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Everything posted by jhc7598

  1. jhc7598

    Vietnam Hauls

    i never seen that error.. nice found!!
  2. great hauls!!! the king of greenies is back!!
  3. wah, long time no hear from u sis.. erm, where got $ sign in reg la sis.. btw we also can recognize by looking at their wheels, either rubber or not..
  4. welcome bro.. and nice collection too!! especially that Gold PR5 Nissan Z, which are VHTF tho.. great cars!!
  5. gila weh, Mothers Special Ed!! awesome hauls bro!!
  6. this is the best, and will try to practice it,
  7. wow, nice.. i just have the 2009 garage only..
  8. owh.. make me wanna open mine as well.. nice!!
  9. new version of Gee? nice.. Cham will love it, btw now i know mr admin into SNSD,
  10. saw this a few years ago (or maybe some similar), what a nuts!!
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