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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. chads gone quiet he might of gone to take the pic Through the keyhole
  2. Chad mate, I think you are a good example of what a young lad should be, you get off your arse and do stuff, dont take any notice of my taking
  3. it's a Welsh thing, they chase a pig around
  4. RichardH


    TBH, don't even notice it there, also put it on a new helmet so don't know what it's like without it
  5. RichardH


    I use a snood as well, I bought the windjammer to try and cut wind noise down, but it dosen't
  6. good point stan is she ok Chad ? come on chad how is she And post a photo of her in the bath
  7. RichardH


    http://www.proline-sports.co.uk/acatalog/UK_Wind_jammer_21.html posting this as Rose was asking where I got it, thought others might be interested
  8. i would wait Dave, its only a guide, I'm sure your bike won't grind to a halt
  9. Give it a few more winters mate and I guarrantee you won't make that statement
  10. You don't come to rideouts Chad coz you're always skint
  11. RichardH


    seemed to have missed you so Hello and welcome
  12. you can get a ginger tuber from most supermarkets or greengrocers just pot it up and they usually grow I've got a ginger tuber but you ain't watching it grow
  13. step 1. take car to Tescos step2, pickup bottle of ginger beer step3 drink it Yep that sounds much easier
  14. Great pics Dude, but where is the pic of the hill?
  15. Hmmn, ride in all weathers, all year? Been there done that (it's called youth and no car),got no intention of going down that road again, winter is for cars end of
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