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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. great haul! I yet to haul those speed machine!!
  2. awesome haul!! 14 DB together in one haul...wow! must be very loaded to haul this!!
  3. everyone waiting for that 69 mustang!!
  4. nice mothertrucker... gonna collect some of these lah!!
  5. oitt!..kau orang tak tunggu sama gua ae! nah....BIRU....
  6. fuh!! Can feel the excitiment even without going there..! Thanks to Sinclair for sharing those great pics with us!! Btw..selling any Hw or diecast cars???
  7. ...and "share" to hold...Hmm..POLITICS..le!!
  8. wah! so lansi!! straight away show 5 cars!! Joking leh bro!! Really look nice to loose those 5 pack and put together for group pics!! must get mine!!
  9. perghh! One great custom hauler i ever see(in HWCM)..after DanielH custom fast gassin hauler. I like the skyline...nice and neat tampo. One word say it all,..Awesome!
  10. err..wat can i say or comments?? All the members say it all ady!! so ..2 BIG THUMBS UP for u...AWESOME......and nice pics taken!! Take care of my Helang..ok...Dont wan any scratches or i will request for full refund...!!! ....
  11. from pizza to white wall....great wheels swap!! Look totally different and much better!! me likey it!!
  12. err....congrate me for wat?? hehe...for having this fastback kot, greet in advance..hehehe huh?? i come i dont know?? ..maybe mushrOOm RAOK me ah??
  13. wow!! Great collections there..Yao! Will look better in loose form!!
  14. hmm..time to check this link..... Spoiler: www.cendawan.evilbay.com
  15. green in everyone favourite colour!!! of course the green card...too!!
  16. Sinclair looking for gold fangula!! That is silver or zamac....submarine??
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