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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Yes, like Dee said, its a process to get healed and you have to spend time daily with the Lord so he can help you. The whole repellent comment from my counselor wasn't a general comment...it was an assessment for my life. I've lived my life for my church and for others, but never for myself. DOing those things I was using them as a repellent to keep myself single. Deep within me I was telling myself that if I stayed busy, then I wouldn't focus on being in a relationship because there was something in me that said I would fail, just like my parents. There is a lot in there that is coming out, but I would have NEVER figured that out on my own. I went to someone who didn't know me so they could be unbiased...and I'm glad I did. Church or Christian hurt is the WORST KIND because we expect so much more from them, but let me say this to you...take all of your fellow Christians off of the pedestal because church is a place where hurting people go to get better. In the meantime, there is a STRONG possiblity that these very people can cut you and make you feel worse than any unsaved person. Why? because we expect more from them...but we shouldn't. It's called 'being human' and being imperfect. We've all done and said things to others that they may be living with, but we only pay attention what has been done to us. Let God heal you because all that God has put in you for others is left untapped because you are isolating yourself...not necessarity physically, but emotionally. God put things in you for others to bring glory to HIS NAME, but as long as you are guarded, God can't be glorified. Allow God to help you let it go...the world needs what you have...and SO DO I!!!!
  2. Hi Lara, I agree with D...you are not cursed! The one thing that came to me is maybe you need to sit down with a Christian Counselor. I'm currently sitting down with someone once or twice a month and the things that they are anointed to see that we can't see on our own is VERY helpful. She figured out that there were some internal things within me that could be why I've never been married before...even though I desire to be. They are things that I buried as a child from my parents dysfunctional marriage. She told me that I'm wearing it as a invisible repellant. It was a real eye opener for me. I shared that so you can see or understand that there are things in our lives that are not normal and God sets professionals in place to help us work through things. Maybe you don't have friends because somewhere in you, you have a problem trusting others...I don't know, but a good and REAL Christian counselor can walk you through some things. Hope this helps...
  3. Ok...just a little bit for now would help...hehehe!
  4. My short answer is, "No." So many believers are going to be at different places in their faith, and even if they are friends or family, it's usually not helpful to tell them the things that you see. If you see something encouraging and feel released to share it, then by all means. If someone comes to you with a problem and asks you if you see anything, then sharing may be more appropriate - but, even then, I would use wisdom. You already said it, but I believe that the primary purpose for this gifting is to be praying for others. And, to be honest, I wouldn't expect to have a conversation with whomever you prayed for regarding the things you've seen. They were revealed to you for a purpose. On a practical side, if someone comes to you asking for prayer for something that you've already seen, you could confirm the issue by saying that you felt/saw that this was the case and have been praying for it, and then take the opportunity to pray with them at that moment. In this way, you're giving them confirmation, and you're encouraging them by letting them know that you've prayed and are willing to pray in that moment. The answer to this will be more and more obvious to you the more experiences you have walking in this gift. While I said above that the main purpose for this gift is to be praying for others, there's actually a purpose that's more important than that: This gift is for you and your relationship with God. It's going to keep you looking at him, seeking him for direction and wisdom. Out of that, he'll lead you in what to say, how to pray, when - and when not - to take action. Like Mary and Martha with Jesus: Relationship, first, and then the work. So, seek him on whatever you see or feel, and follow his leading in each situation. You'll grow in the gifting as you do, which is more than just the seeing and feeling - that growth is also in the application. Blessings, -Mark EXCELLENT Response Mark!! The one thing I've learned in prophetic training is that prophetic gifts are 90% prayer and 10% prophecy. A prophet is an intercessor FIRST. Like Mark said, you were shown those things to intercede for your friend. If God releases you to tell her, then by all means do so, but I would say that he showed it to you so you could pray freedom into her life. Ask God to open your eyes to see when the prayers over her have manifested. That's a whole different side of discernment. We can easily see when things are wrong, but to be able to see them when the shift has taken place is a different place. Ask for it...He will give it to you! Blessings
  5. Good to see you!! How have you been????
  6. Hi Jazzy... It could be that the roommate is operating in that spirit, but its hard to say. I'm very careful in saying that a person has a Jezebel spirit unless God points it out to me. Some people are just mean and don't know how to treat people. The roommate could be jealous and just treats your friend unkindly. Pray over the situation and ask God to reveal what that is and go from there. Gracee...most people who operate in this spirit don't realize they do. It goes undetected by those around it and those who operate in it. God can tell you how to deal with it. In my case, it was me laying my hand on her unassumingly for God to break that thing off of her. It just depends...allow God to give you His strategies on how to handle that...He will! A former Pastor's wife operated in the spirit of Jezebel and everyone called her powerful and a Strong leader. It was God that showed me little things behind the scenes that she did that put her in control of the church instead of her husband. She shot his ideas down behind the scenes and eventually did that in front of people. So sometimes women in power can have that Spirit and everyone thinks she's strong. Like I said, it has to be discerned. Not all strong women leaders have the spirit of Jezebel. Hope this helps.
  7. Wow! I am praying as well. Just know that God's word does not return void. No one can stop the purposes of God. We aren't always aware of the things that have to take place, on the way to the promise, but just trust the Word of The Lord and continue to put God in remembrance of it god is faithful to his word!
  8. Congratulations...that is beautiful!!
  9. I've been praying for you and one of the things The Lord told me was that you should play soft worship music while you sleep. For example, instrumental worship music. This is charging the atmosphere with God's presence. I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but the baby you are carrying is special and called of God. The Lord shared with me that this is the enemy's subtle way of trying to affect the baby, but there is now a shield around your precious one as well as you and your husband. My prayer team and I are on this.
  10. Wow...praying for you! Peace to you...
  11. WOW Connie! At least you had the courage to do it...I don't think I could have done it. Bravo to the God in you who strengthened you and continues to do so!
  12. I was thinking bout Linda today. I realized I haven't seen her online...praying that everything is ok.
  13. Ohhhhhhh myyyyyy Deborah, I totally forgot about that story. It lines up so well. Let me sit with it and pray and I will let you know.
  14. Exactly Dee! I'm also trying to get my flesh in check as well because I really shouldn't be that irked with her...but I am. My pastor told me to connect with her so she can learn. He said that she definately has a gift inside of her, but it needs to be tempered. My responsibility is to keep watch on the prophetic side of things and because we are a "prophetic" church...EVERYBODY wants to prophesy. He allows it during our church prayers, but we have to get a handle on those who are pullling people over to the side and giving them some harsh and specific information that IS NOT of God. I didn't sign up for this, did I? lol
  15. Amen! "Jezebel" is a name people will attach to anyone now a days. I really believe its a tactic of the enemy to water it down so people won't be aware of it any longer. We have to stay on the wall of prayer. I know I began this post two years ago and it was before I was ordained as a prophet. Now that I am, it's amazing the amount of manipulation that takes place around me. I'm not saying they are Jezebels, but the are Jezebel-esque. There is a young girl who also has a strong prophetic gift who is ALWAYS in my face. She always has a word for me and she can be quite annoying. Most people are afraid to give me words and they go to my pastor to relay the word to him, but not her. She seems to be so overly confident and it appears she is trying to build herself up in her own eyes by doing that. My Pastor has had to call her on giving "parking lot" prophecies...over and over again. She feels as if she has words or people so she gives them no matter what...that is rebellion. She can be a sweet and loving girl, but deals with rejection and wants to be loved and accepted. I do accept her, but I have to also use discernment and protect myself. I feel that the moment my guard is down, the bite takes place.
  16. I really not, but I will be praying that you find something. Just know that God has it ALL worked out. As you trust him to order your steps, he is faithful in doing that.
  17. ohhhh myyyyy Connie! I'm so sorry sweetie. I am in prayer for you and your family. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!!!
  18. I'm also praying against the spirit of suicide and the spirit of hopelessness. This is the ONLY reason why people decide to do things like this. I'm also going to pray that God will prophetically make you His voice to those around you...and that God will speak proactive strategies to you on behalf of those around you. Stand strong MamaZ...God is going to use you like never before. Not another life will be taken from this point out...in Jesus name!
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