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Everything posted by lithiumkat

  1. *bump* watch these guys!!!! They will make you laugh I promise!!!! please watch em?? *begs*
  2. Pretty much. actually... Main Entry: snarky Pronunciation: \ˈsnär-kē\ Function: adjective Etymology: dial. snark to annoy, perhaps alteration of nark to irritate Date: 1906 1 : crotchety, snappish 2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner — snark·i·ly \-kə-lē\ adverb ^Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary I have more Eggs to deal with on Hatchlings first, but then I'll probably be heading there, already in the good ole pjs
  3. Sent you a PM Lea! I've always been a major Disney Movie Lover. Forever. When I was a kid I had like those books and tapes, and I'd listen to them in the backseat of car when we went somewhere and one was a singalong with lots of these songs in it I think I've got er figured out
  4. I've been better lol. I'm really rather aggravated, irritated, and snarky. So...I'll make sure to maintain a more pleasant demeanor here. Things are just getting under my skin, haven't had the greatest day, though I need to call it a night very shortly and I believe my new episode of nip/tuck is recorded on the dvr. can't wait for that.
  5. I saw it on Halloween day and thought it was absolutely AMAZING. I went with my friend Tracy and she loved it just as much as I did. Was breathtakingly awesome! Worth every penny of what it cost to get to the show lol. and OF COURSE I wore my MJ T-shirt to go see the flick, also stuffing some halloween candies in my purse... It was a blast. Wondered if anyone else went since I know there are other PSFC-ers that are fans? Anyone else go? What'd ya think? Anyone else want to go? Seen previews? What are your thoughts?
  6. OMG more hungry kitty, this stuff is hilarious guys!!!
  7. This cracks me up everytime I watch it. Those of you with cats...You'll get it.
  8. Good morning (tee-hee) though it is very late indeed for me....2 am in fact.
  9. I know right!?! It's ridiculous and at 600 coins per egg!!!!! :shok:
  10. I am excited and anxious about the eggs too. Was also disappointed they weren't in the shop this week, but alas, as Mango says, more time to save up for the suckers.
  11. you should pm me cuz I'm not anywhere near with it enough to peice that mess together!!!
  12. Yes...and if not, then why is there not some sort of horrid equivalent that males have to deal with????? So unfair.
  13. I'm not offended lol. but I'm sure suffering from the "red pants" (LMAO) syndrome myself And very painful on that whole ordeal. I may not stick around long, may want to go to bed with a waterbottle. I'm such a wuss with the whole issue.......ugh. sorry had to delete the other, that was me now mom I wish I could say it wasn't painful but it really is and I hate it. Makes me not want to do nothing, and hate the world........
  14. lithiumkat

    Cash Shop Deer

    OMG I want it from Hideeni!!! lol I wish I had a link
  15. lithiumkat

    Cash Shop Deer

    Is there a picture of this deer somewhere so I can see it? Any confirmation yet of where it comes from?? How you get it?
  16. lithiumkat

    A - Z bands

    pink floyd! ROCK ON lol anyways.... Queens of the Stone Age
  17. OKAY, after putting Sphinx in several costume variations. We decided we like this one best! And we'll be back with our picture of our house
  18. Same here, I already entered Sphinx into Kasi and Leas "fancy dress" party, but now I'm not sure what I want my dear Sphinx to wear!!! We'll be back with that!
  19. I'd like to draw to everyone's attention that there is a whole thread to discuss the ending of the box trick/tip here-> Refresh Glitch Fixed?
  20. BAH! You know I'm fixing to give ya a black kitty if I get another one LOL
  21. THANKS! I needed this cheerful thing! I'm down sick as a dog with the flu. So this brightened my mood some I'll be on a little bit, but mostly I will be sleeping Thanks for running the competition!!
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