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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Nice meeting you Robert...
  2. Anytime something needs to be birthed into the land, it will always come through a woman. Not only do we have natural wombs, but we also have spiritual wombs that will birth God's will into the earth. It's awesome that you have three girls TrueFlight, God is intrusting THREE lifegivers to you and your wife. What a wonderful testiment of who God is and his strategies/plans
  3. Well, I wouldn't be so hasty to cut them off. They sound deceived, not corrupted...and there is a difference. If they are good people outside of their twisted beliefs, why not spend time with them? Our light of Jesus Christ cannot be light if it's around other lights. It can only be light if it's around darkness. I think you should think more about being examples of what a righteous and holy life looks like than how wrong they are in their beliefs. Your children will be okay because what they were taught was just information, but you already built a foundation in them...you just need to do a little "garden keeping" and pull up the weeds, but it's not that bad for them right now. You and your hubby should pray and ask God to help you be the examples of Christ for that family and treat them with Love...the way that Jesus would do if he was in your situation. All of our doctrines get twisted from time to time, but God is steadily there for us until the truth sets us free. Maybe their deliverance is in YOUR mouth. Maybe your example of love is just what they need for God to open up their hearts and show them their deception. They are not evil...just misinformed. Try to change your perspective of them and let God use you. Peace and blessings...
  4. I don't want you to get into condemnation about it all because you are NOT the cause of your own confusion and pain. We are human and we tend to lean towards what makes us feel good and what make us happy. Getting your job and moving into your own place is what would make you happy at that time...and it's okay. God loves you enough NOT to allow what you want to get in the way of what HE wants for you. What if God wants you to have a house and not just an apartment? What if the position you are seeking is still taken by someone that God is orchestrating to leave, but the time hasn't come yet? There are ALL types of scenarios to your story, but I know by the Spirit of the Lord that God has greater for you than what you've been asking for. I believe that you will get in agreement with God as he pours his heart into yours as you pray in the spirit. There is a conception that will take place and you will get the joy you are searching for in your relationship with him and not in the things that you are searching for. Rest in his arms Lara...God is TRULY at work for you. You can't see it, but I know what I'm hearing even as I type this. Let him do it in you first so you can see...
  5. It may have been God's Power, but because you were so hungry to get what you want, you may have interpreted it to be God confirming what YOU wanted. The one thing I do know about God is that he doesn't move as fast we we want, but He's a timely God. When He says that He's going to do something, He does it...whether it happens right away or 20 years down the line. My suggestion to you is to continue doing what you are doing by praying in tongues, but don't do it to GET from God...do it because that's your time alone with him praying a language that only HE can enjoy and understand. Develop your relationship with him during this season. Don't look for anything in return...do it because God wants to spend time with you and give you HIS desires. That only happens when we DELIGHT ourselves IN HIM...not IN what we want. The Bible tells us to seek HIM FIRST. When you do all that I suggested, you are seeking Him first. Sometimes God needs to get our hearts straightened out before we can receive. The Bible tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life. What we need and desire comes from the wombs of our hearts. If our spiritual artieries are clogged and blocked with unforgiveness, bitterness or worry/concern, there is no way things can get through. Ask God to help you to clean out your heart and then watch how things flow. You are his vessel here on the earth that will bring glory to His name so He wants you to have the desires of your heart, but your heart has to be in condition. I hope this helps and encourages...
  6. Remain open Chantel-Rose. Many times when a prophetic word is given, we use our natural selves to interpret what is being said. It may not make sense to you now and who the prophet is speaking about may not even be in your life right now. My advice is to hear the prophecy...receive it and then stand back and allow God to lead you. We, as human beings are notorious for "helping the manifestation" along and God may be in a different season of our lives. He may need to move you and/or this other individual into each others lives in order for this to come to pass. God may need to work on your hearts and cut away some things before things begin to manifest. I've been where you are and I learned the hard way about "helping God and interpreting what I think he is saying". If you stand outside of the word wondering if it's true, you won't get your confirmation because you will be in a place of "wonder" and not faith. If you receive the word and remain open for God to reveal what is needed, then you will get it. If it's not of him, he will let you down gently without any damage. It's when we get in the way and think we know what it means...THAT'S when it hurts.
  7. WOW! I missed this one...great testimony Astra!!!
  8. God will do it...that's a promise that HE made to us. All we need to do is train them up in the way they need to go. We have done that...now God is obligated to do the rest. Praying...
  9. From one mom to the other, you have to let the "chips fall where they may". The way you teach him to respect you is to not allow it in your home. It's obvious that even though it appears he's doing well, he's very unhappy. He's only changed his location, not his mindset. You and your husband need to lock hands and go before the Lord and seek what to do next and not be moved by your feelings. I say this from experience. I've had to make some HARD decisions and I have been a single mother my son's entire life. I let him go...no support...no anything...while living in a different state and commended him to the Lord and trusted that he would take care of him. My family was ANGRY with me saying that I was not being a parent and that he was too young for me to let him go, but because I put him in the hand of the Lord, I was willing to take the risk and trust God who had been his father all along. Yes, it was nerve wrecking at first, but my son decided to move back home and what I found was that the young man that I had believed God for came forth. He was different...he was more mature and better than I expected. He's not exactly serving God right now, but his head is on straight about LIFE...the spiritual side is next.
  10. YESSSSSSS!!! I knew he would do it! God is FAITHFUL!!!
  11. God ALWAYS turns things around for our good! So happy and estatic for how God is moving in your life. HALLELUJAH!!
  12. Where is it? Can you post the link here?
  13. Well, you can be a screenwriter and be prophetic. For me, I'm called into a business world...as a prophet. I didn't know that until I became a part of the church I'm in now and my pastor helping me to discover that. There are a few people in my church who are called into the entertainment arena as prophets. God NEEDS people who can be his mouthpiece to get the Word out into these areas. Why not be a screenwriter and prophesy through movies and plays?
  14. Ohhh Christa...you misunderstood the reason why I asked about being a narcissist. My reasons were because I don't know any and I was CURIOUS to find out how they act. Sorry you were offended and felt disrespected. I do understand what you are going through, not because I've been through it but because I know you've been through a lot of stuff in relationships. I will back out of the conversation... God bless...
  15. Dismantling your own glory is like taking off your clothes. You get rid of your ideas of how your life should be and stand vulnerable and "naked" before him allowing him to do whatever he desires in your life. Many times we make plans and do what comes to our minds and God never agreed to it. He will just let us move forward in it until we realize we can't go any further. It's best to put away everything we want to do and leave it to God to show us what HE wants us to do...that's HIS glory and not our own.
  16. My strengthening your spirit man through the word of God. We feed our flesh everyday thru giving into temptations. By doing that, we are feeding our flesh and it gets stronger and stronger and stronger. While we are doing that, we are not feeding on the word of God. So we are starving our spiritual man and it gets weaker and weaker and weaker. Whatever you feed will get stronger. Get the strength you need by reading/studying the Bible.
  17. When something is dead, it's non responsive...it can't be awakened. What God is saying is that he made it to where we are non responsive to the calls of our flesh. We should be so dead to it that when it screams we won't be awakened to it. Does this make sense?
  18. Sorry...it's almost another month and I'm just now responding... Why are you so hard on yourself? Why don't you believe that you can have any woman that you are interested in? I believe if you just step out of the insecurity suit you are wearing, you will be appealing to the women who are in your midst. You are only assuming she didn't send the email to you on purpose...but what if she did? I'm not sure how old you are, but there is nothing wrong with seeking out both of them for friendship purposes...and then see which one takes off. If neither on of them does, then you have time to keep seeking until you find HER! Blessings to you...
  19. I'm curious on his narcissitic behaviors. You dont' have to be specific...but can you give me an example of how he is a narcissist?
  20. Christa...think of your daughter. What you are doing is creating a pattern for her on what type of man to choose in her life. Yes, you need deliverance from this soul tie, but there are some natural decisions you need to make for HER sake. She will repeat what you are doing if you don't make some tough decisions. I would admonish that you stay far away from relationships until you are healed. You are attracting the wrong type of man and its because of the wounds and issues inside of you. I don't mean to be hard on you, but I believe you hear my heart and you know I have your best interest. You've gone through a lot in the other relationship and sadly if you don't get a handle on this, you will end up in the same type situation or worse...and the only thing you need to do is make a decision. God's grace is there to give you strength to do what you can't do within yourself. Pray and tap into it. Praying for you...
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