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Everything posted by smorkle

  1. smorkle

    Hello my dears )

    hi polina hunny. you are so lucky to be on vacation! you'll have to share some pics when you get back home!! have a great time!
  2. smorkle

    Summer hoildays!

    no vacation plans for me so far hopefully we'll do some impromptu camping of some sort. that is always cheap and fun. how about that lea? camping? do you like the outdoors?
  3. LOL! those plushies are funny looking!! ba ha ha they should at least have fangs or something or sparkles maybe. LOL! yeah, i think they should have a twilight week!!! ohhhh, that would be so much fun!!!
  4. ohhh, neato. i thought she had hazel eyes..??
  5. i'm seriously confused about all of them now!!!! i've also started reading the chicago AU book that bee recommended and they are in college and have met as strangers so it's even worse for me. i'm all backwards but i can't go back and read the books again right now. omg! so, instead, i've been watching the movies. so no, you are not alone!!!
  6. i agree with bee. and i also watched the first movie then read the books. the books are definitely by far better! they go into more detail of course and their relationships with one another is deeper. you also get attached to the characters more after reading the books. some people who have watched twilight did not like new moon and also did not like eclipse. those people did not read the books so i think they are missing huge parts of the book that the readers know about and are able to fill in during the movie if there are gaps. read the books - that's my recommendation
  7. yeah, 8 hours is a long time. i've been watching the movies at home instead of the theatre to prepare for eclipse. hee hee. just a couple more days for me to wait!!! i'm so excited! i can't wait!!!! ahhhH!!
  8. thanks babe! got all the items. 4x3333 sent as well! thank you as always!!
  9. hee hee..no hunny, it is your actual birthday! i hope you had a great birthday! we'll be sending you a gift in a bit. xoxo
  10. did someone ask for a doctor??? --> now that is one pretty face!! -->hotty!
  11. really? i like it... i think the red hair and fair complexion make her eyes pop even more..but that is just me. she's pretty no matter what...oh wait, i take that back. she wasn't looking so hot as joan jett. that hair - yuck!
  12. 1058 hee hee! yay! yeah, he's asleep upstairs! i need to get to bed too now. nearly 2:30am. *yawn*
  13. kasi's letter jacket? wow, that is progress!!! does this mean that they are an item now?? hee hee
  14. table muscles? ba ha ha ha!! that is too funny!!
  15. i've never read this book but i did see the movie and enjoyed it very much. i can only imagine that the book is even better since that is always the case. *raises hand* lemony snicket fan here!!
  16. an 8th book would be great! i haven't read book 7 yet so i don't know how it ends. i've been doing my best to keep myself in the dark so i don't spoil it for myself. but yes, an 8th would be most exciting!
  17. have you seen her new look? i just saw this. i think she looks more mature. she's naturally beautiful so she only looks even better...i think. what do you gals think?
  18. evi!!!! i lovelovelove your new edward siggy!!! although he is smoking (naughty naughty boy) i still love it. he looks so hot!!! hee hee jasper looks so good in this pic! i think this new wig is much better!!
  19. 1054 hee hee. oops, i miscounted! thanks for fixing it bee i got overly excited that we were on at the same time!!! whoop whoop!
  20. me too!! thursday is so far away!! lucky ducky!!
  21. congrats!!! wow, that's a lot of planting!!
  22. 2 sets please and this time i will pay with 3333 so that's 4x3333 total. thanks hun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. 20 looks like a healthy snack! your comp is giving me the munchies!!
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