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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I don't find it difficult at all, I don't buy sod all
  2. we should start a new section, what film or character does your bike look like, there must be loads out there
  3. Good places for affairs though, if you fancy a bit on the side
  4. RichardH

    Hi all.

    oooo more ladies, just what this forum needs, the voice of sense welcome
  5. Johnny five I'm alive That one is wall-e :P They all look the same to me. They are both robots that have eyes that look like them cans that's spot on lmao
  6. that's brill Gaz, didnt know they did that wth sidecars
  7. the more I see these, the more I want one
  8. mick mc manus was father to elvis costello thumbs Well, you learn summut new every day
  9. Just read that, did Chad write it
  10. That was brilliant, gonna start saving my bog roll inners
  11. I remember years ago helping in such a search, all was well in the end but not at all nice.Hope you have a happy ending, kids do daft things without thinking, probably at a mates house.
  12. just found myself a winter hack, ideal at the moment
  13. right just ordered these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/rizla-motorbike-sticker-kit-graphics-decals-/300650383084?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item460028c6ec Now where did I put that blue paint?
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