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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. with Mike not much to add other than i pray for your mam all the best Alan.
  2. Excellent pic Mike and yea she is gorgeous and a credit to you and Angela
  3. Sorry i missed this happy anny mate hope it was a good one
  4. £60 on xmas cards alone thats just the posting
  5. That would kill me mind the size of my family its hard not to see anyone of em at some point heres a pic of the latest nephew Archie 2 weeks old bless him
  6. Good on ya Micky, just goes to show what kind of a dad he is to go out the night before driving his own son anywere let alone anyone else's just make sure he dosen't get in a car with him ever
  7. Stue11

    good fun

    Gotta love these guys
  8. Spent with one of me sisters, and nieces and nephews i love me family as most folk do, as long as weve all got our health thats all that matters heres a pic of me sister Natalie and me nephew Riley
  9. Hello Zim i used to live in south wales and we sometimes pop down for a ride keep and eye on our rideout section
  10. Nice one Gaz i remember me dad and me uncles popping around me nans on a saturday afternoon sometimes more than 30 of em not all uncles i may add pulling up her driveway making a racket just for a quick cuppa before heading of for the weekend, as a kid i loved it especially as i was allowed to sit on any bike i wanted oh and the amount of times i burnt me fingers arms legs etc etc touching things i shouldnt off, wish i could go back too i loved it
  11. Well I can lift an A5 building up to the Q7 just waiting to see what stue can do now Im working on it lads dont worry
  12. ooooh very nice!MMM bet they will sound nice look cool too
  13. Over the moon with it Chad if anyone wants his web address then just ask and ile pm ya his website as no advertising is allowed on main forum pages his work is awesome and reasonably priced
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