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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. awwww come here ya soft sod and give me a hug your making me all emotional Dave made me say it he said he would ban me otherwise
  2. [quote="dirtydog"] Good result then Dog we will see what these others are like stue but yes i suppose not a bad outcome lol
  3. Thanks Guys we do our best and without our members were nowt im also a member of a few forums mainly to do with Motogp and such but this is my baby i'd like to think that most folk dont get embaressed to post an give there opionions all any subjects etc etc i enjoy this one a lot more mainly because of the rules set out and still kept in place to this very day, so keep on posting folks on whatever it may concern, and not forgetting ive made some good friends for life on here just down to one fact we all love two wheels what more could we ask for i all of ya
  4. to you both heres to the next 31years
  5. Stue11

    new member

    Hello Neil welcome onboard
  6. Sorry Noyes but Rossi wont leave a contract early, i remember his first world championship race win back in 96 onboard the rs125 and remember dad saying watch this kid hes gonna be special, i also remember lol as he spent more time picking the bike up than riding it Ok me dad was right my heart saying he will come good...but me head saying dont think so... come on lets face it the front leading pack at the mo are all boring lets swap positions rather than take em...even Pedrosa seems to let Lorenzo pass with ease....im sorry if nobody agrees on this but my heart is still brocken with the loss of super Sic the mad Italian who would have been causing chaos at every turn, dont get me wrong i dont like to see anybody get hurt or even fall off for that matter it just had everyone on there toes...anyway thats my little input and dispite all above i still watch me gps have done all me life and will never giveup watching..lets face it this is the cream off racing Just one more thought...keep an eye on Romano Fenati
  7. Stue11

    hi all

    Hello and welcome onboard
  8. [quote="dirtydog"] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ boots finally arrived today after a week of being messed about by the courier .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, only problem is the box is f**ked the boots are scratched not really bad but still they are damaged and the real kick in the bollo*ks theyve sent the wrong size even though the receipt theyve sent specifies a size 8 they have sent a 9 miles to big... IDIOTS lets just say that alex the young lady that took my order is going to wish she had stayed in bed by the time ive finished on the phone to her tommorrow I hear what you're saying, but may not be her fault. If she's sent the right size, which the receipt seems to say she did, its the monkeys they've got in packing/despatch that can't read have created the problem . Give the company a chance to rectify before going at it, it's only fair. If they can't, or won't, rectify then had calmed down this morning when i spoke to js and i will admit they were very good about the whole situation not only are they collecting the damaged boots for free theyve upgraded my order to the more exspensive frank thomas kinetik boot http://www.jsaccessories.co.uk/seb100-kinetik-sport-boot-black.html as an apollogy for messing me about although the biggest issue in this story was fedex Good result then Dog
  9. Stue11

    My New Boots

    Used these make of boots for years, justy as exspensive as Sidi but much more comfy imo cracking choice Den
  10. Mike i remember the first time i met ya...what ya drinking bigman i asked...you replied orange juice....i said you sure...your reply i dont drink, me personally never thought anymore of it, and tbh theres not many especially men that would admit they dont at all Drink split me parents up many years ago, me mum and dad a very successful in there own fields of which me mum still is and as property all over the world...me dad on the other hand turned to drink and at one point was spending upto £500 a week on spirits alone..... Mike your a good man and a good father to ya kids nowt wrong with not drinking just wished my dad never started
  11. Yeh but he'd flog 'em on fleabay. If you can get £46000 for a cup used by Lady Blah Blah then who knows Who's lady blah blah ? And stue you so need a JLS t-shirt Dont you bloody start Mark
  12. Yeh but he'd flog 'em on fleabay. If you can get £46000 for a cup used by Lady Blah Blah then who knows
  13. His viv we be big yea when hes grown a lot more, i dare say he will have the run of the place too like most Iguana owners do but still have his viv to be locked away at night,
  14. What was it richLooks like Lasagna
  15. he would know they were fakes straight away mate pmsl Stan
  16. Got every faith in ya Mike all the best anyway bigman im sure youll do it
  17. Legend cant help but like the bloke
  18. yes he seems to be Thats all that matters metal can be replaced
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