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Everything posted by lee1

  1. was going to suggest a hair cut,but you have already done that maybe a cosy night in with b,and a bottle of wine The track day gets my vote
  2. great pics,thanks for shareing not another few months or so we will have sunshine I hope
  3. bloody hell stu,your not a stalker are ya Theres no doubt your a raceing fan
  4. looks quite sore that dave ,hope ya got the mrs running around after ya
  5. lee1

    New Member

    welcome jon,nice bike
  6. nice one stu,dont suppose you have met any of the ladys from uk vice girls vol 2 have ya,they look well fit on my dvd
  7. great pics ,I enjoy a good walk in the snow,only if it is to put the bins out
  8. central heating all the way Do miss the old coal fires,to cook the toast on
  9. a few tatts [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
  10. So what do you think will happen then ???? I think it will fall apart
  11. still go on bf,still enjoy seeing what people are upto builds ect ect enjoy daves forum,as its not just aimed at one make of bike.a forum will only ever be as good as the people on it,and those that run it nuff said really
  12. green,you could always sell it and buy a kwak
  13. very sad news,ive cleared my next doors path for her and even been to the shop The other side ive been throwing water on there path,cos I hate the little twat
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