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Everything posted by Dove-Solutions

  1. Hope your day is blessed! Love in Jesus, Connie
  2. I am glad it was encouraging to you.
  3. The first thing I want to say is "Never will I leave you and never will I forsake you" , though the world would leave you he would never leave your side. Even at this very second he is at your side. One day in a dream I was saying Jesus, Jesus, I beseach you, please come......guess what, he was right there. He hears us and comes we call upon his name. That does not though give us the right to treat him like our servant or our little genie. Isaiah 49:16 See I have engraved you in the palm of my hands, your walls are ever before me. Trust him Hinds Feet, Trust him. I know it is hard but you can do it. He would not bring you to it if he would not bring you through it. It is so awesome when he does this for us. Just blossom to the wonderful woman he created you to be. I will continue to pray with you. My love in Jesus, Connie
  4. Hey that is so awesome! Thank you Lord for your goodness and your mercy. Thank you Father for answered prayer. We give you praise honor and glory! your servant, Connie
  5. I understand what you mean. I also understand the need to acknowledge how you feel but do not agree that one should embrace it. I believe when you forgive it should be forgotten as well. Otherwise to me it leaves a door open for demonic activity. Just my opinion. The Lord said that if we do not forgive than he cannot forgive us. Love in Jesus, Connie
  6. Ya know, I made a previous comment but wanted to say this as well. I so agree with all the other comments. I hate reading like V but I just picked up the word and said "Lord please show me in here the truth about who you are. Show me those things you want me to see and help me to understand them so I can tell others about you'. It is that simple. He gets it and he will translate it for you. If he can part the red sea.....then certainly even if I am reading the bible in Korean and do not understand one word, then surely he can help me to understand it by translating it for me. It is like Cholette said. The Holy Spirit is our guide as we read the Word. Let him guide you into all truth (the Word) and you will be set free. For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! Love in Jesus, Connie
  7. I stand in agreement with everyone. I will be praying also. Love in Jesus, Connie
  8. Happy Birthday Unaday! Hope your day is awesome! Love in Jesus, Connie
  9. No problem, anytime! Love in Jesus, Connie
  10. Well I will certainly Pray for him. It is just a flu virus I am sure but don't you know our God heals us from all illness. Love in Jesus, Connie
  11. ~Ditte3, I will be happy to agree with you. Father in Jesus name we lift before you the friend of Ditte3 and thank you Father that she is healed in Jesus name. We thank you that you already paid the price. We proclaim in Jesus name she is healed and that the Doctors will be astounded that she does not need the surgery. She is being healed in every area of her body, mind and spirit. Jesus we know that when you hung on Calvary that you paid the price for our healing. You are the author and finisher of our life and that no foot needs to be cut off because it is healed. We bless her with strong legs and feet that are perfectly healthy just as Jesus ordained it from the beginning of time. We thank you Father that you would bring her peace and comfort her. We give you all the praise and all the glory! In Jesus name we pray, Amen. Your servant, Connie
  12. Happy Birthday True Flight! Praying your year is blessed beyond all measure. Love in Jesus, Connie
  13. I totally agree with all the comments. Don't forget the enemy is beneath our feet right where he belongs. In Jesus name we render that spirit in your husband and all associated demon spirits with him mute, useless, powerless and of no ability to do anything in the physical in Jesus name. We shut every door, every gatekeeper spirit, every generation curse in Jesus name. Father, Justblueskies is willing to forgive anyone who may have offended her. She is deciding to forgive because she knows that if she forgives them then you will forgive her. We thank you Father for putting them in a lock box where they will be brought before Jesus himself. Father we thank you for filling him with the precious blood of Jesus and your Spirit that there would be no room for the enemy to come in. We speak blessings over them and paint the blood of Jesus over their marriage, children, each other, finances, property, home and even their pets. Lord if I have forgotten anything in this prayer I ask that your precious Holy Spirit would cover me as he presents the prayer to the Father. Jesus we give you all the praise, glory and honor, Amen. your servant, Connie
  14. Well can we get an and an ! Thank you Lord that you are Jehovah Jireh our Provider! Love in Jesus, Connie
  15. Princessdelia, I stand in agreement with you also. The enemy is on notice. Satan you thief and liar give back what you have stolen.....give it back right now. I plead the blood of Jesus over this situation and over Princessdelia and any that might be affected. We just call all money in from the north, south, east and west and claim it in Jesus name! Amen!
  16. ~Blossom, I have to tell you that reading for me is a sacrifice. I hate to read. So when I spend quiet time with the Lord reading it is not only a sacrifice but it is a form of worship. When we worship the Lord we do what pleases him regardless of what pleases us. I am being reminded even as I type this that we all need to do more of what pleases him rather than what pleases us. Reading the word is soaking in Jesus. He is the written word. How can we know Jesus if we don't read the word. We want the Lord to reveal himself to us but we will not read his word and that is where he reveals himself the most. He taught me that early on in my Christian walk. That is where I hear him the most now. I hear him in the word much more than any other method. After the word, then dreams, then through audible discussion. My walk with the Lord developed much more when I became a reader and seeker of the word. I pray this is of encouragement to you, Love in Jesus, Connie
  17. I will touch and agree! love in Jesus, Connie
  18. ~Christa, The first thing I thought of was "He will not bring you to it if He won't bring you through it". This may be something He wants you to go to Him with. I agree with Cholette this is a lot on the load of a single Mom. You may be given the tasks but God is the one that determins those things you should be doing now. I would seek the council of the Lord on these matters and pray for wisdom and discernment as to the direction He wants you to take. I would thank everyone for their faith in you and that you will have to prayerfully consider each option. I think most would respect that. Don't do a thing untill Jesus tells you. I have a habit of getting a bit overloaded myself and every time it is because I did not ask Him first. OOOPS my bad there. Next thing you know I am like overwhelmed and on my knees going.....what happened Lord? He is like did you ask me? So there you see what I mean. When He is behind it you are not tired or overwhelmed but overjoyed in the task. Love in Jesus, Connie~
  19. ~NeWine, It is said that even Satan himself was an angel of light and will fool many into thinking that he is the Christ and will sit on the throne of temple and call himself God. The spirits are not ignorant they are all to aware what is in the word like you have mentioned. But Jesus came that we may overcome the world (not just this world but even the spiritual world). We cannot do it in our own power but in the power of Him who lives in us. For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. To answer the question: Spirits are familiar like you said with the family history and so on and would project a thought to the persons mind that they had been there before, hence, deja vu and the like. I can see how people would be easily fooled. The Lord said that man has but one life and to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. No room there for multiple lives or the like. We have to remember that satan is just a big fat liar and a thief and he will stop at nothing to steal people and their souls only to be thrown into the pit in the end. Good topic I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for sharing it with us and I hope that my comments bring you closer to the understanding you seek. God bless!! Love in Jesus, Connie~
  20. ~Steady, It encourages me that you are obedient to Him and follow His prompting. The Lord will take what was meant for evil and turn it to something good and He has shown you how here. Continue to work with her but God may continue to use your circumstance to witness to others who are struggling for their lives. They will need a Holy Spirit filled woman of God to tell them the same story as you told her. Praise be to God. God bless. Love in Jesus, Connie~
  21. Ohhhhhh, Amen! I totally agree with Lola's prayer! Love in Jesus, Connie
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