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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. wow! Thats one hice haul!! Me wan the otter pops DD!!
  2. haha cant be any truer try this shaver and than u know the different! Hmm..sound like promoting this shaver for free for the "philips" co!!
  3. i have nightmare using the blade! Always hurt myself! Better be sissy than pain!!
  4. really good!! Cut it totally clean..even at the most remote part!
  5. fuh!! Wat a nice mystery cars u have there! Me likey the Buggati!!
  6. huh!! wat can i say!!! Syabas!!
  7. err..u mean this..right?? yeah! Our very own DIY HWCM Convention car!! ..got more detailing than wat Nick72 have in hand!!
  8. fuh! My brain overloaded when saw those muscle cars collections!!
  9. nice variations of Ford!!! Look nice especially the pink one!!
  10. i think i saw this pics b4!! jus forgot from where!! Btw...me gonna use my $uper t-hunt and stick all around my 1/1 car!!
  11. Going for jalan - jalan today and found some new HW hauler!Look nice.... ...and this hauler did caught my attention...cuz its one of my favourite casting.... Dragtor!! FYI....i didnt take any of the hauler... jus haul this only.. and my actual "major" haul of the day..."Cut it close"...is Spoiler: Haizz!! problem with "hairy" man!! Have to shave everday!! p/s: "shaves even the shortest hairs"!!
  12. fuh!! Nice haul..dude!! Love that hauler!! Very nice tampo!!The hauler can "bukak-bukak" one or not??
  13. everyone waiting for this time to come..too!!
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