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Everything posted by jezza

  1. ist of who is coming then , copy , past ,add your name then post davehutch Stue11 Mrsstue11 Onslow Day101 Pike37 Nina Stewie jezza
  2. Seeing has the seat hump is wasted space I done a search on the internet and see a few people had turned it into a small storage area,being a tad bored I thought I'd have a go at it. first of all I purchased 4 each of these. 1/4 turn fairing clips http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130686398126?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_3503wt_1044. I then removed the four bolts securing the base to the hump. Next it was to remove the four securing clips off the hump , these just slide off . These were then replaced with the 1/4 turn clips. next was to put the 1/4 turn pins in the seat base, these just pushed through with a click due to a lip on them (this stops them falling out and losing them when the base is removed. next place the base up to the hump and install. Thats it all done , less than 10 mins to do and you now have a small storage area for your bits n bobs.
  3. Seeing has the seat hump is wasted space I done a search on the internet and see a few people had turned it into a small storage area,being a tad bored I thought I'd have a go at it. first of all I purchased 4 each of these. 1/4 turn fairing clips http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/130686398126?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649#ht_3503wt_1044. I then removed the four bolts securing the base to the hump. Next it was to remove the four securing clips off the hump , these just slide off . These were then replaced with the 1/4 turn clips. [img width=338 height=600]http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h152/jebsadie/IMAG0224.jpg[/img] next was to put the 1/4 turn pins in the seat base, these just pushed through with a click due to a lip on them (this stops them falling out and losing them when the base is removed. [img width=450 height=253]http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h152/jebsadie/IMAG0225.jpg[/img] next place the base up to the hump and install. [img width=338 height=600]http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h152/jebsadie/IMAG0222.jpg[/img] [img width=338 height=600]http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h152/jebsadie/IMAG0223.jpg[/img] Thats it all done , less than 10 mins to do and you now have a small storage area for your bits n bobs.
  4. they are posh, did you get gel inserts put in as well
  5. I've just ordered a pair of these , should be here for the bank holiday.
  6. Wait until Saturday and I'll give you a saveloy you not serving pork sword this year , you know how Dave likes to gobble it all up , sauce included.
  7. not the last tango i was thinking off , I would put a link up but I would only be told off again.
  8. Welcome to the forum. You letch Stue!
  9. not exactly the last tango in paris .
  10. I see one of these a few years back at a vintage motorcycle show , the spinning visor was meant to keep the rain off.
  11. dunno whether i can go yet as i'm in italy begining of august then i'm at the bulldog on the 9, 10, 11 august so it depends on the pennies.....i'm sure i can force someone to let me share. i'll bring the hog ties, deep heat and squirty cream.
  12. nah not when he brakes hard with his sweaty arse. Hey you know you love it when I give you a butt clenching ride And you know i'm loving it when you give me a butt clenching ride.
  13. nah not when he brakes hard with his sweaty arse.
  14. Oh I dunno seemed alright to me well it was snug and my willy did start to tingle.
  15. took 25 mins , hopefully should sheild my petite frame from the wind. oh its a powerbronze item.
  16. we was going to go two up to pick the busa up a few weeks back, Glad we decided against it
  17. http://glossynews.com/society/201001070305/activists-missing-after-declaring-war-on-leather-at-motorcycle-rally/
  18. just got back from newcastle so i opened the shed , patted the seat then went back inside and opened the box of goodies that had arrived for it while i was away.
  19. Another link for ya, Google uk biker sites. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216069690436348367656.0004b0716fe7b6f57bf39&msa=0
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