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Everything posted by ericmaxman

  1. Hold yer horses, cuz I've found -> http://shop.ebay.com.my/i.html?LH_AvailTo=127&_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A2396&_nkw=hotwheels+ecto&_sop=2&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
  2. @ ADVedder : yup, TRU Malaysia.
  3. http://www.mudah.my/Hotwheels-2010-FE-Ghostbusters-Ecto-1-VVHTF-5246518.htm
  4. I dare say, I have not met any locals online that talks/posts like him... Hats off to you, UCB !!
  5. This is my second home after LYN, so most (If not all) HW related news will end up here.. Isn't it normal that we all love to gossip? Some ppl gossip about HW, others gossip about artistes.
  6. went to a random tesco, and guess what, Blimps were still there...omg
  7. If i were you, i'll forget about that CP wave and look forward for whats coming next. However i'm just assuming for now that dude is indeed one of those no good insider who favors only certain customers in his list, and so i would anticipate less whatever i may be getting from there. First thing i would do is to confirm my suspicion. If somehow you learned other playaz too had previously scored good stuff here on pegs (and they can be trusted) i would have just leave it that way, not necessary to engage to staff, try to be first hand and stuff. However, if i found out indeed it's true chances of scoring is next to nothing when certain people is around, then i may just explore few possibilities.. - Just rely on right time right place idea no matter how impossible the place is, meaning you're telling yourself none of these people is there 24/7 anyway .. so just keep on hunting maybe one of these days you'll hit a jackpot (either from pegs or cases lying on floor) - Get in touch with other staff you get to know, maybe you'll get some pointers from them. As long as you do it right (not asking to reserve and all) this not necessarily means you're turning one becoming your own insider. - When you find the store's corrupted to the core perhaps taking the action, lodge official complaint and stuff is something you can do. Of course we support this, bring down the culprit and all that's good for everyone, but only when you know what you're doing. You don't champion the issue based on hearsays (like all these insiders are supposedly hwcm's fault), at cost of dividing fellow playaz. - Perhaps the best thing after all is to move on, understanding that particular store is not the one and only place to find hotwheels in Malaysia. Most important is to remember all this trying to score treasure hunts and whatever hot mainline cars is just part of fun in this hotwheels collecting aside from getting your favorite castings. Can shed some unwanted fats in your body too hehe. People like me and pydrummer, we may be determined to be one of few who can complete, but never desperate for it. You don't hold any grudge towards others just because you no longer haul as many as you used to. I can't agree more with that. How true that there's so many other hunting spots for us HW colletors. And as for shedding unwanted fats, it the complete opposite for me, as, erm, I'm fatless.
  8. rikmun, good luck.. although your chances of getting a greenie is very low..LOL.. and oh, mind if i share with u my wanted list?
  9. You, my friend, have just left me speechless. In a good way, that is. You have summed everything up. And I do admit I am wrong for not asking for permission first. Since you've said everything you wanted to say, I doubt there's anything left for me to say too. But one question, would it be wise to go there again, this time asking for permission first? Or ask my friend to go?lol
  10. Some poison from mcch Now, for the model we've all been waiting for... *drums * Spoiler:
  11. hmm.. gay seems to be pretty common in HWCM... not the first time either..
  12. when you're bout 3 or 4 yrs old, thunt doesn't exist larr.......hehehe no la. i was watching a pirate movie. they were hunting for treasure olololololololollol... i almost forgot what forum i was in...
  13. That's another possibility. The hairan part was, there was no staff around, only tiba tiba just pop out like that..
  14. Hmm, true also leh.. Well, but why I am saying that there may be an insider is cuz one particular car is missing. If there was, then I would rule out insiders liao. Right?
  15. But I think I'll blacklist that place lah.. first time go also beh song liao. :/ I've seen better service elsewhere.
  16. Well, since you're a seasoned "Master", i'm sure you can persuade the staff to open up for you..LOL
  17. Maybe cuz I panicked la. but what you said was right, afterall, as long as it's out there, it's for sale,right? Anyway, I doubt there will be any greenies, as the first box I went through has one car missing..sigh
  18. Got gallardo in the box, but they wont allow you to access it.. :/
  19. Sure, why not? All 71 cars are there, except one.. and there were 5-6 cases there, suspected been "raped"..sigh
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