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Everything posted by danielh

  1. nice camaro!! now who has the poison!!!!!!
  2. hai marah nampak bro...voodoo bagai...its a bull, cannot produce milklehhh.... tu lah, mr hassan is 100% BS supporter, cow shaker ke, lambo shaker ke, buffalo shaker ke..... itu hassan punya trade mark hehe
  3. danielh

    March Haul (again)

    yes, saw the error too!
  4. nice error......that 'TH' wording missing
  5. sorry to hear that raymond, hope that your wrist are healed and well now. One advise, be extra alert when going out or walking on the roadside. These morons are brainless and nothing but nut shell.
  6. yupp..those thunt$ really makes one heart so itchy but never never ever let it land to hassan's hand...his itchy hand will drill all those rubber wheels to be swapped to other cars ( boneshaker)....sakit hati tengok..muhahahhahaha ( a little too late bro.... that crappy truck dont deserve those wheels.... those wheels are now in its deserving place .... muahahaha ) ooppps!!!! he did it again...!!!
  7. not bad..on the price and good on the detail!!!!!!
  8. agree, . should have look for the red one instead. thanks again bro!!
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