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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I'm seeing the manifested healing power of God within these last two weeks or so with people who have full blown cancer and God healing them of it. I posted a testimony about my boss' mother who had ovarian cancer and when the doctors went in to operate, the cancer was gone. What I didn't say in my testimony was at the same time we prayed for her, we prayed for two other people...another one with ovarian and the other with breast cancer...and found out this week that both had their surgeries this week and BOTH were found to be cancer free. I think one of them was in the third stage and God touched their bodies and gave them BOTH a miracle. I know God is doing some miraculous things so trust that God will do the same for your step-mom. She doesn't have to be saved for God to heal her because my boss NOR her mom are saved (yet), but God still touched her body. Now it's my open door to go in and introduce them both to Jesus. To God be the glory!
  2. God knows that a woman/girl and her heels is A MUST... Glory to God!!!
  3. PREACH GIRL!!!!!!!!! The sad thing is that it's not the "Nation" that upsets me the most when it comes to judging our leaders...it's the CHRISTIANS!!!! I can't tell you how many CHRISTIANS I know are sitting around bashing and passing around crude jokes about our leaders. What happened to praying? I'm telling you...God is NOT pleased because little do they know that the very words and jokes they are saying, is against God Himself. All of the complaining and and murmurring is against God Himself. All I can say is...WOW! If we would just HUMBLE ourselves AND PRAY...God promises He would HEAL OUR LAND...but NOOOOOOOOO, we are doing just what the world is doing and it's so sad. We won't get anywhere with that and we can't blame our leaders...we need to blame ourselves because WE HAVE THE POWER to change this whole land....WORLD! He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to THE CHURCH!!!
  4. Here is another scripture to stand on. A guest speaker came to our church a month ago and taught a message entitled "No Mate Missing". It's not what you think...lol! "Mate" in the context of this message and scripture is speaking of the fulfillment of the prophecy that God has spoken over our lives. In other words, the fulfillment of the prophecy WILL come to pass. Seek out of the book of the Lord and read: not one of these [details of prophecy] shall fail, none shall want and lack her mate [in fulfillment]. For the mouth [of the Lord] has commanded, and His Spirit has gathered them. (Isaiah 34:16 AMP)
  5. By the way, when someone tells you that you are going to a new dimension, what does that mean to you? Just curious because whenever I hear that, I feel its different than a "new level"...right? Or is it the same?
  6. Here you go... This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare (1 Timothy 1:18) As far as patience with waiting for your mate...realize that God knows the right time for both of you to meet. You don't want to meet too soon because that could be horrendous. This is where faith comes in...Knowing that God is ALL KNOWING and that marriage is about HIM being glorfied and not about us being in love or having companionship. Yes, that all comes with it, but we can't forget that God is putting together STRONG marriages to be examples in this "divorce minded" world. You will be at the right place at the right time...keep leaning on the Lord!!
  7. Even with all of those circumstances, God's Word has sustained you. I'm truly amazed, but those of us who know anything about the prophetic word, it attracts attacks...for some reason. So we have to WAR with our prophecies, like Paul told Timothy. This means, in the face of adversity, we continue to STAND!!! God is so good and I REJOICE with you!
  8. I'm just amazed at the goodness of the Lord. Recently I was hired at a CPA firm and I work there in the mornings. The job seemed interesting for me to have because there's absolutely NOTHING for me to do. So for the better part of the morning, I'm sitting there, with only a few things to do. My Pastor taught a message on being assigned to pray for those in need. He said that many of us aren't called to our jobs to make money, but to pray. That following Monday, my boss came in and was in tears because that weekend her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It's hard to get that news, but it's even harder when she just buried her father last year and her sister in law the year before...both died of cancer. So I knew right away that it was my call to pray. She's not a believer and I knew I couldn't pray for her in the office so I whispered in her ear that my prayer group and I would intercede that evening for her mother and that I KNOW God will heal her. We did just that!! Yesterday was the surgery and we got word that when the doctors opened her up, not only was there no cancer on her ovaries, but this mysterious mass next to her liver was gone as well. I can't tell you how elated I am. I have to give God ALLLLL of the glory because we KNOW he did this.
  9. Yes, you are under attack. God is NOT the author of confusion so you just need to go to the Lord and pour out every emotion that you are feeling, on to him so He can help you feel better. I'm sorry for your loss...you just need to let go of all the questions and "what if's" that your mind is thinking right now. Take your grandfather and uncle's word for it that he was saved. To try to figure out if he was or not is the enemy trying to bring about the spirit of insanity. Just trust that he is and move on because at this point, there is nothing that can be done. You are in the palm of God's hand and He cares for you Hindsfeet...let Him love on you during this time...Your house will sell, but God has to bring the right buyer. You don't know who is out there praying for a house just like yours...it's all in the timing of God. Blessings to you
  10. I agree with what you've posted. God has sent a few people in my direction that match the description here. You are right, it's good to pray, but "hands on" encouragment is that extra dose of love that is needed. It takes patience and strength, depending on the situation, but the rewarding feeling one receives when you see the fruit of it is priceless... Thanks for you post...
  11. They are NOT to be in your life at all because you won't be able to learn from them and strive to be the better you. You will spend your time comparing yourself to them and never feel as adequate as God has made you to be..sooooo, move forward without them. That seems harsh, but when someone doesn't want to be around you because THEY SAY you aren't striving like they would want you to, then it's the wrong crowd. The Bible doesn't lie...it clearly says that when man stands in judgement of you, it's because their problem (the one they are judging you for) is bigger than yours. So because the Bible is TRUTH, I will say this...they aren't as "together' as they are making themselves out to be. To be as "close to God" that they say they are, they would have the fruit of God...with is patience, kindness, LOVE, etc... Jesus NEVER made anyone feel smaller. Even Paul says that our lives are written Epistles...learned and read by ALL men! If they feel you aren't striving enough, then the burden is back on them...their lives aren't saying anything to make you strive...just sayin... I'm sorry you are going through that, but I would venture to say that your life is most likely MORE authentic then theirs. Not a judgment...just an observation based on the Word of God. Be encouraged!!
  12. I'm sorry...I haven't read the prior responses because I'm in a rush. If I repeat anything that has already been said, I apologize. I wanted to give you another perspective to your question. Let's flip the situation around. When you were in phases of your life when things weren't quite on fire and you were dealing with issues, how would you feel if someone didn't want to be around you because you didn't have the wherewithall to Press In Deeper to God? We have to be very careful in sounding judgemental. We are all in different places in God and one of our calls is to be a light to the darkness around us. You could be this person's example to pressing in, but if you remove yourself, who would they have to help in that journey? Our job is to bring Jesus to a dying world...not leave them behind and tell them to work it out and press deeper. I would say to you to pray more on this issue. Don't walk away right now. I'm GRATEFUL for those that were in my life during the times I needed God the most. I didn't know what to do in most of the cases, but having their ministry and encouragment was what I needed. I know you used the example of Jesus only taking two with him to the mountain, but don't forget the woman with the issue of blood (her condition caused her to be ostercized from society)...Mary Magdalene (she was a prostitute and was judged)...Zaccheus (he was stealing the taxes and spending it on himself). All these people, Jesus engaged himself with to show others NOT to judge and that he wasn't above anyone. Praying this helps...blessings
  13. This is exactly what came to my mind...I will be interceding.
  14. You have been healed through the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Divine Health is already in your body. Believe and Receive it. I am praying for you...
  15. I HAVE been praying, but I say what is on my heart to say and I will not go against that because I will not be disobedient. When I pray, things come up to say and THATS what I share. I'm sorry that you are offended, but I will do and say what God tells me to... I will do my best to bypass your posts because I do not want you to be offended... Blessings...
  16. Praying...God is the Originator and Author of conception. TRUST HIM and don't trust in the report of man...
  17. This was my point...nothing more...nothing less.
  18. Hi Steve... This is one of those dreams and situtions where you need to "Be still and KNOW that He is God". As you are well aware, God is NOT on our time schedule. He doesn't do things to "suit" us, but to bring GLORY to HIS NAME and to bring about purpose. I am one who KNOWS who my mate is...and I've known for over 19 years now. I've spent the past 19 years of my life interpreting dreams regarding this person, however not until NOW do I see why I needed to wait this length of time. There were things that God showed me about, earlier on, that were going to happen. There were events that took place in his life (as well as mine) that had to happen for the good and purpose of our lives. He was married and now divorced...he's gone through the pain of severed friendships and bad business deals. Through all of that, God has matured him. I have my own long list of things I've been through and not until now, I can see God's hand in it all. He didn't cause it, but He used it and now I'm the better...He's the better for it. I'm not saying you have to wait as long as I did...majority of people don't. What I am saying is allow this time of separation to grow. It sounds to me that you want her "really bad" and in your zeal for this relationship, you may have run her away. Let God do it!! If He is bringing the two of you together, then let Him do it in HIS timing. This season will either cause the two of you to connect even more, or you will draw further apart...but something WILL come out of it. You have to take into consideration the age difference. I'm all for gaps in ages when God is in it, but naturally speaking you are light years ahead of her. In your 20's, there is a different mindset than in your 30's. She could be mature, but naturally speaking, there is a difference. My point is, LET GOD DO THIS! Whatever HE does...LASTS!! It's eternal! You definately need to trust the Words that you believe He's given you regarding this woman, beyond what you are see and what you are experiencing. God CANNOT lie!!! Blessings for you...
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