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Everything posted by musclemania

  1. Appreciate that, CKH. Long time not hearing from you, wish everything is great and more kool stuffs from you too!
  2. Thanks, guys. Just did some checking - the loose blue (white stripes) HW Viper RT/10 in packaging was from 2001 Gas Station playset. - yellow MBX "DHL" Delivery Truck was from year 2006 basic main line. - all 3 MBX Hero City box sets were from year 2002.
  3. Thanks, guys. After hibernating for quite sometime ... Today haul Spoiler:
  4. [quote="sinclair"] Perhaps that is short card variation
  5. If only 5-pack at Oz with 75% discount If yes, can sapu the set with VW Bus where until now, I have not bought coz I only want that car
  6. musclemania

    HL's haul

    Nope Seldom went for hunting for the past few weeks. Around 1~2 outlet maximum in a week time only when passed by, imagine ...
  7. musclemania

    HL's haul

    He is a nice guy to chat with. He should not be the one contacting customer to come when restocking. Family? No idea
  8. [quote="vandenan"] I could recall lots of blue box of MBX at my hometown during my childhood time but I din take any My son likes to HULK SMASH the cars
  9. musclemania

    HL's haul

    Nope, need not knowing them. Well, normally, just to say hi and ask the frequent question, "Is this the latest stock? Is there any extra in the Store? When will be the next restock?" As usual, the respond was, "Sorry, I do not know. Those available are as on the peg." Last time, I knew a Mattel guy working at both Bkt Raja and Bkt Tinggi AEON but he had already left few months ago.
  10. I do agree with the demand and supply chain effect and looking forward to join the community more often. Regarding to your claim there will be no more thrill in hunting if there is Collectors day I am quite disagree because Collector's day that I would like to suggest here is not an every day/week or month event. If so then yes the thrill of hunting would be less. But if the event is done like once or twice annualy it would be very interesting. For me, going to a collectors day is also called hunting but the chances of getting something better are increased than random hunting. As far as I am concern not all the boxes have a THunts in it, its also concidered luck. In another video, a guy who on that day found 2 similar Thunt during the event, after the event while he was recording back to his car he passed a boy looking so sulky and the boy tell him that he was unlucky not getting any thunts so what he did was give the extra he got for free and the boy was so happy. Now that the spirit of a true collectors which can happened if such events is held. The joy is shared coz hotwheels collectors are not just adults. The reason for me to suggest this is to add more excitement to hotwheels collectors here in Malaysia. From only hunting, trading customizing, weekly gathering and etc, now we have something to cheer and shared about. Noted of your point but we sincerely wish that if that is materialized, it will not turn up to be another disappointment (the scenario as what we could always see whenever there was stock clearance/promo/etc.), ended up ... more ranting, dissatisfaction, etc. Anyhow, looking forward for the positive aspect of the event
  11. musclemania

    HL's haul

    Bkt Raja AEON only restocked for Tomica last week. HW or MBX, no idea, pretty lazy lately
  12. musclemania

    HL's haul

    Don't leave it out there again, there are lots of hungry HUNTERS in Klang LOL
  13. me too ! With the free Milo plastic bag from my working place canteen as redemption voucher, it earned me quite a number of Milo van A set of small van and few pieces of small and big VW Bus for my own collection and the rest, RAOK-ed for colleagues, friends (some collectors too) and relatives.
  14. Agree. But the immergence of re-seller just makes it hard nowadays. Coz right now the trend of buying for the sake of re-selling has become a virus amongs collectors and non collectors. I have met a re-seller to buy a Ken Block and looking at his stock..my gosh it is more than enough..I know there is no rules in making money from buying and reselling but for some reason i felt that its gonna get worse, why I'm saying this because I felt like after seeing the plenty stock of ken block the uncle have I began to think maybe I should play hardball as well..so to held such event like the collectors' day would be some sort of antidote to overcome what currently happening and perhaps no more paying >RM40 (like ecto 1) for the upcoming mystery machine. =) Again, it ties back to the demand and supply chain effect. On top of that, it is still a BUSINESS where seller could think of making money. Choice is yours anyway, as the customer. Join the community more often and get in touch with some so-called true collectors who can trade with you fairly. Well, bear in mind, if everybody is getting the rare / hard to find car easily (during collector's day), there is no more thrill in hunting. But, bear in my mind, Collector's Day might not that fair either, google for more stories. But that shall not stop you from hunting / getting the car that you have been looking for. Good luck.
  15. Yes its nice to know that a lot is happening but i think the events above happening all over the world or shall I say normal. The collectors day event that made by wallmart are meant specially for hotwheels collectors. In one of the video I saw, they were given numbers like in the post office. Your number will be called upon and a box of 72 new wave cars is openned in front of your eyes and they set a clock to five minutes for you to dig and choose what you want. For the next number called they will open a new set of box. Is it interesting? You got to choose what u want from the 72 pieces rather then go to a MEGA sale and found nothing interesting/or things you already got. What makes me jealous is to see how easy they got the super Thunt and no need to spend a fortune to buy from other collectors or ebay. Since wallmart have similarity as Tesco or giant, I really think the collectors' event is something to be add in the list above. Just my opinion though. Well, nice suggestion instead, let the Committee to review your idea. As of now, you only can hunt faster, by luck and get the community for assistance.
  16. Oh ... it seems only available in Singapore. Check this out http://www.hwcmalaysia.net/t5734p180-milo-van-redemption
  17. musclemania

    HL's haul

    HL, if wanna let go your stuffs, you can go to Trade/Sell thread.
  18. Well, here, locally, we have - opening of new outlet - carnival sale - promo sale (eg. AEON membership offer, buy 2 free 1, etc.) - stock clearance (eg. TRU, Mattel, etc.) - among collectors trade/sell daily / weekly / periodically etc.
  19. my pleasure. Super Snake is the only "new" Mustang that I collect. Though it is new Stang but it still looks RUGGED!
  20. Never been to this Tesco, only the Giant opposite it. Tesco seems restocking everywhere, good luck to all.
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