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Everything posted by jezza

  1. i may have one in the box of bits, I know I did have one but can't be sure if its still there so I shall look this weekend for you.
  2. Now thats a name I remember from the banditforum around 2007 time.
  3. had to nip off to a mine the other side of bath today to check on production so with it being a nice day took the bike instead of the car. 150 miles of sunny cotswold roads and a bonus added to it of being paid to ride the bike and also being paid 47p a mile travel allowance. occasionally my job does have its perks.
  4. yup so good i have one in my bike. Only cause you couldn't handle the full Kwaka 1200 you can ride kwaka 1200's with just a cbt can't you.
  5. Potting shed , scum .....how many of you are now smiling.
  6. RST summer jacket free to collector , size does say xl however I would think its more of a medium to a large , this has been worn once comes with armour, I would feel cheeky to charge for it has I i got it free myself with labels (gift) , like I said worn once by my eldest.
  7. Gotta disagree with that one. Can easily have too much power the for the road, but too much torque will never happen sorry i bow to your supreme knowledge , fr499y is right yet again , Yawwwwwnnnnnnn.
  8. you can never have too much power chad.
  9. mine is the scala g4 powerset , mike goes inside the helmet the unit fixes to the outside . connected mine to the satnav when i popped over to the rideout pub the other week, also connects to phone , has a fm radio installed (which aint briliant)and you can connect to a mp3 via a jackplug......the added advantage is that the g4 can connect upto 4 other units which means you can have bike to bike to passenger chat, even if someone is just passing by you. http://www.cardosystems.com/scala-rider/scala-rider-g4-powerset#overview we used to have the hard wired autocom system which was brilliant however the connecting of the cables everytime we got on and off was a bit of a pain. have a good look at mine next time we catch up.
  10. you can plug your ipod into it. http://www.cardosystems.com/scala-rider/scala-rider-g4-powerset#overview
  11. just a quick note sadie bought some gel padded cycling shorts that she wears on the bike under her textiles , helps with the bum ache.
  12. 1. get as much pillion time as possible , if you think that the seat is uncomfortable get dave to buy a seat pad (I hear the inflatable ones are better than the gel seat ones). 2. Take the bare minimum you think you will need , if you require more, buy clothes out there and post them back when your done (we have done that in the past). 3. Invest in decent waterproofs , the one peice suits that pack into a belt pack are the best ones I find. if its really raining ,keep warm plan your breaks and stretch your legs, don't rush your journey. sadie and I found a intercom ideal for when we done distance work, it just lets your partner know if you need a break and a leg stretch....You can always borrow our blutooth system if you wish .
  13. looking Good chap, nearly has nice as the ones on mine
  14. River run for me , more of a party atmosphere, I much prefer rallies to racing .
  15. that will be his hair products Mel , I have the same trouble with sadie when we go away.
  16. clever sod , i can't even text sat on the sofa.
  17. lammy was built in the back sunroom , bought it has a box of bits for 100 quid and rebuilt and sprayed it myself.
  18. This is not all of them as I've probably owned around 15 vespas in the last 25 years so here is a few of what i've owned.
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