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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. That's awesome HF... I'm curious to know how would communion break your fast? Communion is a spiritual thing...not natural.
  2. Also...do it with some speed so your heart rate can increase.
  3. Shadow boxing is pretend boxing. You do jabs like a boxer does...sort of like you are hitting a bag, but you are really hitting air. I hope that makes sense because that's the only way I know how to describe it...LOL! It sounds easy, but if you do it for a few minutes, your arms will begin to feel like they are 100 pounds. Be aware, if you do it right, your arms will be sore the next day...which is a good sign...
  4. Praying for you Jasmine. You can do anything sitting down, in order to exercise. When I hurt my heel and couldn't go to the gym, I would sit in a chair and "shadow box" with my arms to get my heart rate up...that's what you need for cardio. You will be surprised how that will help you...AND make your arms look great too.
  5. It's funny because just yesterday I went to Subway to get one of their breakfast sandwiches. I had the lady add all the stuff I wanted to it and then when it was time to pay, I didn't have my debit card OR credit card on me...all I had on me was a large bill that they did not take. I was disappointed, but the lady said..."don't worry about it, just bring the money back later." I was so touched that my eyes filled up with tears because NO ONE does that unless God has moved on their heart to do it. That lady didn't know me from the next customer, but she TRUSTED that I would return. All I can say is FAVOR, FAVOR, FAVOR!!! God KNEW that I was hungry and needed to eat before going to work...and he fed me.
  6. HF...I was reading your post and I heard this scripture... "...casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ..." (2 Corinthians 10:5) Hmmm...now another scripture comes to mind... Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. (Phil 4:8) Sometimes its not why you think things...it's that you have to be careful that the enemy isn't using your thoughts to sow seeds of anger or any other evil thing in your heart. He's sneaky, but the word of God says that we are not ignorant to his devices (2 Cor 2:11) Lets change those thoughts girl...
  7. Hi Deborah... As much as my mom and I don't see eye to eye on many things...and as many of her ways that I don't desire to have in my own life...from time to time I hear some of her come out of me as well. That doesn't mean I'm like her or will become her. Some of what we mimmick from our parents is "learned behavior". There is a saying that people say..."you become what you hang around...or "birds of a feather, flock together". Sometimes you can be around a person so much that different things they do and say rub off on you, but that doesn't mean you become like them...especially if you are in the Word and your mind is being renewed. If I were you, I wouldn't let the enemy get you thinking anything negative about this situation. It would be like him to get you off focus. From what I've seen in your responses on the this site, you seem to be in a good place and have much to offer people here and it comes from your heart. Continue in the Word of God my friend. I really dont' think you have anything to worry about. Rest my friend because if I was becoming my mother, based on some of the "sayings" that I picked up...this board and this nation would be in trouble. (PS...I love my mother dearly...it was a joke)
  8. Continue to stand Robert...God will take care of your needs as well as this situation. Jesus came to justify us and that includes the spiritual AND the natural. Keep us posted...I'm praying for you!
  9. Owen, your questions are valid. I will say this to you...God speaks differently to different people. I was looking for God to say "thus saith the Lord" to me, before I left the church. How I knew God was telling ME to leave was that I no longer was growing and the word no longer confirmed ANYTHING that God was speaking to me. At first I thought that *I* was off some where and I was beating myself up, thinking that I needed to get back on track some place in my life. As I began reading the Word of God, it jumped out at me that I am free and God never intended for me to be in a church where I felt more abused then I did lifted. I liken it to an abusive relationship...we are quick to tell women (and some men) that they need to leave relationships when they are being verbally or physically abused, but we are slow to tell people to leave when it's a known fact that they are being abused in the church. Now, I'm NOT saying that if you are disgruntled in your church then you are being abused...but in MY CASE there was some abuse there because I was REQUIRED and FORCED to do things that I KNEW God wasn't calling me to do. I was FORCED to do things MAN'S way when God was specifically telling me to do things another way. I was in confusion and it was frustrating me and causing a rift in my relationship with the Lord, to a certain extent. The more we are in the Word of God, the more God does certain things in our hearts and our mindsets and we began seeing things differently. There are WAY TOO MANY people dying without Jesus in this world for me to sit in a church and be controlled by a man made doctrine or rules and regulations that were taken way out of context. God made this walk with him easy...that's why He sent Jesus...to give us a life of enjoyment and life more abundantly. When I'm not experiencing that, I quickly go to God and see what needs to be done in me FIRST and then check my surroundings and/or what I'm listening to. I believe in the church...but I believe in the RIGHT CHURCH...the church that is teaching the uncomprising gospel of Jesus Christ. It seems that the church has left Jesus out of the picture and has started preaching about behavior change and money...yet the world is dying. Behavior and money has its place, but it shouldn't be taught WITHOUT the understanding of the finished work of Jesus Christ. There are some things that he completed for us already, yet we are striving for it to no avail. We need to STOP and get in the Word of God and allow the Holy SPirit to teach us. We can't take everyone's word for everything. I almost let the leadership of my church to stifle my gifts. I thought I only had one gift...worshipping...but I'm a teacher, preacher, counselor and now have a deliverance ministry...who knew that????? I'm getting groomed to operate in each one of these offices and it's happening FAST!! God needs to accelerate me because I've been stuck for so long. So I will end this sermonette by saying...PRAY and seek God in the way HE SPEAKS TO YOU. If you are unhappy in your church...SEEK HIM! Don't leave just because you are unhappy because that could just be your flesh. If you are unhappy to your core...seek the Lord and let him lead and guide you...PLEASE!!!!! One more thing (sorry)...you asked if a person needed to go to leadership and let them know you operate in certain gifts. IN MY OPINION...and the way *I* do it is...I don't say a word. I have always walked in the scripture that says that our gifts will make room for us and bring us before great men. If we have gifts that GOD gave us...trust me...he has a way to get us where we need to be. When I stepped foot in my new church, I didn't need to open up my mouth...my Pastor KNEW already. He came to me and the first thing He said to me when I was introduced to him was..."A woman with many gifts, but hasn't had the opportunity to walk in them". I never had to push my way...God met me at the door, but I had to be in the place HE wanted me to be in before they could be birthed. This is how it happened FOR ME...just thought I would share.
  10. Yes, things are not too great right now. I'm in much prayer for our churches. I go to a really good one now and in my heart before, I didn't think a church like this existed. It's not perfect by no means, but they allow God to be God. It's barely a year old, but they operate like they've been around for ages. There are some REALLY good churches out there that are holding things together. I just think that religion has knocked the wind out of the church. Everyone wants to go by the "letter of the law" and not the "spirit" of it. This is one of the things that grieves me to no end and I pray for people I know who are caught up in it. They don't leave out of fear of what people will say. I was like that at first because I was in my former church for over 20 years. WHen I left, it was like a messy divorce...but it's something that I had to do in order for God to do with my life what I've been crying out for Him to do. Prayer is needed for all the leadership in our churches because they are human and many of them just don't know. Maybe it's from the way they were taught coming up, or just fear of going in the direction of something different and against the norm...not sure. All I know is we must pray and stand until we see change.
  11. Blood songs over testimonies??? Myyyy goodness!!
  12. KDRE, I wasn't using the word "muzzled" regarding your situation...I was using that in reference to MY experience. Sorry that wasn't clear.
  13. Well, you are in California and so am I. You can email me...or private message me here and I would love to be there for me...just let me know.
  14. Have you ever asked God about the purpose to why you are there? He gave you gifts to be able to operate in them...not to be muzzled. I was in a church that muzzled me. My worship has always been free flowing...meaning, I have a list of songs that are planned, but if the Holy Spirit speaks to me and gives me a different song, then I flowed with it. Whenever I did that, I would get reprimanded and told that the songs were already planned and I needed to "stick to the list". I "obeyed" because I was taught that you never stand up against the authority in the church. After awhile, my spirit became grieved and I became numb to how God used me in worship. Then truth came to me through other measures and God opened up His Word to me. When that happened, he released me from the church with the understanding that man cannot and will not stop or muzzle the gift He's placed inside of me. Now, I'm in a church that flows the way God designed me to flow. I'm not singing yet, but I'm operating in other areas of the church...areas that I didn't know I had in me because I was in the wrong church and God couldn't manifest these gifts and calls in my life there. Our gifts may be needed in our churches, but if they are shut down...that doesn't make them null and void or cause us to sit on them. God will take you where your gift can be utilized. I'm reminded of a scripture that is in one of the gospels that says...a prophet is not honored in his own home. Praying for everyone...I can be touched!
  15. Go ahead God and do yo thang!!!! Hallelujah!!!!
  16. It's those "little" things that become magnified and shows us just how close God is to us on a daily basis. Praise the Lord!
  17. I can be touched by this situation...I really can. I just recently became a part of a new church, which I LOVE! The first thing that I was told, when walking through the door, was that the praise team was closed to new singers. I believe I was told this because my friend sings on the team and she was telling the band and singers that she used to sing with me and that I was a praise and worship leader. This intimidated the leader so she quickly made sure I wouldn't be able to join the group. Little does she know, I wasn't looking to join because I wanted to do something different. I know i"m called to do praise and worship, but maybe in a different season in this situation. I prayed about the situation and God CLEARLY told me not to bombard my way...allow him to cause my gifts to make room for me. I obeyed and just sat in the chairs week after week until my pastor came to me this past Sunday and said that he felt I had an anointing to work the altar and pray for people. I will soon be starting training for ministry. I had thoughts about leaving, just like your husband because honestly, I've always been a worker in the house of the Lord, but thank God I didn't leave because this is my purpose...in this church! Maybe if you share my story with your husband, he may have a little more patience with the church. Some people are intimidated when people ask to become a part of a ministry...especially if they are new. When you KNOW you are called, it doesn't matter what anyone says...YOU ARE CALLED and no one can stop it or control it. You never know what God is doing behind the scenes. I didn't know that God had showed my pastor some things about me, but he was waiting for timing. If I would have left, I would have left PREmaturely. I would suggest that the two of you wait it out UNLESS God is leading you to go a different direction. Continue to pray. Your husband may be itching to leave, but rest assure God has a way of keeping him planted. HE IS power...and has the ability to close any door needed to keep him where he needs to be. I am praying for you...really I am.
  18. Lurdys said EXACTLY what I was TRYING to say. Everytime I would begin typing, someone would come into my office and interrupt me! Be encouraged Owen...this battle isn't yours. Just get God's game plan to see what He's doing and just follow suit...
  19. Okay...if you can get over it, then so can I... *side eye*
  20. Did you call your mobile company and turn it off? Did you have insurance? I'm asking these questions because I don't do well without my cell phone. It makes me sad when I hear about people losing theirs. Yes, I have issues...
  21. Did you get it back? How did you find out it was in the cab?
  22. Sometimes feeling invisable isn't a BAD thing. I've been through seasons where I felt invisable no matter where I was, but it took a man of God to speak into my life and told me that I was being set apart. It felt like a LONG TIME, but actually it was a few months or so. Discern your season. God may have you hidden away where people "don't see you", but it's for a reason. This may not be your case, but I just wanted to throw down my two cents.
  23. The job is "interesting". I've had LOTS of warfare and I work long crazy hours, but God is helping me handle it all. Thanks for asking Miss Linda!!!
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