro!! superb paintjob
  3. hehe..tak tanya tak tahu...saya budak newbis baru belajar...bukan apa aritu adagak jumpa 2-3 biji VWtu tapi tak perasan pulak wheel dia..btw terima kasih sebab bagitau ya... sama2.. bak kata pantun org2 tua.. buah cempedak di luar pagar ambil galah tolong jolokkan, kalau awak budak baru belajar.. kalau salah bleh tolong jolokkan tunjukkan ,
  4. hehe.. wheel variant.. transition wheel dari 2nd color to 3rd color.. rim dia OH5.. tu la, picture kecik sgt, salah upload, btw terima kasih kerana bertanya,
  5. Hi all.. its been more than a month since i'd post my hauls and tonite, i think i'm gonna post my another small hauls, but in two parts.. hehe.. enuff said, here they goes.. Part 1 For a start, the SMs Some Mainline Hauls Spoiler: HWs Racing Team Some Old Card Spoiler: Some Rare Card Loose Hauls Searching for the energizer eclipse for a quite some time already.. Another Loose Batman Spoiler: and complete them, i think.. And Others Hauls.. Spoiler: and part 2 will be coming, soon!! Part 2 is Up.. Its HERE or in page 6, enjoys cheers..
  6. manyak cantikk punya haul!!
  7. its DROPSTARS la, hehe.. btw this series got some cars that i eyed for a long time ady, the 350z.. haizz..
  8. way better than mine!! now that is real customizer!!
  9. nice one!! what size bro!!
  10. whoa!! if this called a beginner, i am super duper newbie la.. great garage bro!! maybe we can see frm diff angle,
  11. argghhh... WRC evo.. arghhhhh!!! mana mau dapat!!!
  12. nice.. art , size card sama dgn SM x? kalau sama @ kecik skit, aku ada P.Pack..
  13. wah, great hauls!!! oldies treasures!!
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