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Everything posted by jezza

  1. Easy to fit Dave, just use plenty of soapy water , take your time , however if you do mess up it is very forgiving stuff, just take off and reapply.
  2. Only 131 miles for me (timblakemores and back)
  3. I agree. We keep any real valuables within the bank, house deeds etc. Costs us 18 quid a year. Better than leaving in a draw at home.
  4. Well from what I was led to believe at the christmas do...kayleys. Ha ha ha
  5. I think the difference is ones a farmer , the other is an estate owner. My gaffer is an estate owner who calls himself a farmer, yet he has pheasant shooting, breeds deer,a quarry (which I manage), and an Ad plant which supplies electric to all the houses on the estate then feeds back any excess into the grid, oh he also has a solar panel plant. Any spare land is sown with grass /barley to keep the ad plant going or rented out to tenant farmers. He claims all the grants he can including for woodland, dry stone walling etc. On top of this he also has an estate /farm in scotland. The ones who are struggling are his tenant farmers who are constantly being screwed by the system /crippling rents and crap crop yeilds, poor weather.
  6. My favourite thing about wales is the sign saying Welcome to England.
  7. Only ever watched one all the way through and that was Moonraker at the cinema all those years ago.
  8. Looking good Sweban. I agree with you there Dave. Can't beat a good rack.
  9. This makes good reading. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Motorcycle-Roadcraft-Police-Handbook-Motorcycling/dp/011341143X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1361195966&sr=8-1
  10. Liar, you said you enjoy it when we spoon, just don't leave the damp patch on my back this time.
  11. You,all be OK I'm refraining from the dreaded booze as I will be over indulging in the following weeks after the meet.
  12. Well she's agreed so if space put my name down for a bed
  13. Let me talk it over with the bint, maybe pushing it though as I'm off to Scotland a week later for five days. I'll let you know by Sunday evening if that's ok
  14. I sponsored a pygmy donkey for Sadie at the local wildlife park .for 12 months sponsorship we get 2 free tickets , photo of the said ass and Sadie gets her name on a plaque by the enclosure and of course the money helps with the upkeep of the animal. I would rather spend 50 quid doing that than line someone's pocket who have vastly inflated there prices for the day.
  15. I,m sorry Dave , that looks like roadkill.
  16. As a few of you know I have quite a weird sense of humour and like to search weird things on the net. Today I,ve searched "rubbish taxidermy" Have a look and laugh your socks off. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=rubbish+taxidermy&hl=en&safe=off&client=tablet-android-asus-nexus&tbo=d&rlz=1Y3NDUG_enGB513GB513&biw=600&bih=904&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=9fsVUaKSCu2M0wWd2YDQDw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoATgU
  17. 20 quid is a tad low considering what they are earning, l was paying 10 pound a week 25 years ago when I was on a lowly yts pay of 30 quid a week. I would be tempted to let them fend for themselves for a week or two, let them do their shopping, ironing,cooking, cleaning .etc ,obviously letting them stop home rent reduced /free during this period . it will at least give them a insight into the cost of living and how much of a good thing they are onto at the moment.
  18. Used to go to these when they were held at cheltenham racecourse. I done a bike safe course in 08 and have booked another one for April this year. 25 quid for 2 days with lunch as well . http://www.gloucestershire.police.uk/Crime%20Reduction/Bikesafe/Better%20Biking/item5534.html
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