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Desiree (Starpop)

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Everything posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. If you feel you are not growing and you feel negatively toward work going on there (not be fruitful) then you should definitely ask God, "God what should I do?" My family has stepped down countless times from assemblies that seemed to not be growing but they didn't leave immediately, they waited. I just think that you should take into account what your pastor has said (about needing you) even if it feels uncomfortable right now. You know the scripture about "obeying your leaders" and respecting those who have rule over you (Hebrews 13:7) I dont think that your pastor is trying to control you but he may see what you see as well (the chaos and manipulation,etc) and may see your potential and heart, and desire for you to help make a positive change with him (have you thought about it that way? He could feel frustrated too-but hasn't voiced it personally) Also, I always feel like if I can't give 100% or put my whole heart (1 Chronicles 28:9; 1 Chronicles 29:5; John 7:17) into what I'm doing or have joy while doing it, then its not worth doing and it may not be giving glory to God and be in his will. Finally, sometimes when it concerns being in God's will, it may not always "feel right" or be something that we want to do always--but we have to be willing and obedient inorder to eat the good of the land (Isaiah 1:19). Think about Jesus as he was on his way to the cross. Did he want to die? NO. Infact he said, "God, I know you can do ANYTHING, so if it be your will, PLEASE take this cup from me" (meaning, God, if there's a way for me to get out of this, please show me because I REALLY don't want to do this!) He was literally begging to get out of the situation, but he humbled himself under God and said, "not MY will but your will FATHER" (Mark 14:36). This must be our attitude as well (easier said than done though!) So that goes to show you that even JESUS was relunctant at times but he stayed focused on the bigger picture (dying for our sins so that we could be saved)! Even though you may be frustrated and ready to leave because you feel ignored and unproductive currently, I wonder if God is wanting you to look at the bigger picture here? Are you willing to "stay a little longer" if God wants you too, so HIS will can be done(Its about HIM anyway)--even if the pressure gets more rough? Even though you may not feel so, you may be the greatest blessing to that assembly! He does know your heart and he won't force you to do someting you don't want to do, but I thought I'd just give you something to think on and pray about. Whatever you do, you should have "peace about it". God bless you desiree
  2. Thank you all my sweets for the great responses! God has been dealing with me about "Severing some relationships" and just letting go of some people who may not necessarily be hindrances or problems but as I grow more in God as you've said connie: "The connection is not there and I don't have much to talk about anymore"! (those people are "weights" that may drag me down as Paul says.) I can agree that the person I used to be, I am not anymore, and I am so glad that GOD HAS SURROUNDED ME WITH SO MUCH MORE LIKEMINDED PEOPLE TO FELLOWSHIP WITH (I did forget that I said: Lord, send me some new friends! :duhh: ooops!!! I love you guys!! BIG SMOOCH muah!lol) God answered my prayer and did just that! I can't allow people to drag me down or "make me feel guilty"--satan is the "accuser of the brethren" so he wants me to "feel like its me". GOD IS JUST ELEVATING ME and I HAVE OUTGROWN some people! Thanks again everyone. I LOVE BEING HAPPY IN GOD!! I'm CHEESIN again! Its nice to know people who've been where I have! You guys are soo cool! :afro: smooches desiree
  3. As you all know, God has been dealing with me alot in recent years with my self-esteem, my calling, and feelings of rejection (which I suffered from alot when I was growing up). I am sooo excited and completely transformed in God now, that I have forgotten how I used to be--PRAISE GOD! I don't dwell on things like I used to, but I must say, I am STILL analytical and always "questioning" things a little too much---hey, the bible says, "ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE"! Anyway, I have this delimma. There are two girls that I used to be good friends with in my past that I still talk to every now and then. Sometimes I will say hello just to see how they are doing (both girls don't know eachother at all) and other times they will write me to see how I'm doing. The problem is this: When they would write me to ask me questions and talk about general information out of the blue, when I would respond back to them (they say nothing--they don't respond back). I'm like: WHAT?? I thought you were supposed to answer my questions and not leave me hanging? We WERE talking weren't we? I know that they could be busy but I feel like its rather odd that if in the past we would keep constant dialogue flowing (over internet of course because they live far away currently) but NOW sentences are vague, choppy, and it feels as though they don't really want to talk to me--but they would initiate conversation sometimes. I dont know what's going on? Additionally, I have asked, "what's the problem"? and "do you feel weird talking to me?,etc, (still no responses) but I feel too uncomfortable asking anything else. Then it starts all over again. Any ideas? Thanks (sorry for the biography; just tried to clarify) smooches desiree
  4. It is. You can discuss some "burning questions/topics" that you have in the "fellowship hall" section! We would love to hear your thoughts!!! desiree
  5. Again Mia Thanks for the scriptures--I thought you had forgot about me! I appreciate how you handled the topic! smooches desi
  6. If you have the holyghost you should! Tongues come with the holyghost! (Acts 2:1-4)
  7. It doesn't matter if she's a christian or not. Are you? then if so, you can "pray and step in on her behalf" asking God to intervene. We are all at different spiritual levels. Its not my place to judge her but you can love her and suggest to her what she should do. Are you younger or older than she?
  8. lol!! Our daddy is so funny at times!!! I'm like, "oh man...why??"lol...he always has to say, "what did I just tell you?" (its an ongoing dialogue!!!Lol) smooches desiree
  9. Well, we'll pray that she makes the right decision and keeps all the relationships she has "holy". This may be an enlightening experience for her! desiree
  10. sometimes God waits for the right time to answer a prayer. Sometimes he answers us when He knows we are more likely to recieve it. so true DAPH! SO VERY TRUE!! GOD KNOWS OUR HEARTS SO EVEN THOUGH WE THINK WE MAY BE READY, MANY TIMES GOD IS SAYING, "uh, unh...not yet missy!!!" smooches desiree
  11. Butterfly: I agree with you. Alot of churches don't even want to touch on the issue of sex; there are many young people that I know that have more than one child (maybe that couldve been stopped with the proper attention, care, and love from saints and pastors) Its a touchy subject and its one that needs to be addressed (along with homosexuality). There are Very REAL things that people fight with daily within the church. Christ drew us by his love and we need to do the same. Show mercy. And yes, "praise" helps us to get out of any discouraging situation. one more thing....I DO TALK TO MYSELF(whew! I am glad that wasn't a bad thing!!) *thanks for posting Mia (interesting article!) smooches desiree
  12. Hey you all! I don't know if I'm placing this post in the right spot (others please let me know-lol) but I'm posting it anyway! Remember the dream I had about being in the hospital with some people (including Heath Ledger)? After that dream, I believe Una suggested that I might see something about Heath in the news,so be on the look out! Well today, on September 29, 2008, yahoo news reported that Heath Ledger would be giving his whole million-dollar estate to his now two-year old daughter Matilda Rose! I really don't know if the dream was just to let me know about a future event concerning Heath or if it was also related to my ex (who's favorite actor is Heath Ledger)! Hmmmmm...we'll just have to wait and see what all this means! Definitely something to ponder on! thanks for the prayers and patience with me (I know some of you have already pulled your hair out!!! smooches and much love desiree
  13. Excelente!lol...God knew your heart and knew that you wanted and needed---He is soooo good! Keep putting him first! smooches Desiree
  14. dreamster I am praying for you!! Its done in Jesus name!! (please read your inbox on this site) smooches desiree
  15. Snikwhite! God bless you! Amen for such encouraging words!! use what God has given you and watch him expound on that! Its so comforting to know that God hears your prayers and what's in your heart unexpressed and will answer you how he sees fit!! (Isaiah 55:8-9) Thanks for sharing--it has blessed my soul!!! smooches desiree
  16. I can concur with what's been said: Just because you're in sin does not mean that God doesn't speak to you--infact He could be speaking to you to get out of that sin and draw nigh to him!!! God is in the "still small voice" but as I've said before, He can speak through so many other avenues: other people, people in authoritative positions, throught his word, through circumstances/trials, through a rhema word ( personal spoken word), through dreams and visions, through common sense, an inner knowing in your spirit, by wisdom, and having peace (Isaiah 26:3). God is not the author of confusion, so if you're confused--make sure that you're hearing from God correctly because he will bring peace to your situation. As someone once told me, "get in a quiet place with God" to hear his voice. He will talk to you. Just be open to him speaking any way he desires to (through television, through signs/wonders, through confirmations, common sense,etc) Always be ready and willing to obey God because that builds the relationship. The closer you are to God the more things He will reveal and the more you'll be able to hear from him clearly. "He turns his face from those who do evil" but he hears the prayers of the righteous and answers quickly (paraphrase) (Psalms 34:14-17) Hope this helps smooches Desiree
  17. TRIPLE AMEN!!! GOD PLEASE BRING HER THE CLARITY SHE NEEDS! Leave no doubts FATHER GOD!! smooches desiree
  18. Resolution: Its going to take patience--deliverance doesn't happen over night! Salvation is a process. Just do what you need to do and keep your heart guarded and right towards God! The only way you can be delivered is to acknowledge to God that you need help. keep praying, keep fasting,and keep being around "spiritually minded" people that will help you in this fight. You have to keep at this until its no longer a problem for you! smooches desiree
  21. thanks Halfstep. I really do appreciate it. desiree
  22. I AM OFFICIALLY WORKING AT A LOCAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL YOU ALL!! I've just received a recent revelation on what the "books" in mine and Mia's dream symbolized: LOTS OF CHILDREN!!! Its overwhelming but I;ve been able to inspire and encourage so many youth (ie: childrens books) since I've been here! Initially I thought that I would be in the library, but now I've been working extensively with children in the school's computer lab!!! I am helping the children to learn about parts of the computer and basic principles of life and school! I am helping them to reach their fullest potential--I NEVER DREAMED I WOULD BE DOING THIS (because it seemed silly) and recieving fulfillment at the same time!!! My childhood dream was to be a teacher, but as I've grown my interests have changed to that of television. I know that God has put 'teaching' in me, and I've tutored kids before but never at this extent! God is so good because He knows just what to do to place you where he wants you!!! Its been said that since before you were created in your mother's womb (Jeremiah 1) that God knew you and that he called you to a specific work. God's plan for our lives is already mapped out--its just our choice to walk on it. We have to line up our agendas and choices to his plans. WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!! If we just "commit our works to the Lord" our plans will succeed and he will put us right where he desires us to be (which often doesn't make sense but its all for our benefit!!) I appreciate the prayers, the love, the insight, and the encouragement for you all. I appreciate the word of God flowing in and out of our lives on this website. It has been a tremendous blessing to me and I am soo glad that God led me here!! BE BLESSED EVERY ONE OF YOU! Thanks for the inspiration and helping me to walk in my potential!!! smooches desiree :cute:
  23. WOW!!! WHAT A POWERFUL AND STRONG TESTIMONY!! GOD IS TRULY AWESOME!! Sometimes we as people whine and complain at our little problems not even considering that others are going through a whole lot more!!! your testimony is an encouragement to me as well as others that GOD WILL RESTORE THINGS BACK to US SO HE CAN GET THE GLORY IN THE END (reminds me of Jeremiah 33)! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THAT (A REAL LIFE JOB--HOW INSPIRING!!) Please keep holding on to God's unchanging hand!!! be eternally blessed woman of GOD!!! desiree :PTL:
  24. mmm...interesting points to ponder! thanks Delaine! desiree
  25. Dear resolution thank you for being open and honest about your problem. And for that: the Lord will deliver you because you have confessed it!! Pornography is something that many Christians battle with (believe it or not)...Find you someone whom you can talk to in confidence (authoritative position) and ask he/she to be accountable for you. This is something that you need prayer and deliverance from. When I read of your situation, I am reminded of a passage in the bible when Paul speaks of "wanting to do the right thing" but "evil was right there beside him". He did what he didn't want to do and he didn't do what he needed to do. We bind up the spirit of Lust and ask God to break every hindrance and yoke that is keeping you from experiencing Gods total peace over your life. Pornography may satiate your flesh's desire for a moment but you feel guilty and shameless afterwards! I stand in agreement with you that God will free your mind and give you a stronger desire for him. We pray total holiness and health to your mind. Bind up every imagination and thought that is not like God through the power (obedience to/of) his word! Please read Philippians 4:8 and Colossians 2:6-14 (meditate on it) Know that you have the mind of Christ and renew your mind daily by staying in prayer, fasting, and reading God's word. *If you truly want deliverance you can get it! God will restore you fully if you just stand out in faith and put your trust in Him to do the work (you can't do it by yourself). Blocking harmful websites that are tempting and not getting on the computer a certain time of night may help. "resist the devil and he will flee" and "avoid every type of evil". If you don't give Satan any room to tempt you or get the glory, he doesn't have you! YOU ARE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR IN CHRIST JESUS!! Be blessed desiree
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