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Everything posted by sahama

  1. This morning watching Poltegeist at Max .
  2. sahama

    what did u eat?

    Pagi ni terasa nak breakfast di Victory Kopitian menu: kopi, telor ayam kampong and roti bun kaya.
  3. Congrats for T1 blue and camaro Thunt haul. Really nice to have it.
  4. I need 2 2XL Tshirt for myself black/white. Bring on Sunday. I be there at Amcorp
  5. sahama

    what did u eat?

    This the fried chicken I have earlier at the curve
  6. JJ Bukit Indah. Sorry that's the last one. But there others 5 pack also looks nice.
  7. Nice creation of Cadillac, congrats rikmun
  8. This halloween weeks, I being watching horror movie every day (4.00am-5.30am) for the past 7 days. Feel takut but ok. Also watched Pirahna DVD so many flesh more horror than the horror movie. This morning watched The exorcists Part II, Yesterday was Joyride Part 2. 3 days ago was Poltegiest Part 2 (All part 2 only, I wonder why Part 2 only)
  9. Syabas kerana berani bermula, To start is the first step to success.
  10. Kata Semangat Hari Ini: " K rope, to mount, implications, which occur ", which means that we did not find itself in danger, because, if it is present, not the law, we will die in itself.... The power of persuasion, remember, the struggle we have not completed.. .. Continue the fight be the best in the whole.... Entahlah
  11. When to JJ this late evening today. Couldn't resist this awesome 5 packs. Being poison earlier. Grab it immediately.
  12. Thanks, just plain lucky
  13. Makna: Pekerjaan yang sia-sia dan mendatangkan kerugian. Dia telah beberapa kali diberi nasihat supaya jangan mengganggu peniaga hot wheel kecil Amcorp itu kerana perbuatannya itu bagai kambing menanduk bukit, tanduk patah bukit tak runtuh.
  14. ayat power tu.. bleh bikin panas.. Dont worry tak panas pun. Hang tolak satu mini kira oklah aisey bang, you don't need me to score those Mini.. Tell me were can I get this mini. Not visible yet
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