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Everything posted by jezza

  1. had to be done , the old gonads were getting a tad sweaty, the only problem was lack of protection .......should have use spf 30 cos as you can see from the photo I've sweated the weight off and caught the sun everywhere except where i wore the helmet. wore the helmet.
  2. i found the kit worked really well and would not think twice about purchasing another if i was riding in conditions where my visor was likely to steam up. however i will be upgrading my helmet later this year so i may get one with it already fitted .
  3. its not , so what happens ??You need to buy a pinlock ready visor mate otherwise they wont fit No you don't , pinlock do a universal kit that includes drill bit , visor and pins . I fitted one of these about 4 years ago to a caberg trip helmet when i used to use my bike for work early mornings . http://www.pinlockshop.co.uk/category-pl/pinlock-diy-kits
  4. i'll stick with my Guinness. and farmhouse ciders, i'll leave the lagers for the laydeez
  5. There's always one that throws in a negative. it also tastes like piss
  6. i used to have a 12" donger but i've worn it down to a foot long stump so the banana had to take its place.
  7. christian Grey has sod all on me, do any of you lot wanna visit my playroom Jezzas waiting
  8. Who needs shooting.. in places that would cause a very slow and painful death... did he stop JLS getting a no1 or something.
  9. there we go , saved you some beer money. just right for seeing round that topbox.
  10. don't f*ck about with those , try a pair of these click this
  11. not long now until i go to italy for 7 days , the temp there at the moment is a cool 34 degrees .... it's gonna be a shock to the system.
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