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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. fuyoh!! Nice find of 1/1 pics of Mazda Furai!! So futuristic look!!
  2. OMG!!!! this custom hauler look more better & great with the custom Penzoil Mustang on it!!
  3. btw.....OZ land got the "Ramadhan stall" or any kind of stall selling those kuih muih raya in the fasting month??? .... i eat a lot of kuih muih these day!! Will post some pics for u to drool!!!!
  4. WOW!! Those "mooneyes" look great in groups pics! Ans nice collections u have there!
  5. one of the 'Bond" movie official car?? Still look sporty altough its more than 20 yrs!!
  6. wow!! one nice custom hauler...dude!! Love wat u have done to this custom hauler...and the combination of white & orange colour did look sweet!!
  7. look more yummy if with pics posted!!
  8. this is awesome haul..dude!! u straight away get it from the box..right??
  9. gua punya kg stall lah!!
  10. another famous food from johor...... Laksa....
  11. huh!! Dahsyat lah u punya haul!! Memang "keras" betul!
  12. Tempat-tempat keras ni memang elok humban Hassan kat situ, pasal dia pun sama 'keras'. masa pergi memang keras...tapi bila jumpa "ITU"..jadi lembik mcm siput pulak!!
  13. omg!! That Shelby GT Muguiars reaaly nice!! The wheels dayum nice!!
  14. wow!! Nice "CARS" hauler!! come with full accessories!!
  15. nice animated TF!! Me collect only the TF movie series!
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