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Everything posted by ericmaxman

  1. i've still got some with me.. but needs some restoration.. any help? heheh
  2. sweet 350z !! now lets wait for the 370Z
  3. even after all these screenshot, i am still somewhat skeptical ..
  4. huhu.happy chinese new year.. i tot my eyes got prob when i saw everything also red..lol
  5. you mod ma, sure can "mod" my thread to add the CoMo wheels.. :p
  6. ericmaxman

    MSN thread

    Yeah, there is already one existing one, but I don't like to bump a dead/old thread. So here's a new one for sharing your MSN contacts. Mine are -> ericmaxman@hotmail.com MSN ericmaxman@gmail.com email Do come and share. urgh, back pain now.
  7. It's 2:30am and I'm still awake. lol. So I decided to open a poll and ask you guys, Which Wheel type you guys like? I'm only putting in the most common ones we can find locally. Hmm, some may not be available locally.. Oh well, may the votings begin !!
  8. Let's share cars you used to have when you were small, be it still around, or RIP-ed. Here's a few of mine matchbox cadillac allante Majorette Honda Prelude Matchbox Opel Kadett/Vauxhall Astra Police. All pics are not from me. I'll try to rake my memory and see if i can recall any more cars from the past. my granddad used to get me tons of cars, but as a kid, i did not take good care of them. Would be great if I can find them back, or at least get an equivalent car. i've shifted house 3 times, and thats the reason some cars, get left behind.
  9. well, even i myself are very much a newbie, but i am very pleased to be here.. now, next up, gatherings !! psst, if in Ipoh, i may be able to make it there..hehe
  10. ur wet dream..let's see.. All Torino, all TH$.. cukup wet?
  11. how on earth could that happen??? i bet it would be every green hunters' wet dream..hehehe
  12. now...talking of peg warmers, i did recall a whole shelf of TH..mana itu agaknya...
  13. Who told him to design that piece of sh*t in the first place? lol
  14. Ask you guys la, will the bread box achieve the fame and glory DD had?
  15. oddly enough, where did they go to...?
  16. Here, the peg warmers is the Bread Box...hehehhe
  17. finally got ur torino..'grats man !!
  18. Not a HWC sneak preview, but more of a 2010 Poster !! credits to MCCH forums
  19. Someone please agree with me that this R8 beats the HW Speed Machine hands down !!!
  20. if 2010 is already this nice, Mattel is gonna have a hard time making 2011 even better..
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