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chee keng hong

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Everything posted by chee keng hong

  1. huh?? wat casting is this??? look like another version of BS! JUs look at the black tires!!! WOW!
  2. wow!! That's one too many!!! I have only 1/3 of ur entire collections!!
  3. simple...neat & clean custom VW!! Love the "batu Api" tires!!
  4. fuh! One nice RAOK from Down South!! Ur BS collections now growing fast!! Tahniah!!
  5. The back trailer looks like it. I haven't compared yet. The front cab is different. It may be rare now because not release in our market yet. A carded Javelin is eluding me. hehehe. wah!! U did read the tampo wording ah? Bravo!! Me ady 'rabun ayam"..cant read that!! I like it too. Its my first rubber wheeled HW. I like the tampos on it that reads, Scott Girls Custom Painters → Metal Flakin → Pinstripin → Gold Leaf → Lettering → Graphics → Panelin → Flames
  6. wah!! More nice custom coming up from mushrOOm!! Keep it up...bro!!
  7. wow! Nice one..bro!! The wheels did match this car!!
  8. fuh!! Hats of to u!! Wat a massive greenies haul !!! All from the peg!! $uper too!! The Evo colour shifter look nice!!!! And congrats for getting the nice BS RAOK from Mr. S!!
  9. ARGGH!! Nice tampo Jade!! Pirate of the Captain curse!!
  10. hehehe!! Those video did suit this month of ghost festival!!! Scary wor!! Beat me!! I always go back home after work at midnight....2 to 3 am!
  11. kesian!!! Wish u Happy Birthday too..bro!! May all ur wish come true!!
  12. wow!!! all for one!! Nice Lambo collections u have there!! Great!!
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