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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. dads got a wind up watch, digital one. alarm never stops going off, its in the kitchen draw and i hear it at night and soemtimes wakes me. now thats winds me up!
  2. my calendars on the floor under all the shite in my room, couldnt tell ya whats on there! probably not missing much
  3. off to have a moan tomorrow at a local bike shop. i bouh 3 sets of led indicator resistors to slow mine down at £8 a set so £24. and all they have done is fall apart, the solder falls of ive re-solderd 5 connectors so far. and found today that the pin on one has totally fallen off! so it cant be soldered. absolute crap, make is moto something. lets see if i et my refund if not theyve lost a customer, and many other people i know wont go back once they know! the shop has been getting a bad name lately.
  4. ive got 2. first at 16 a 50cc 4stroke chinese scooter, had it 2 weeks, 15mph up hills. was embarising, so got shot. second was my 1989 zxr400, unreliable as fook, made such a loss on the bike in 1 month, were talikng 500 loss
  5. Nope not a yam that Im getting told you its a peugeot
  6. £15-£35, is different, i want to get a set on my car but at min part worns do being on my pay lol!
  7. nice one gaz! fair few miles that!
  8. nice one! its £10 local, and then ~£15 for part worns, often just get a new part worn put on if theres any good ones. car that is. bike i dont trust bungs, id rather get a new set of tyres
  9. how could they have took them with no keys lmao! idiots! need locking up
  10. yeah hes still not got all his marbles together dick and they are lovely, saw one yesterday, sat on that makes famous bike and loved it!
  11. 29 degreese here yesterday. blue skys today, lovely weather! in kent
  12. good job hes okay, and surely theres a camera with the reg, theres cameras everywhere down here on motorways etc.
  13. if its said you have to sell it mate, sell it for £1 to a mate, and then once divorce is over buy it back for £1, mates dad di that with his shelby cobra, he built it up at 17, in his 4-'s she wanted half so he did just that! nothing illegal they ddint say how much
  14. easyy......... lol nicve one mate be worth it in the end
  15. welcome to the forum. and yeah good bikes, nothing quick, just a general simple, reliable, economical bike
  16. and when it fades put it in cillit bang like the advert
  17. welcome to the forum, i had a te410 supermoto before, nutty bike cant get more fun for ya buck
  18. ill admit im not on much as i was working 6 days a week, and on my 1 day off its out on the bike allll day to make up for it
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