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Everything posted by matbear82

  1. 2 morris mini with tiger tampo... cantekk!!!.... saya mahu ini angpow...
  2. angpow... hoorey... hotwheels inside it... hoooooreeeyyyyy
  3. matbear82

    last weeks haul

    perghh... racun spesis baru... maner dpt nie... aku pun nak, 3 bijik...
  4. mr. sinclair: alot of people were looking for you... like elgee said... wish u were here... anyway this dinner will not gone well if not for your effort too... thank you very much for selling most of the tickets... food: i thought the food was ok... no complaint from me... my tummy was really full... heheheh "burp" soto+teh tarik KAW!!! = perghhh...
  5. WOW...... cantek... bleh close up logo blkg???
  6. nice to meet u all... great time at the dinner... then enjoy watching man U blasah arsenal... balik rumah susun kereta2 baru... RAOK some to my sis... VW, morris mini n fast fish (not so fast enuf)... tido jam 4pagi... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO HWCM!!! ---successs---
  7. esok... jalan2 di amcorp... makan2 shah alam... kasi angkut semua kreta... kasi jual... kasi tukar... kasi sedekah(RAOK)... hoorey...
  8. superb... my eye on everything... long live mini...
  9. double green.... the car... the card
  10. matbear82

    Is it real???

    tahyul laaa... try at your own risk... (kids dont try this at home)
  11. cantik... agak2 cat apa derang pakai??? mmg cunnnn
  12. matbear82

    Is it real???

    and the mini's... and the DDs... and the blablablablablaaa
  13. matbear82

    Is it real???

    spirit2 of the car... where the thunts and the reventons???
  14. pernah gak nmpak reventon SM dalam kosong... x jadi amik...
  15. baik hati laa mr enyomic nie... you Raok!!!
  16. kalau thunt pun kena tebuk rugi laaa....
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