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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Wow!! How sad and disappointing. This didn't take God by surprise and he definately has a path for you to take. I will be praying that he will enlighten your inner man with wisdom and understanding to know which way to go. Even though it's disappointing, it's not as bad as it seems.
  2. Let it happen naturally. There are seasons where God will set you apart so that He can develop the relationship with you that He longs for. When God does it, no one is hurt by it....it's a natural process.
  3. I've Never been married before and I'm 45 years old. God told me, once before, to occupy my time until my mate comes. I didn't know what that meant until he became more detailed with me. He started leading me to scripture and to books that ministered to the woman he created me to be. I began doing a study on how GOd created me as a woman and the characteristics of a woman. As I began learning, I realized that there were a lot of things inside of me that needed to be addressed so that I can become the best wife to the man that God has for me. So I would like to encourage you to prepare yourself. The enemy loves to put us in those pity games where we feel sorry for ourselves and we begin knick picking of all the things that could be wrong with us. There is NOTHING wrong with you. The Bible says to never put your confidence in flesh. We think about that being about other people, but that's also us depending on our fleshly attributes to attract or make us feel secure in ourselves. Whoever God has for you will adore you exactly the way you are. Beauty...TRUE... beauty comes from within and I try to encourage women all around to work on their inner beauty, because it doesn't fade. A REAL man will recognize that in you. Praying for you...
  4. In this season of my life I am learning how to BE QUIET! I used to have a very sharp tongue...something I had for a long time. God had to send me to work in an office that had nagging type people working there, in order to teach me what He's capable of doing if I just keep quiet. I've been working with three "catty" 26 year olds for the past two years. Since walking through the door, I've been their target. WHen I got this job, a position was created for me so technically I'm the first "new hire" this company has seen since it was birthed 20 years ago...outside of the original hires. This didn't sit well with these girls because for the longest, they were able to do what they wanted to do while the boss was away at meetings. WHile they plotted, planned and even said and did all manner of evil against me, I didn't utter a word. There were days where I couldn't have snatched one of them by their throats and tell them about themselves, but I didn't. Over the time, God kept promising me that he would vindicate me. Just recently, things began getting hotter and hotter on the job. Lies were being flung around to make me look bad and somehow the lies got to the owner of the company and he came in one day and told my boss, "Fire the girls and keep Cholette because she has the ability to run this office alone". Apparently he's the type of person who is loyal and he will work with you, but when you bring drama into his company, he tosses loyalty out of the door. Not only am I the only one that works in the office now, but he chose me to represent the company at a huge conference next month. My boss told me, "I don't know what you've done, but the owner and his wife love you so much". Only God could have done this because I really only see the owner and his wife every blue moon and during our Christmas party! It doesn't really matter how often I see him, God says that he surrounds us with favor. The Bible says in Luke 2 that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and had favor with both GOD and MAN. I believe when we are obedient to what God wants us to do, there is an increase of wisdom and spiritual stature. After that, then the favor with both God and man comes. I give praise to the Lord for this. Who would have thought that he would permanantly get rid of my enemies just because during the hottest seasons of my life, I remained quiet. ONLY GOD...The Vindicator!!
  5. Soooooo excited and happy for you! God is good and He is faithful!!!
  6. Yes, I prayed for him to be strengthened inwardly and tht God's perfect will be done and that the enemy's hand be removed.
  7. Wow...God really has his hand on him. He will be just fine!!
  8. You telling the bosses was the only option. You telling the bosses is helping your company and it's really not about her. You were hired to do your job and as senior staff, you have to make sure that you uphold the integrity of the company, be it profits or anything else. The way that the economy is right now with so many of us working for struggling companies, do all you can to help maintain your company...and pray that God gives your co-worker a grateful heart so she can keep her job or else give it to someone who would appreciate it. Praying for your upcoming Monday. You did the right thing...be encouraged!
  9. Hello Owen! This is actually a GREAT question. I will say this before I respond. What I'm about to share is not because I studied...it's coming based on the limited knowledge I have about God. You mentioned the garden of Eden...with the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I personally don't think that evil was present on the earth, but I do believe that evil was ACTIVATED into the earth when Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Satan had already been kicked out of heaven and into the earth because Adam and Eve were having a great time of pureness in the garden. The serpent (satan) appeared, so he was in the earth, but I believe EVIL couldn't enter into the world unless it had a "human will" to become the door to enter in. Does that make sense? It's almost like yielding to temptation. The temptation itself isn't wrong, but the moment we yield to it, we've given the enemy access into our lives and into our surroundings. So I do believe that Evil was present because of satan, but it wasn't activated into the earth until Adam and Eve yielded. Now, the question could be WHY did God create evil and maybe he really didn't CREATE it as oppose to it being "created" on it's own by the will of the fallen angels. Choice has always been there because if it wasn't, the fallen angels would have never been able to choose to fall. God did give us a will...including the angels...so maybe that was another form of activiation in the heavenlies...but that's me reaching for something that I have no reference on. Maybe that is one of those questions that can't be answered until we get to heaven??? Hmmm Anyway, I hope I made sense because I'm typing a million words a minute before I leave the office...
  10. Sorry, I didn't see this until now. I also don't believe a Christian can be cursed when they are in Christ. It is the very reason that Jesus went to the cross...to redeem us from the curse of the law (Gal 3:13... which includes curses that are in the line of a generation. The Bible clearly states that when we came to Christ, we are NEW creatures and that the OLD has passed away. (2 Cor 5:17) I do believe that if you BELIEVE you are cursed or that there are things in your generational line that will affect you, then it will. The Bible clearly states that what you think in your heart, that's what you will become (proverbs 23:7). If you live by the law, then you will reap what the law has... Which is the curse. Jesus took all of that on Himself so that we can be free. We have to stand in the righteousness and the authority that we received through Jesus Christ and believe that who the Son (Jesus) makes free, is free indeed. (John 8:36) The Blood of Jesus is Powerful...we have to see it that way.
  11. Ohhhhhhh nooooo! You are right in place...especially with the confusion the enemy is trying to throw your way. What I want for you to do is to sit in front of the Bible and then ask God for a scripture to confirm. When you aren't sure, ask God for a scripture. I know it may be hard to read the Bible in the state that you are in right now, but push your way and he will meet you...just wait for him. I'm praying for you because I know how you feel...trust me!!
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