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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I will pray for you because I know all too well how you feel. Only God can "REignite" your fire. I will tell you what works for me. When you get into a place where you are, it's a good idea to get before God and have a "Pow wow". We go through so much in our day to day life and what happens is that those cares and battles begin to numb us. We begin to feel disconnected when really we ARE connected, but just numb. Sit before God and be as honest as you know how to get and let him take all of that away from you and draw you in. It works every time for me. I'm not feeling all that well myself today. I plan on having a pow wow on my way home from work later. If you get as honest as you can and lay it all out before him, I promise you there will be a change...I PROMISE!!!
  2. Declaring the job for you Miss Princessdelia!!! God is faithful! This is the year!
  3. Thank you everyone!!! I was told that this will be the best birthday ever!! It's not until Sunday so I will come back and report the miraculous and great news!!. Thanks Dee...always so thoughtful!
  4. I wholeheartedly agree with Daisy. If the daydreams are clean and don't get in the way of the day to day "must do" things...like family, work and fellowship with God, then you may be one who dreams as a gift. Not just dream in sleep mode, but dream while awake...it could be the same, as long its within reason.
  5. This is a great post Astra! My heart has REALLY been for the youth and young adults lately since God directed me to a church that is filled with them. I watch their struggles with trying to deny the world and choose the ways of Christ...and it's difficult for them. What I'm learning is that we can't PREACH to them, but SHOW them the love of Christ. Not just show them Christ's love by how we treat them, but what they watch us do. They are looking for EVIDENCE...they are looking for something different than preaching adults that don't have their lives together. The Bible says that we are written epistles LEARNED and READ by ALL men. So our lives are Christ...our lives are the Word...our lives is the message. I'm learning this, just by talking to the youth from time to time. I just want to spread the word. Your heart is in the right place and I beleive that God is laying this on your heart because it is time to pray AND allow our lives to be a witness to them to see. I'm thankful that you obeyed God to post this...it is needed and well received!!!
  6. Love this too Connie!!! I so agree! Also, if the Bible is so daunting for you right now, maybe spend a little more time in intimate prayer and walks with God. I find that "mixing things up" sometimes helps. When I talk to God like he's my best friend, I find that my connection with him becomes stronger and then my perspective of his word changes. Instead of it being "duty" work to read the Bible, it becomes a pleasure and something I want to do to read his words to me. Hope this helps...I'll be praying for you because I know how you are feeling.
  7. . Sooooo proud of this answer Cloud!!!!
  8. I've seen some positive signs. This New years weekend with them shacking up wasn't as good as he thought it would be. I spoke to him on the phone this morning, after I knew she would be gone and he sounded a mess. He was irritable and talking in circles so God is good! Something is happening so I'm STILL praying.
  9. That's all I can say right now. The Lord is sooo good! Thanks again my friend...you are definately flowing.
  10. In so many ways, God is a mystery. That is a question that you should ask Him because when we think we have him figured out, He does something differently...it's just how He rolls...
  11. This is the Word of the Lord!!!!!! I received a similar word earlier from Him and this is soooo timely. The leaders in my church are going on a fast beginning Monday for the month of January and we are praying for a plethora of things however, my BFF is on my personal list. I know God has a special woman for him and I'm declaring her into existence. Yes!!! He's lonely and it's the reason why he drove six hours round trip to be with this woman for Christmas. He wants to be married really badly and I think that is his driving force. God is doing something special in this situation and the word you've shared this evening confirms it even more...WOW! Thank you Jesus!! To God be the glory!
  12. Don't hang girl...STAND!!! Standing on what God revealed to you during your fast. Stand on his love...stand in his grace...stand in his power. Standing means to hold on to everything He says he is and PROVE him to be who He is. He's real and the devil is a liar...Hold him to that too.
  13. Happy New Years to you too Sister!!!!!! I will be at church New Years Eve night and we have no church this Sunday...we are make the celebration our church service. God has already begun speaking to his people and 2012 is going to be an awesome year for those who have been in the wait mode. God is in the midst of us!!!!!
  14. Hello...this same thing happened to me too however the minute I came to myself and realized why it was happening, it broke off of me. It's what I call a "kick back". Its that thing that takes place when the enemy is working his hardest to undo what God has done. This is when we STAND IN THE POWER OF GOD'S MIGHT!! I answered your other post about the anointing and if you read that, I talk about the whimpy and powerless ways of the enemy. Don't allow this to keep you from fasting in the future...much is being accomplished. I will venture out and say that I believe the 21 day fast you did accomplished MORE than meets the eye, that is why the lies and attacks on your emotions came. Go back to all God spoke to you about on your fast and STAND!! It's the foundation that God is giving you to stand on. Blessings...
  15. Hi Lara...what you just said about "unintentional lies" is so TRUE!! That is why the Bible tells us to STUDY to show ourselves approved. Just a few yeas ago, I decided to wipe the slate of my mind clean and go back and allow the Holy Spirit to teach me, since He is the one that brings us into ALL truth. I only did this because it seemed that everythng I learned over the years wasn't panning out. So now on to your question about the anointing (I didn't read the other responses so if I'm repeating anything, I apologize). Jesus is the Anointed One and because He is inside of us, that makes us anointed. We are nothing but flesh and blood without Him and the more we rely on Him, the more exploits we will do in the kingdom of God. Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. (2 Cor 1:21-22) Is there a price?? Jesus already paid the price. The only thing we have to do is DEPEND and trust in him. We were purchased by God through Christ...that's the only transaction that will ever need to be done. There is some form of effort that we have to put forth in studying the Word and becoming LEARNED in all of who Christ is in us. It's in THAT knowledge that we are transformed (Romans 12) There is a fight that takes place. The devil is mad because when we made the decision to follow Christ, he wants to do all he can to get us back. What we need to know is that once we are bought, it's over. The enemy loves to tell us that we are not this or not that. He loves to tell us that we are powerless when we fail, but how can that be when we have the ALL POWERFUL one inside of us? When we understand that, we connect to the power and the lies he tells us are exposed. The Bible says in Ephesians 6 that we need to STAND in the power of HIS MIGHT! So the attacks that come...those firey darts that are aimed at us won't work when we stand in the power and the victory that was purchased for us. I also was told that because of the call on my life the warfare will be intense...and in some ways its true. Remember, satan's plot is for us to NOT walk in what we were created and called to do so the warfare will be more. I can attest to that. I didn't know until recently (within the past year or so) that I am called to be a Prophet to the Nations. That part of my gifts and callings were hidden from me because I wasn't in the right church, but I knew that there was something in me. Part of being in this office is that I can see spiritually, I can hear differently and I'm the watchman on the Wall for my local church and eventually for churches across the nations. The attacks on my life have been intense. The devil doesn't want me to say what God wants me to say because it will bring change. The devil doesn't want me to see what I need to see and most of all, he doesn't want me to BELIEVE that I am who I am. If he can talk me out of who I am (which he tries to do) then I won't be effective in my call. The more I learn of how powerless he really is and how his talk are really lies, the more I can rise above what he launches my way. So remember...Jesus is the Anointed One...He is the One in you, the Hope of Glory. Pray and seek God more and more in His word and let Him open it up to you. It's a beautiful thing to get the revelation. People look at me strangely when I say that the devil is powerless, but it was the Holy Spirit who showed that to me. They see his attacks and see how gross darkness has come over the church and it appears that he is soooo powerful. The Bible says that we are not ignorant of his "devices"...which are tools, lies, mechanisms...but nothing says he has power. Why? because he was stripped when Jesus took the authority away from him and gave it to us. You give authority to someone you want to have the power....this is why we can resist him and he can flee. All he has is talk and when we believe it, thats when we are in trouble. That's probably a little more than what you asked for, but I wanted to share that with you so you can understand that even thought the attacks come, they are meaningless because of who it's coming from. This is why we need to KNOW WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST. Blessings and I pray this helps.
  16. Her divine health has ALREADY been purchased through Christ!!! If she's not experiencing diving health, the enemy has trespassed!!! Praying that her faith in what Christ has done for her will shut the door to every lying demonic force, and that they will return NO MORE!!!!!
  17. LOL!!! Thanks D! My prayer group and I prayed last night and a lot of stuff came out of me as I declared into his life. I can't pray against the relationship because that would be a "witchcraft" prayer. I do know that it's going to turn out the way God designed for it to so i just need to wait on the Lord...like I've been doing with everything else I can't control. Thanks Lurdy's...I had that same thought about this being the situation that will bring him right to the place God has for him. He was doing very well...praying...getting revelation and very encouraged about how his life was going and then This. I'm trusting God...I really am! Thank you ALL...I'm humbled that God put me on your minds yesterday...only God can do that...I'm so grateful for his love and comfort. Hugs to ALL
  18. You guys are awesome!! I struggled a bit today with the whole situation because she drove to his house today to shack up with him for the New Years Weekend IN FRONT OF HIS CHILDREN!!!!!!! How do you do this in front of your children???? It's one thing to go this route and screw up your own life, but to involve your kids...I'm just beside myself right now. I have my prayer group surrounding me in prayer tonight...I need you guys to continue to pray with me. I know I need to trust God a little more in this situation, but when I love, I love HARD and when I see someone I love going down hill it's EXTREMELY painful, especially when there is nothing you can do. HELP ME JESUS!!!!
  19. Thank you Connie! I'm in agreement with everything you said. I'm not turning my back on him, but the situation. I've poured more into this man regarding this than you can imagine. Because of this, his decision has hurt my feelings. When I'm your friend, I'm your friend, but I also know when its time to let go and allow "EXPERIENCE" to be the teacher. Thank you for the prayer...got my focus back!!!!
  20. Thanks everyone...some good stuff here. Yes, I do know that God won't leave him nor forsake him OR his children however, when you see them getting ready to hurt himself and possiblyl his children, then it hurts my heart...especially if all he has to do is CONSIDER and not make a move until he has TOTALLY heard from the Lord. Mark, not sure what my inspiration is going to be yet...will be spending time with the Lord tonight so find out. Yes, the silver lining is that I don't give up on him like God hasn't given up on me, but I'm not giving up on HIM as a person...just the situation. I've asked him to not mention or discuss anything pertaining to their situation because I'm not in the right frame of heart yet. D...yes this is a HUGE focus breaker and I do know that God is trying to pull me back...I can feel the tug! Thanks everyone...you are all on it!
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