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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. wow!! That's one to many!!!! Me gonna go Medan for some hauling!!!
  2. camaro...camaro...camaro............ nah............
  3. "black pepper chicken chop"....RM8.90.....from my cafe.........
  4. again!! borong style from Sahama!
  5. wow!! Nice mustang u have there!! Congrats bro!!
  6. wat i eat last few days............. here............... nasi goreng kg plus telor....yummy........
  7. Now..this gonna make me pengsan!!! Nice decal/tampo all around!! Great!
  8. its "clue" lah!!! crack the clues and the green will be yours....BUT i think that green gone b4 u crack the code!!
  9. here come ur chance..RG!!! Go go ...NOW!! click this link /carrefour-f21/fr-c4-mv-09-02-25-t411-80.htm#139023 .... And i wan only the Evo X!! Pls!!
  10. pretty nice haul..bro!! Love those Lambo!!! Very classical countach!! Congrats!
  11. nice pic taken..bro!! BUT beware....dont BANG the rear of Ferrari wow...!!
  12. huh?? nobody plays this today??? paging rg...advedder...mushrOOm..paging..paging.... continue with super crispy & clear pic of "Mexico Edition VW Beetle".......
  13. wow!! Totally awesome!! me wan the Bugati Helang with redlines tires!! tenkiu!
  14. hmm...then we have to depend on the "e-bay"..."scalper" to complete that!!
  15. yup..yup!! Totally agree! How come i didnt notice that at all ??
  16. nice & funny! This vid can be very useful! Remember someone got posted this vid ..refering to the Streamyx!!
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