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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I love the fact I can have the back door open and my girls can go out to play, rather than be stuck indoors all the time
  2. I remember the days of doing my visits every day ( I never have time now ) Going into the cafe to find dirty pets to clean, feeding other pets, just to get the paw points lol And making sure I save 20,000 coins ot buy everything that came out on the Monday...yet these days 20,000 coins doesnt get you half the new items When I first started playing I added some friends just to have new neighbours, and one of them gift bombed me...OMG I thought I was in heaven! Then when I joined in here...one of our members Stankbot kept sending me items, which to me were mega rares that I thought I would never own! These members are what made the game for me...they showed me the friendship you can find in fellow PS player
  3. lea75

    Strategy guide

    Get a job – Just like the real world you need to put in work to earn a living so it’s important that you get a job at the Wicket Factory when just starting out. You can earn 200 coins every six hours which means that you can get paid up to four times per day. Play games with YoVille members – Challenge other YoVillians to play games like Tic-Tac-Toe and Rock, Paper, Scissors; if you win, you get about 10 coins per game. It’s not much but every coin helps and you can have fun doing it. You can always purposefully lose against a friend by quitting the game once he/she has made a single move. If you keep doing this, your friend will reach the daily max number of coins (200) allowed for the game in a 24-hour period. At that point, your friend is suppose to return the favor. This technique is called “maxing” or “maxing out”. Consider sharing less – The YoVille game will frequently prompt you to share your achievements with your Facebook friends. Don’t do this too much otherwise your friends may be offended by it and hide you from their news feed. It might be in your best interest to simply remove this ability altogether. For more information on how to disable this feature and alter your profile or application settings, visit our Facebook Guide. Go shopping – It’s good to spend a little time and money fixing up your apartment. Not only will you have a plush pad to show off to your YoVille friends but buying things in YoVille earns you experience points. Complete activities – Completing various YoVille activities can earn you experience points and a few coins too. Such activities include missions, fishing, and motocross. Gifting to YoVille members – Everyone like to get gifts and giving to your YoVille friends is a great way to show your appreciation. Visit friends and leave comments – Visiting your YoVille pals and leaving comments is not just for socializing; it gives you the most experience points per action. Be smart when trading – Make sure there is only one item in a trade box at a time when you attempt the trade. You should never give the money first and always be skeptical trades that are too good to be true. Watch out for crooks – It’s not uncommon for someone to cheat you out of a deal or steal from you. Make sure you take precautions to prevent such things from happening to you. If you intend to purchase a product from another YoVille character, get the product and make sure it’s real before you hand over the coins. Befriend properly – As previously pointed out, it is important to have a large YoVille crew on Facebook but there’s also proper etiquette for inviting YoVille friends. When you request the add, include the message “YoVille” so that YoVille player will know what the add is for and won’t ignore you. Guide credit goes to http://tomuse.com
  4. Congratulations to Stephanie and Dan!! Steph (Gaia) has just found out she is expecting her first baby...I know I've said this a billion times already, but I am so happy for you both and wish all 3 of you the best of luck and loads of love
  5. I tried to merge them, but it goes in order they were posted, so the pictures wouldnt be in the first post
  6. any one else noticed how much bigger the dig site now is? Much harder to find any treasure
  7. for some reason there is no picture of the soccer player plushie or one of the wigs...I'm sure playfish will add them soon then I can add them in here for you x
  8. lea75

    Summer hoildays!

    Canda is one of my life time want to sees but it is well out of my price range at the moment @smorkle....arthritis and camping dont go together...there is no way I could sleep on the ground...I would never get up again
  9. Hiya and welcome! I'm sure you will love it here...we are a really friendly bunch of people, with the odd nutter thrown in...but as you already know Kathy then you will already know this (love ya really Kathy ) Let us know if you need any help with anything xxx
  10. lea75

    Hello my dears )

    Hi Polina! How are you enjoying your holiday? I so wish I could swap the weather with you....it keeps threatening to rain here, would love to see the sunshine again
  11. I am doing a quest which means I have to grow and harvest 10 cotton...not a problem but they take 3 days to harvest If anyone visits me, please could you water my cotton for me so it harvests quicker...thanks Mind you I still have to wait to level up before I can finish it as I need to harvest eggplant as well and you cant get that till level 19 and I'm only on level 18
  12. lea75

    Summer hoildays!

    I could never sleep in a room with that many teddies!!!! I would be up all night rotating them to make sure they all got a hug otherwise they might feel left out and unwanted....then think of the years of therapy they would need to get over that! yep ok I admit it might be me who needs the therapy
  13. lea75


    Laz you would not get me on that ride in a million years lol Mango...you are always hungry lmao....well it seems like it from your posts
  14. Gifting to your friends – Sending gifts to friends is a great way to encourage them to reciprocate the behavior. Giving energy to each other is one of the best gifts players can give. Visit your friends daily – When you visit your friends daily you’ll earn gems, coins, and experience points. Thus its in your best interest to visit all of your friends, especially early in the game. Check your crops – When your crops are ready, you will need to harvest them right away. They will spoil in this game and you will have to start all over if they do. Wait to buy things – Don’t be so quick to buy Treasure Isle items from the store as most items must be purchased with cash. Currently, you can get a lot of these items through gifts sent by your friends or people posting stuff on their walls. This is particularly helpful early in the game with you don’t have much Treasure Isle money. Keep an eye on your news feed – When someone posts something on their wall you should be there to take advantage of it. Click on the item they are giving away to grab it and help improve your island. Dig it! – Go digging for treasures as much as you can. The more you dig, the more Treasure Isle coins, experience points, and treasures you’ll earn. Never ignore gifts – Gifts, especially fruit and energy, is your best friend in this game. Make it a point to grab these every time they become available so you can stay energized to complete various tasks and achievements. Harvest your gem tree – Make sure you harvest your gem tree daily so your friends can collect a gem from you. Ask your friends for fruit – On the left side of your island home, you will see the fruit icon. Place your mouse over it and it will say “Ask friends to send you fruit”. Click that icon and you can post a request for friends to send you fruit that can be used to re-energize. Guide credit goes to http://tomuse.com
  15. Earning points in Treasure Isle – Acquiring experience points (XP) is necessary to level up in the game. Climbing to higher levels will unlock new items, new islands, and recharge your energy level. Listed below are a few ways to earn XP points in Treasure Isle. •Helping friends – Helping your friends will earn you 5 XP points. If you have a lot of friends, this will quickly add up. •Digging for treasures – Every time you dig for treasures, you will get XP points. Some plots offer just one point while others offer more. •Completing an island – When you complete an island, you will be rewarded with experience points. How many XP will depend on the island. •Collecting a set of treasures – Once you have accumulated a set of treasures collected, you’ll earn more experience points. •Buying items for your island home – When you purchase items for your island home, you’ll also be rewarded with points. •Leveling up – The more you do, the faster you level up. Earning coins in Treasure Isle – It seems really easy to earn coins in Treasure Isle, especially when you are digging for treasures. That’s because you are constantly digging up coins. Below you will find a list of way to earn coins in Treasure Isle. •Visiting friends – Visiting and helping your friends daily will earn you 20 coins. That may not sound like much, but if you have a lot of friends, it quickly adds up. •Digging for treasures – You will often be rewarded with coins while digging for treasures. •Clicking on your daily treasure – Clicking on your treasure chest once a day will also earn you coins. This is the chest floating in your water. •Clicking your friends’ daily treasure – Clicking the treasure chest in your friends’ water will also earn you coins. You can click each friends’ chest once per day. •Selling unwanted items – If you have items on your island or in your backpack that you no longer want, you can sell them to earn extra coins. •Selling gems – You can also sell your gems that you do not need. If you have a lot of gems that are the same kind, sell some of them and you will earn a little extra in coins. •Taking surveys – Of course, you’ll always have the option of taking surveys or filling out offers to earn cash. You can find this option on the Add Coins and Cash page. How to earn more energy – Below we’ve listed several ways to collect more energy in Treasure Isle. •Leveling up – Upon leveling up you’re energy level will be completely refilled. •Fruit – Fruit harvested from your garden or received as a gift can be used to earn more energy. From your island, click your backpack and select the Use button below all of the fruits you want to use. Below each fruit you’ll see how much energy you can earn. •Buy energy – Buying energy from the store is another option. •Wait for energy – One energy point is regained every five minutes. •Request energy – You can also request an energy pack from your friends. On the left side of your screen click the highlight icon and send your request. Collecting gems from your trees – Gems are used to unlock parts of islands you dig on. You can collect gems once a day from your own gem tree and you can collect them once a day from your friends’ trees. To collect the gems from your tree, select the arrow tool and click your tree. Your gems will then be placed in the basket. Collecting from your treasure chest – In your water, you’ll notice that there’s a treasure chest. If you click on it every day you’ll earn Treasure Isle coins. Buying cash and coins – If you need more cash or coins you can always purchase them. Simply click the Cash and Coin tab at the top of your game and choose your options for purchasing cash and coins. Visiting friends – To visit your friends, you’ll need to click on their profile image located at the bottom of your screen. Upon doing so a window will appear and you’ll need to click the Visit Friend option. Helping your friends – When you first get to your friends’ island, you will be asked to do something. You can click accept in the pop up window to accept the job and you’ll earn 20 coins and 5 XP points. Afterward, you can collect a gem from your friend if they have any in their basket. You can also collect coins from the treasure chest in the water by simply clicking on it. Visiting Islands – You can visit islands to dig for treasures. To view your island map, you can do one of three things and I will show you all three ways. •Using your map – You can use your map tool that is located in your menu. When you click the map tool, you will see a map of all the islands that you’ve completed. •Using your boat – Click on the boat next to your island and select Travel from the menu that opens to access your map. •Island button – Above your menu is a purple island button. When you click this button it will take you back to the island you were currently working on. If you haven’t been working on an island, it will take you to the first island. Digging for treasures – To go digging, you will first need to select the island you want to visit. Next, you’ll be shown the hidden treasures you will need to find. Before you can start digging however, the land plot will need to turn green. When a treasure chest pops up, click the chest and the item will be added to your treasure chest. You can continue digging until you complete the island or run out of energy. Treasure Isle items – As you continue to dig you’ll discover various items in the game. Below are some of the items you will find while digging. •XP points – Some plots with reward you with a large amount of experience points. If you dig and don’t get anything of value, you will at least get 1 XP point. •Coins – Some plots offer a large amount of coins, so racking up on the coins is easy. These coin plots also offer experience points. •Fruit – Sometimes you’ll dig up fruit that you can use for energy. Most of the time you will find fruit under trees and flowers. •Treasure Chest – This is the primary target you want to dig up. If you get close to a treasure, you’ll be notified of it. Once you have collected all of the treasures you can move onto the next island to continue your search. Treasure Isle gems – Gems are required to unlock certain parts of an island. You can also sell gems that you don’t need. When you open your backpack, you are given the option of using them or selling them. Sending treasures to your friends – As you dig for treasure you may find a treasure chest gift that you can send to your friend. When you click to open the chest, you will see a box open. In this box, you will see that you have found a treasure you can send to your friends. At the bottom of the box, there will be a list of friends you can send the gift to. If you don’t want to send it, click the Skip button on the box that pops up. Helping animals on your island – Sometimes you’ll see a pop up about an animal needing a home. Helping the animal will give you the option to post this to your Facebook wall. Your friends can then click on that link and adopt the animal. If you do not want to post it, hit the Skip button. Digging tools – Sometimes different tools are needed for digging treasures. If you indeed require a different digging tool, you will be notified and asked to buy that tool. Leaving the island – After completing an island, you’ll find out what you’ve won and you’ll be presented with the opportunity to select another island. However, if you run out of energy and want to return home, you’ll need to select the boat at the dock and click Home Island in the top, right corner. Otherwise, just click on the Return Home button found in the menu. Sending / receiving gifts – Sending and receiving gifts will help you and your friends save money. You can send your friends gifts to help them out and they are more likely to return the favor. To send gifts, click the Gift tab at the top of the screen and select the gift you want to send. Then just select the friends you want to send it to. To accept gifts, you’ll need to open click on the request page in Facebook and accept each one individually. Using gifts – You have different options when it comes to using your gifts. For example, fruits can be used to regain energy and gems can be used to unlock islands or they may be sold. Changing your character’s appearance – You can change the appearance of your character at any time just by clicking on it. This will load a page where you can easily modify their look. Upgrading your island – To see the available upgrades, open your store and clicking the Upgrade tab. When it comes to upgrading, you currently only have two options; you can either purchase upgrades with coins or cash. Guide credit goes to http://tomuse.com
  16. Getting familiar with your menu – Let’s begin with the Treasure Isle menu. Understanding your menu will help you get the most out of this game. •Zoom In – This tool is what you will use to zoom in closer. •Zoom Out – This tool will zoom you out of your island. •Full Screen – This tool will carry you into full screen where you can get a larger view of your island. •Arrow – This tool is used for many things like harvesting crops, planting crops, and collecting items. •Shovel – This is the tool you will use for digging treasures. •Treasure Chest – When you collect treasures from islands, this is where they will be stored. You will see what treasures you need to find and what treasures you have. You will also see the reward for these treasures you will get once a set is completed. •Map – This is the tool you will use to visit islands and go digging for treasures. •Store – This is what you will use to buy items for your island. •Backpack – This is where your gifts, crops, and gems are stored. Harvesting crops – When you first begin with Treasure Isle, you will have crops that are ready to be harvested. Harvested crops will be stored in your backpack. The crops will give you energy. How much energy you will get depends on the which crop it is. I will explain more about energy further on in this guide. To harvest your crops, click your arrow tool in the main menu and click the crops that are ready. The crops will then be stored in your backpack and you can plant more. Planting crops – To plant crops, you will first need to select your arrow tool. Next, click a plot you want to plow and click Plant Fruits. A box will open and you will see the crops you can buy. Click a crop to purchase it. When the box closes, the crop will be planted in the plot you clicked. Inviting friends – Friends are a huge benefit in this game. Friends help you by sending treasures, energy, gems, and gifts for your own island. You can also visit them daily to collect coins, earn points, and collect gems. So, if you have friends who do not play, you may want to send them in invitation. To do this, click the Invite Friends tab at the top of your screen and when the page reloads, select the friends for whom you want to send the invitation. If they accept you invitation, you’ll see them appear under the My Neighbors tab. Adding neighbors – Just because you have friends that play the game does not mean they are your Treasure Isle neighbors. You must send them a request to become your neighbor in the game before this can occur. To do this, you will need to click on the My Neighbors tab at the top of the screen. On that page you’ll then need to click the Add as Neighbor button beside the friends you want to send the invite to. If they accept, you will then see them in your neighbors panel. Removing neighbors – If you have friends in your list that you don’t want anymore, you can easily remove them. All you have to do is click the Add Neighbors tab at the top of your screen and when the page reloads, click on the remove button next to their name. Friend pop up messages – As you play Treasure Isle, you’ll often see pop up messages asking you to help your friends. A lot of times, these messages will pop up when you are on your island home. Occasionally, you will see them while digging for treasures. If you accept the job, you will be redirected to their island where you can earn coins and experience points. Moving and selling Treasure Isle items – You have the option of moving and selling all the items on your island. To do this, you will need to select your arrow tool. Then, click an item you want to move or sell. When the menu opens, you will see your moving and selling option. Select the option of your choice. To sell an item, you will see a box open and show you how much you will earn. Then you can continue with the sell or you can cancel out of it. To move an item, you will need to move your mouse to where you want the item and click your mouse to place it. Treasure Isle rewards – Once you have collected all of the treasures required for a particular island, you will be rewarded. the reward you receive will depend on the island. Some of the rewards include large amounts of coins and large amounts of experience points. You can open your treasure chest at the bottom of your screen to see what each treasure set offers. Treasure Isle energy – Energy is used for every plot you dig. For a plot of grass you’ll lose 5 energy points and if it’s a tree or flowers, you’ll lose 7 energy points. Once your energy points run out you’ll have to wait until it refills or seek other ways of obtaining energy. When you level up, your energy bar will be completely refilled. Right side icons – When you are digging for treasure, you will see round icons on the right side of your screen. Below the icons are numbers. Those numbers represent how many treasures you need to find and how many you have already discovered. Clicking on an icon will tell you what you’ve already found and what you need to find to complete the set. Treasure chest with question mark – On the left side of your screen you may occasionally see a treasure chest with a question mark appear. These are treasures that you have left behind. If you click on this icon a box will pop up where you can see the treasures and accept them. How do I plow more fields? – When you install Treasure Isle, you will only have to plots you can plant crops in. At this time, you cannot add more plots. You are only allowed to have two. There is talk that the developers will be giving us the option of planting more plots. When this option becomes available, we will update you. Going shopping in Treasure Isle – Treasure Isle allows you can go shopping for decorations, gems, trees, animals, tools, and more. To acess your storefront, click the store tool at the bottom of your game. When the store opens, you can click a category you want to view and start shopping. Simply click the Buy button to make your purchase. Then click your island to place your new item where you want it. guide credit goes to http://tomuse.com
  17. lea75

    Summer hoildays!

    Disneyland is way too expensive and Scotland is too cold
  18. lea75

    Summer hoildays!

    that sounds lovely Laz. That is my type of holiday, but I have to choose something that will keep my kids entertained
  19. lea75

    Summer hoildays!

    Anyone got any holiday plans this year? I'm still debating whether to take me kids away somewhere this year. I was looking at holidays in the UK, but by the time I had added food into the equation it would probably work out the same price to take them abroad. Haven't decided yet. It's either a holiday of a new Fridge/freezer...know which one I would prefer, but I think my fridge/freezer is on its way out (it is 15 years old now lol)
  20. lea75


    Hope your lead comes soon Gaia...it must be driving you mad not being able to get online properly! Are you doing anything special tonight for the football Yvette?
  21. lea75


    night Sara...hope the sun is shining again for you when you wake xx Pedj...sorry to hear you are not sleeping too well hun...I have to admit that in the UK being too hot is not really an issue for us lol xx
  22. lea75


    Morning all!! How are you all this morning? It is really over cast here today and looks like it is going to rain Typical British weather lol Havent got a lot planned today, just housework plus want to finish the guide in the new gaming sections .... anyone up to anything excititng today? xxxxxxxx
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