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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I so understand where you are coming from...I am praying too.
  2. I learned of my calling early on through dreams. Even as a babe in Christ, I still didn't get the magnitude of it until this season of my life. I knew that what bothered me was an indicator of what God called me to fix, but it was even bigger than that,in my case. Yes I studied and prayed in what I knew of what I was called to do and felt like it would be something on a low scale, but what God did was bring me to a church where the Pastor had a similar calling and God revealed that to him and to me prophetically and God used him to pull it out of me. I'm not called to minister on a low scale, but to nations. I perfer low scale because I'm not an "out in front" type of person, but God said no. I think we have to be careful in settling in what we figure out about our calling because God's ways are always higher than our ways. He's still revealing things to me in such a more grander scale then I could ever think of on my own. It helps to have God put people in your life who can mentor you and have a discerning eye. In my case, it's my Pastor...who, bythe way, is 15 years younger than me. God will use whoever he chooses...praise God. One more thing...I believe that even what you know about your calling now, seek God in ways of how to do what he's called you to do. Sometimes the next phase or the bigger picture comes as you walk in what you know.
  3. You can cope...I did it for two years with a son in college. God is faithful. I look back and don't understand how we made it, but we did. During that time of not having a job, I poured ministry into more people and spent time with the Lord and utilized the time to develop my relationship with him. The time I spent with him was so special that when I finally got a job, I had withdrawals from not spending as much time with him. This time of not having a job is good, if you connect to the ONE who controls the times of your life. He's the Chief Stategist and He's putting together the right set of circumstances just for you. The way I got BOTH of my current jobs were through word of mouth. No interviews...no application process...just starting dates. God knows someone that knows someone...trust Him and draw in closer than never before.
  4. My prayer group payed for your daughter tonight. All will be well...expect it and don't be moved by what you see. Stand on the promise that Jesus already bore her sickness on his body at the cross. When He was resurrected, so was your daughter...the sickness was left at the cross. BELIEVE IT AND WALK IN IT.
  5. Just go with it Astra. Don't try to figure it out or analyze it. God is an Ever Present help in times of trouble and the Bible says that He gives Angels charge over us to keep us in all of our ways. We know, through the Word of God that this family is safe and God just opened up your inner eyes to be able to see what is happening in the spiritual. Rejoice in that...it's an answered prayer. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!
  6. God is DEFINATELY faithful and we will stand in the gap for him. Interesting times...we must stand on the foundation of Christ and NOT waiver!!
  7. Hello Habakkuk... Yes, I would tell her. There is nothing to be ashamed of...you are actively looking for employment and will have something in no time. This is a good time to see where she really is in her heart. If its a deal breaker for her that you don't have a job, then you can move on with no emotional attachments. If she's someone who understands your situation and doesn't mind this season of "transition", then that's a good thing. I don't believe in hiding things from people because thats not honest. Beginning any type of relationship with truth is a beautiful thing...wish more people did it. I will be praying for your situation...you will find something in no time.
  8. Do you mean where is Guyana? Or where is the meeting going to be? Guyana is in South Africa (from what I'm told...I haven't looked it up on the globe yet) and not sure where the meeting will be.
  9. Gotta love God's sense of Humor...just sayin!! Happy for you Mark!
  10. My dearest Jasmine... Take the pressure off of yourself and ask God to meet you where you are. There is a story in the Bible about Doubting Thomas (John 20) where the faith to trust if Jesus was who He said he was. What did Jesus do? He didn't scream and holler at him, He reached out his hands and allowed him to touch the nailprints in his hands and the scar on his side to prove to him that He was the Son of God. What that means is, Jesus met him where he was. Thomas admitted that he was in unbelief so Jesus had compassion for him and proved to him who he is. There is another man who desired for his son to be healed and he knew that Jesus could do it, but he still had some unbelief. He told Jesus, "Help my unbelief". This is honesty and this is what the Lord wants when we are struggling. God knows exactly where you are Jasmine. I was reading in Psalm 139, in the Message version, and it talks about how no matter where we turn, the Lord is there. As I was closing the Bible and ready to take those words with me for the day...I heard the Holy SPirit say "I can't take my eyes off of you"... ...how beautiful is that. God is soooo in love with us that He can't take his eyes off of us...despite how we act (unconditional love). So I say to you precious one that all that you feel you can't be to God, He makes it up by being that to you. Go and ask Him to make himself real to you right where you are...and then wait for Him to do it on his terms. Relax and Let God be the God He desires to be...TO YOU!!!
  11. Praise God!!!!!!! Remember, your fight is not against flesh and blood. We like to only quote that when others come against us, but it's for our families...our children as well. Im angered the most when the devil messes with my child...and he knows it. I have another scripture for you that God gave me when I was crying out for my son...Jeremiah 31:16-17. I can't seem to copy and paste it here because I'm on my IPad. Be encouraged...
  12. Can you invite him to your church?
  13. I would also like to add that you don't always have to say anything to your husband and exert any energy to see things your way...even if you are right. Allow God to change his heart. If he's forced to change the way he's doing things because of how much pressure is applied and then goes back to his way of thinking in another situation, then that's not change. If you pray and not say anything...unless God gives you something to say...then God will have an opportunity to not only change the situation, but change his entire heart. God's ways are never temporal, but they are eternal. The prayer is for enternal change, not temporary case by case change. I believe the fact that you were shot in the dream represents the wound that is afflicted on you in this situation. There is something in YOU that is dying...possibly trust in your husbands ability to handle a situation decently and in order. I don't believe the dream was literal, but more spiritual or emotional. Anyway, I will be praying for all that are involved because each of you are being affected in more ways than you know. God is a deliverer... Praying for you...
  14. Hello... You handle this in the spirit because this is a SPIRITUAL ATTACK. You need to war on behalf of your son, while not giving in to his actions. Those actions are meant to intimidate you and cause you to give in so you will agree that he doesn't go to church. I had a friend a while ago and we raised our sons together. The boys did everything together and if my son wasn't at her house, her son was at my house. When he got around the same age as your son is now, he decided he didn't want to go to church and my friend allowed him to stay home because she felt he was at the age where he could make that decision. I begged her not to allow him to stay home because it would only make the situation worse. My son wanted to do the same thing, but I didn't allow it and told him that he could make his decision when he left my home at 18. That was the beginning to major spiritual warfare, even in my home, but I prayed and DID NOT give in, despite his attitude and his "slouchy" posture in church. Well, the sad part to this is, I tried to talk to my friend's son over the years and when I found out that he wasn't meek enough to listen, I stopped allowing my son to hang with him. It turns out that he began running with a gang...he shot someone...and now he's doing 20 years to life. I'm sharing this with you because I want to show you what the spiritual attack does and how it lulls the parent to sleep very subtly. I honestly believe that if my friend would have kept her son in church, despite the attitude and despite the arguing and pulling, he would NOT be where he is today. Don't get me wrong, I know people who were raised in the church and never left and still are locked up, but I also know MORE people who stayed under the leadership of a church and they are all good! So my answer to your question is: Fight in prayer and continue "forcing" him to go to church. It doesn't matter what his attitude is or what he says, just think more about how the power of God can over take him and change what needs to be changed in him. He may continue to say things about not believing in God, but don't allow that to sway you from pouring the seeds of Christ into his heart. My son went thought that stage, but I didn't stop talking God to him...even when he would argue back...I just giving him the wisdom of God. Now, I can tell the difference because I've been praying that God would RE-DEFINE who He is to my son. Little by little, through some tough seasons, God has been showing him who He is. The Bible promises that when we raise our children up in the way they should go, when they get old, they will not depart. (Proverbs 22:6) Lastly, I will share a scripture with you that I pray over my son EVERYDAY! And all your [spiritual] children shall be disciples [taught by the Lord and obedient to His will], and great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of your children. (Isaiah 54:13 AMP)
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