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Just got this.. Enjoy (watching them!!)

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hi all.. it's been a while since i post my hauls here.. its not like i dont haul anymore, but it been very busy of me to post any pics of my hauls here..
btw seem like i been poisoned by someone's poison here not quite a while ago, i decide to haul that poison and try to poison ppl with my new poisons so that many ppl carry same poisonous poisons with me, hehe~~ RazzRazz

btw enuff talk, here the not so poisonous' cheap poison..

thanks for looking..

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arrrgh!!! Very strong poison there!!

Btw...we poison u with "tikus" and u revenge by poison us "gajah"!!
Huh!! NIce haul bro!! Is it the same scale as wat "Uncle Chia" show recently???

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@py :why bro?? huhu..
@ckh : yup, same 1:18 DBs.. but mine is cheaper la.. the only letdown of these 1:18 DBs are most of their material are not metal (plastic only), only if they made them on metal, sure damn heavy!!!

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wahhhhhhhh !!!!!!! these two big scales 18 drag bus really kaw kaw poison!!!!!! ini counter poison....pengsan

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arttt_anime wrote:
im bleeding already

huh.. bendele melah ady...malam jumaat plak tu.... . btw jhc nice haul. big scale poison la this...

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danielh wrote:
wahhhhhhhh !!!!!!! these two big scales 18 drag bus really kaw kaw poison!!!!!! ini counter poison....pengsan

dun pengsan pengsan.. Very Happy.. simple haul only bro, SmileSmile

chee keng hong wrote:
how bout the tires???? Plastic also???

nope.. Real Rubber!!!

arttt_anime wrote:
im bleeding already

get the bandages fast!! RazzRazz
uzer hisham wrote:
cantik gila !


hassan wrote:
arttt_anime wrote:
im bleeding already

huh.. bendele melah ady...malam jumaat plak tu.... . btw jhc nice haul. big scale poison la this...

lain macam jer bunyinyer, hehe..
btw thanks bro..

sinclair wrote:
Super nice dude!


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bw mai kdai ambe...ambe nok tilik,sentuh puah2...

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RGSUKAN wrote:
wahhh...sudah sampai barang baik...very nice JHC...

huhu.. dah lma sampai, just forgot to post pic, hehe~
btw thanks bro

pqhd wrote:
bw mai kdai ambe...ambe nok tilik,sentuh puah2...

owh, xdan doh, naik bas dah malam ni.. mggu depan ar deh.. hehe~

Speeddemonz wrote:
JHC...I'm already "ter-racun"....need help arrrrgh

that's the purpose of this racun, RazzRazz joke joke..
i think u need Vitamin-e as cure.. vitamin e-bay,

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wow..so so so really really ter poison lah bro...so nice VW u got there..mine mmmm still not yet in my hands...

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gonggok wrote:
wahhhh nice buses...

thanks bro.. Smile

xebec-Crash wrote:
wow..so so so really really ter poison lah bro...so nice VW u got there..mine mmmm still not yet in my hands...

huhu.. when ur DBs arrive? waiting.. sure more powerful poison than mine, furthermore u got three of them!!

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dah pinjam tu x reti nak pulangkan ke? kang aku nyanyi lagu pulangkan... kang..huhuhu

nice basta 15

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wowweee da start big scale plak..abih lah..heheh

excited till lupe sapu lantai ke bang..kekeke RazzRazzRazz

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Big Scale Custom in Mind already...

Nak amik pic.. lantai kasi sapu sket laa bang... excited laa tu haha LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing

Nice Selection bro....

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Big Scale Custom in Mind already...

Nak amik pic.. lantai kasi sapu sket laa bang... excited laa tu haha LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing

Nice Selection bro....

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shakz7 wrote:
Big Scale Custom in Mind already...

Nak amik pic.. lantai kasi sapu sket laa bang... excited laa tu haha LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing

Nice Selection bro....

btw, nice pair u got there. I suppose size does matter, huh?

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kurz wrote:
wowweee da start big scale plak..abih lah..heheh

excited till lupe sapu lantai ke bang..kekeke RazzRazzRazz

shakz7 wrote:
Big Scale Custom in Mind already...

Nak amik pic.. lantai kasi sapu sket laa bang... excited laa tu haha LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing

Nice Selection bro....

aku dah agak dah lantai aku sure kene sound, huhu.. RazzRazz
lama x balik umah, lupa sapu lantai, hehe..
btw thanks all.. glad that u'all like them..

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mr jhc~
im speechless...
the engines on the inside is very2 nicely done...

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ini kes naya ni bro....manyak panas haul ha.....nak satu!!! hehehehehee

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