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Everything posted by melly

  1. no its not Chad mines in March All the best peoples birthdays are in March Mel Of course that goes without saying
  2. Ride safe guys and have a fabulous time
  3. But bring your own milk i will have cows milk dont worry peops. I dont normally keep cows milk in cos i drink soya or nut milk as a rule.
  4. Yes you must still stay on the forum - after all Im allowed on and Ive got a caravan :)xx Thanks not planning on leaving. A lot of good folk on here. Last week on the motorway I passed an old Triumph Stag with the roof Down pulling a caravan I've also seen a Saab 93 with the roof down pulling a caravan. So anything is Poss Mel I'm sure Dave would agree Dave left about 20 mins ago Mel, Nice to meet again. If he doesn't get lost going to the motorway He won't be long before he's back. hes not long got back with a big smile I think you have made him very happy - although he has told me its my pressie for passing my masters - not sure how that quite works but hey ho
  5. Yes you must still stay on the forum - after all Im allowed on and Ive got a caravan xx
  6. Its a shame, like everyone else has said, but ..... id quite like to join your club just not sure a soft top can pull a caravan
  7. got up at 7 - no I dont think you will need them
  8. Yes I do, tell her congrats from me - not sure how i managed it either now
  9. thanks again everyone no more studying for a while - just going to have some fun instead
  10. yeah Dave - wheres my graduation pressie
  11. thanks everyone, think its finally sunk in now and it was a fab day, if a bit nerve racking
  12. thanks Dick. And it was me told him not too - much too hot
  13. Yay went to my graduation today for my Masters in Applied Health Studies, like most things once I had done it and relaxed I really enjoyed it quick coffee before we go in - bit early for dutch courage at this stage but would have been nice! Auditioning for Harry Potter Me and the proud OH Yes its official
  14. That's a shame but good that you can still make the ride out
  15. its always the same the minority give the majority a bad name. I know i dont ride but last year the same thing happened to me - went round a corner in the car and a bike came at me on my side of the road, shook me up cos we only just missed each other. At least you know you were riding sensibly Yammy.
  16. sorry to hear that, thinking of you at this sad time
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