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Ok...what have playfish done now?

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This is what playfish have said about the new loading screen/update:

from Paws2011
Hi all,

When you play Pet Society now and you will notice some improvements when loading the game!

Pet Society now loads dynamically; that is to say, items in the game load as you need them (for example, when you enter a shop or when you visit friends and change rooms). This is a great thing!

Previously, every single item in the game, including all of your own items, your friends' items and items in shops, loaded entirely at the beginning of the game. As a result, many players (especially those with slower internet connections) were unfortunately experiencing long waiting times for the game to load. Slow loading speed has been a major issue raised in the forum for a while.

With 'Dynamic Loading', only the items you need will be loaded at the beginning of the game. Your game will therefore load considerably faster (up to 5 times faster)! Also, you wont waste time loading items you don't need! The time taken for other items to load while you are playing the game (for example, when you enter a shop or when you visit friends and change rooms) will vary according to the speed of your internet connection. However, it should not take any longer to load these other items, compared with the time it took for you to load the game before 'Dynamic Loading'. Furthermore, you will only have to load these other items once per weekly update of Pet Society - for example, once you have loaded all of the items in a certain shop on the first visit, the load time will be considerably shorter on your next visits to that shop.

We hope that this update makes Pet Society a more enjoyable experience for you. So many more of your Pet friends will now be able to play the game, no matter how slow their internet connection. Please help us spread the word!

Rest assured, as this is new, we understand that it is not completely perfect and we will therefore continue to work to further improve the performance in the game. Please bear with us while we work on these.

The Pet Society team

im sorry but for me its made it SO MUCH WORSE Sad its stuck on 78% Sad

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I don't see any difference excpet the cute loading paw for items.

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I had it earlier ...but it has gone back to the old one now ...maybe they were having problems with it ..just for a change Laughing

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mine is back now, it caused massive problems, everyone in the playfish forum was in uproar about it, glad they changed it back

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I had it too, it caused layering issues as well, items on the shelf were in front of Honey when she walked past them and it was soooo annoying!!

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"Dynamic Loading"???

that's scary! that just means, "hey, we made some changes...it may or may not work. cross your fingers it's faster, cuz that's what it's supposed to do. but just in case it doesn't, don't say we didn't warn you!" LaughingLaughingLaughing

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lol smorkle bt atm i feel like screaming out loud!!
it transferred to me! Sad tht horrible loading screen... i cnt see any of the items inside my chest becus apparently they're loading..Sad ahhhh PF sucks!!!!!

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My game gotten slower.And the old loading screen is more beautiful than the new one. The new one is too modern looking.

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But the Pictures that appear when you go to the shop are both pretty and cute. Hideeni watching through a window, Mayor shopping are the ones I got.

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Really? HAven't seen them yet...Smile

But it's just annoying to see the paws as the page loads separately even when you visit your friends :/

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IT'S H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT TAKES F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IT'S DREADFULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't like this! I hope they are still working on it because I'd sure hate to think this is the best it's going to be. Had to wait way too long for Sasha's chest to load. And it loaded the fruit in the gardens before the trees, so they were just hanging there in mid-air. Really weird.

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Tromo3 wrote:
But the Pictures that appear when you go to the shop are both pretty and cute. Hideeni watching through a window, Mayor shopping are the ones I got.

yeah its soo cute but the loading takes FOREVER,,,

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they changed it back to the old one and now the new one is back Sad i cant even log in Sad

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mine is still the new one but it took me time to find the item that im looking for Sad

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I HATE THE WHOLE NEW STUPID UPDATE ... honestly ... this is one BIG reason why i want to quit >< GRRRRRRRRRR

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I haven't really been feeling like getting into the game. Another Harry Potter week sort of turns me off. I like variety in themes.

I guess it could be worse. I do like Harry Potter, but still so many weeks of this...It may turn me off going to see the second half of part 7.

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I hate how even the clothes your pet is wearing don't download straight away, and sometimes they don't download properly! My Honey's outfits have been missing sleeves lately from that download for some reason!!

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i know, for me it takes longer to load everything. and when loading it always gets stuck on 78%

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And sometimes it stuck on loading houses and items.

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Guest Guest
I believed PF has failed epically.

Whoever's idea was it to think this was a good idea needs a slap to the face..

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Xavier is a very bashful pet and he is so embarrassed to see his female friends naked. He may not want to make any visits anymore at all. When his clothes did not load properly and he showed up with no pants, he would have forgotten his good manners and given the people at PF a slap.

On the good side, this gives me more time to play with Abby on Petville. Is this what PF intended? I never liked that the rooms load slow when you visit friends and those stupid paw prints on PV, but now PS is much worse than Petville.

I suspect that PF could no longer handle the load and bandwith from increased user base and increased items (more pets, more stuff in stores, people hoarding stuff in chests), so they changed it for their own benefit to spread out the load. I do not blame them for trying but for poor quality control and lack of respect for paying customers. Our household spends quite some real money for this game. Xavier used to like the special cc gifts from his sister.

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I don't like it either. Now the loading is slower than ever Sad

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i really dislike it. it's slower than ever and the lag really bothers me.

i especially don't like seeing smorkle nekkid when i fist log on. i dress her for a reason. if i wanted her to be a heathen i would have left her nekkid with just the club in hand!

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All I can see in my screen are bunches of paw prints.. and I am having a hard time too seeing my items in the chest.. :/

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I hate it
I can hardly play its so slow. i have to keep leaving and coming back to be able to move.
Play fish better more then rethink this. This is not fun playing like this.

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PF is really stupid or mean. Every active member on TOf is begging them to remove it and they don't do anything.

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i really hate it too! now i cant play my PS, i havent buy the items for this week, and i not feed all my petlings, as i will wait for them to get lost, and i will just pay for it, i cant see them actually..even my daughters are disappointed with the changes...my kids wont play it coz of the slow loading.

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I can't play it anymore. I will just visit for the lottery, and LE. I can't even decorate my room without irritation and I was so looking for a Japanese room. It is just UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! MadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMadMad

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Apparently they posted something to TOF about it...five days after the fact.

Here's what they wrote:

We understand that since we went live with ‘Dynamic Loading’, some of our players are experiencing loading issues that they may never have had before.

We’d like to assure our players that fixing this issue is our utmost priority and we are working hard to find a solution.

In the meantime, please be patient with us while we work on a fix. I understand how frustrating this is, but we can assure you that fixing the problem is important and a priority for us.

Apologies, and thank you for your understanding.

The Pet Society Team

For some it's too little too late. Too bad, PF can't be like Pet City. I've gotten responses from the developers there every time I asked...and the responses were met with actions and game improvements. Sad

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Have to say that zynga are also very good on the customer support. I had an issue with items disappearing from my inventory, so had a live online chat with a customer service rep and not only did they sort it out within 5 minutes and return my items, they also gave me 10 dinners (for energy) as an apology!

I've contacted them a few times and always found them very helpful.

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i agree with smorkle...i hate seeing the pets naked...n the mayor with his bald head (nth against baldies bt he just looks bad lol) and i hate the PAWS loading when u enter any shop :/

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I don't like the naked pets either!!!

And I am afraid to let Kokonee into her garden after she helped herself to the berries that were growing on the bush...she just harvested them herself and ate them!

And don't even think about going into her ducky rooms!

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Xavier ate his only moody ghost veggie and I never heard the end of it. Kokonee finally gifted him one. Mike said he doesn't trust taking Xavier into the garden since it's proven that the pet's eyes are bigger than his stomach. Sad

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Xavier got a very large moody ghost vegetable from a friend. I did not put any veggies back in the garden yet. Last time it fell down from the wheelbarrow while loading and Xavier ate it.

The loading is a bit faster now, there are other symbols instead of paws, but the rooms still take time to load and items appear one after the other. It is just like Petville now.

Xavier ate a golden wedding cake that was on the picknic table in his garden. The game still has some serious glitches.

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