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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Excellent look forward to it cheers Dave
  2. Had a good day out at Swindon today and met a few past present and future champs hopefully Mr Laverty and Alex Lowes Dougie Lampkin 12 time world champ and legend Mattie Griffin 5th best stunt rider in the world allround nice guy and has a cracking family to boot
  3. Nice one Lee save yourself a bit of dolla too
  4. Im glad i dont have to anymore, i only ride mine when its sunny as do a few other members Whos that then stue Mark...... he scared to even dribble on it let alone rain
  5. Im glad i dont have to anymore, i only ride mine when its sunny as do a few other members Oh Stue, Dave will be so upset you said that about him
  6. Stan her name is Diane Downie and her fella is Mark Whitfield hes head of Pirelli there both on Facebook Ive sent you there details on Fb
  7. Im glad i dont have to anymore, i only ride mine when its sunny as do a few other members
  8. I hope you dont commute on that lovelly looking B6
  9. Well organised mate. You can't be blamed for the supplier
  10. Me and me workout buddies are having training sessions with Mr Laine Snook hes one hell of a big guy and strong, hes putting us through our paces's and trust me when he says jump you jump lol heres is wikipidia link below and a couple of his old school vids http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laine_Snook https://www.youtube.com/user/lainesnook
  11. pmsl our nipper wrote on me wall this morning on fb breaking the news i cant get angry as this is a friendly forum so ile be pm some members :smack :
  12. Excellent pics Mate glad you had a good time
  13. Scott was lucky to finish 5th with this tyre
  14. So what with me bday being on tuesday wifey asked me last thursday if i wanted to go out for a meal on saturday night just me and her....nice thought...but i declined as Motogp would be on anyway its Saturday now and im still not up for leaving me TV as im all set for watching 5pm and i said ok lets go out i gave in a thought it would be nice So i strolled into me local only to find that wifey had organised a get together with some of me friends i walked in and noticed all me local mates and then looked round the room only to see Mike and his better half Angela, i was taken back,,thats an understatment Just like to say a big thanks for coming all this way for a great nights company, and id also like to say that i fully understand that others couldnt make it still love ya all the same Heres a few pics of the nights events enjoy
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