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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Thank you Stef! Yes...God is Faithful!
  2. WOW...very thorough Diane!! Some of these definitions sounds like the Office of the Prophet. Not just prophecy, which all of us can flow in when the spirit of God moves us, but the Office of the Prophet is sent, in some cases, to the nations to proclaim the message of the Lord to high profile leadership...like Kings, Queens, Presidents, etc. When I read Ephesians 4:11, in the Amplified Version, and Apostle is considered a "special messenger". I think one who Heralds can be an Apostle and one who walks in the Office of the Prophet. Good research!
  3. Thank you Deborah!!! I pray all is well with you and your husband.
  4. Praying for you and I am in total agreement with Connie's prayer on your behalf...
  5. Gotta love how God does things. He's amazing!! I rejoice with you!
  6. Hi Destine!!! I will pray for you. Your emotions will come into control the more you read the Word of God and the more you pray to the Lord in those moments. I can't explain how it happens, but in Hebrews 4:10 it says that the word of God is LIVING and POWERFUL...it goes into those areas and divides and conquers. God gave us emotions for a purpose, but they are NEVER to rule us. Go to the Lord and give everything over to Him. I wouldn't do the anti-depressents...but that's just me. We have a drugged up society as it is and we KNOW the King of kings and the LORD of lords...we have an advantage...so let the Lord rule and reign. My opinion about the anti depressents is ONLY my opinion. I can't tell you what to do in that area, but I think you already know it's something you don't really want to do. Blessings and much prayer for you!!!
  7. Jasmine, I too have a critical mother who is very condescending to me and treats my brother like he's king, compared to me. Over the years I reacted to it because it mattered to me. Sadly, I didn't know what I know now, but I wish I did. Pray for your mother and ask God to help your heart because if you don't, you will end up like me...44 years old and working through "mama issues". It's easier to do it at your age so you don't have 30 more years of junk to pile on top of it. It seems as if your mom is under pressure and when you are under pressure, it comes out in anger and condescending tones. You have to do what you know to do IN GOD so you won't be sensitive to the insults. The less sensitive you become, the less her words will affect you. I no longer see the rudeness of others as THEIR problem...I see it as my own because if it affects me, there is something in me that needs to change. I will be praying for you. I'm not condoning what your mom is saying to you because her choice of words could be different, but in the event that she doesn't know how to curve what she says to not hurt your feelings, YOU must change how you react to it. Praying this helps you because it has helped me deal with my own.
  8. It's good seeing you MJ!!! I know how you feel, but can I say this to you? Release it to the Lord! Let Him take you where YOU need to be. I'm not saying that God can't move in this situation and keep you there, because He can...what I'm saying is sometimes we put so much of OUR expectations into what WE want and not allowing the will of God to take us where HE wants. What if the next house you move to, you meet the right person that will get you the home you really desire to be? Like my pastor says..."you are one relationship away from the next level in your life". I'm reminded of Joseph...his situation looked DIM!!!! But it was what he needed in order to meet the baker and the butler so he can get to the palace. I KNOW you are tired of low income housing and God has better or you and your husband...just release your expectations to the Lord and let him turn EVERYTHING for your good. The Bible says that NO GOOD THING will he withhold from you...and he won't. I will be praying for you...believe that...I just wanted to share that with you because it has helped me and released me from lots of frustration in my life.
  9. Amazing that you said this because a friend that I have in the UK said that the Lord spoke to her two years ago and said that there would be an uprise with Gadafi (spelling?) and that Obama would need an extreme prayer covering around the month of May '11. My prayer group, along with others, have been intercedeing for him FERVENTLY for the past month of so...since I heard what God shared with her. A lot of stuff has been going on and with my natural eyes, I can see where protection would be needed, but only God knows what the weapons are that are attempting to form. Let's lift him up, as well as ALL of our leaders...this is a trying time.
  10. WOW Christina!! I will be praying for you. The scripture I am hearing right now is "Is there anything too hard for God?"...that is the question the Lord asked Sarah when she laughed and didn't think she could have a child in her "after childbearing" years. Even if you have to pay for the repairs with your savings, God is still big enough to keep the plans going as usual. I believe this is another level of trust for you, HOWEVER, I will be praying for God's PERFECT will to be revealed and established in this situation.
  11. I will be praying for your hubby! Why did he have heel surgery? I've been having heel problems myself, for the past year or so. I drove 7 hours to Arizona, to see my son, and my heel has been sore since then. I've walked with a limp since a year ago and some days it flares up to where I cannot walk. I don't have medical insurance yet so I can't see about it, but your husband is the first person I've heard that had something wrong with their heel. Just when I thought I was the only one. I'm just curious why he had to have surgery. I will be praying...
  12. Definately praying!! I read online about the damage that was done and the people who were found dead and those who are still missing. I choose to believe that this should have been worse...BUT GOD! Continuing to pray!
  13. Thank you everyone!!! It is definately keeping me busy. Now is the time for me to figure out a balance for my life because I told my Pastor, a few months ago, I would assist him in writing his book. Well, when I said that, I didn't know the business would be going the way it is now. Now, he walked up to me Sunday and asked me to transcribe some things for him so he can start writing his book I can't turn him down because I know how he's had a hard time getting his "engine" going on this book. Sooooo, business woman...transcriber...insurance claim Rep...HELP ME JESUS!!!
  14. Hello Eyeoflight... You should post this in the dreams and vision interpretation forum so that the dream interpreters can see it. This forum is for help on how to manuever around the site.
  15. I just want all of you know that I am OFFICIALLY a business woman. On New Years Eve night, my pastor gave a corporate word that GOd was going to release creative ideas to those who would go into the prayer closet and receive from Him. He said that by the end of the year, those that were under the sound of his voice who may not have lots of money now, will have a six figure income by the end of the year (2011) Well my friends and I made some treats for a birthday party and people were saying that we should sell them. We "he-hawed" around the idea, but then I remembered the word of the Lord. I shared it with them and we ran with it. On January 2nd, we began and by the end of the month, a relative of mine said that she would invest $4K into the business. One thing after the other began to fall into place. Last week we did wedding favors for my co-worker, with the treats we provide, for 200 people. Out of those 200 people was a business woman from Northern CA, who owns two stores. She was smittened (her word) by the presentation of our treats that she has asked us to provide her with a weekly supply of the treats. That is a GRIP of money that we are making. I can just rejoice because things have been ACCELERATED for us. This time last year, I was unemployed and not knowing how I'm going to pay my bills. This year, I'm employed with a regular job PLUS with a business that is bringing in some serious cash now. I can't begin to tell you how awesome God is and to know that I did nothing to earn this...it's his grace...his mercy...and his purpose that is in operation here. To God be the glory!!!!
  16. Sooooo agree with you D. I know that when I have procrastinated in the past, it was in some of the most "down" and depressing seasons.
  17. I totally agree!! Overcoming procrastination is a decision. At the point of talking yourself out of doing it at THAT MOMENT...press through it and do it anyway. There are rewards for doing that...
  18. That's a great lesson in perception!!! Thanks for sharing!
  19. Oh man...can't wait to get home to see this. I'm at work and can't watch YouTube here, so I will wait to see it later. Thanks!
  20. John...you are not designed to carry the load. The scripture I heard in my heart for you is: ...casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Pet 5:7-8) The thing that you have to be careful about is to not allow the enemy to use other peoples situations to wear you out spiritually and mentally. There is way too much work for you to do on this earth...let God take you where you need to be so he can take care of your family. Shalom to you my brother! for you you!
  21. By the way...I even had a dream about my dreams making sense. I was riding in a bus up this steep hill. WHen I got off the bus everything around me seemed new and fresh. A man handed me a sheet of paper with symbols on it and, in the dream, I had seen that paper before and couldn't figure anything out. When I looked at it that time, I knew what everything meant and everything made sense. That was God's way of telling me that there would come a day when I would understand...and I believe the same holds true for you!
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