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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. In the Name of Jesus!! I will pray with you.
  2. WOW!!! And we can see the fruit of it...thanks for sharing!!
  3. I'm not sure if anyone is paying attention, but there is a spirit of suicide that has been launched out. I've never seen or heard of so many suicides like I have within the past few weeks. I'm a claims manager and I just received FOUR suicided claims from the weekend alone!! Never in my life, since working here, have I seen this many claims for suicide. I think I've only had four since working here, but four in one weekend? It's sad and the photos are grotesque. The enemy has people pulling the triggers and hanging themselves. Please help me pray...we need to cover our families and prevent these spirits from attacking anyone else. The effectual and fervent prayers of the righteous avails MUCH POWER!!!
  4. Meeting with my prayer team tonight and we will go to the Throne Room on the behalf of you and your children....and your husband, who is in need of a special touch from the Lord. Blessings...
  5. I had something similar about a year ago. I was driving home from work and all of a sudden I saw the cutest little baby girl. She was in my arms and I heard a voice say "Her name will be Olivia". I didn't understand it because 1) I'm not married or dating, 2) In the natural, I'm 46 years old and I never imagined having a child at this age and 3) I don't have a desire for a child, but I have always wanted a daughter. I have asked God was this about ME or was it about someone else, but I haven't received my answer yet. Sometimes God doesn't answer me when I truly know what he's trying to say. It's like His silence is saying, "girl, you already know..." LOL!
  6. For the Lord is good and His love endures, yes the Lord is good FOREVER!!!
  7. That is the best and most peaceful thing you can do. If it's God, it will happen regardless!
  8. Let's remember that when we are posting that sometimes things can come across harsh and there are ways to respond where grace and peace can be ministered. It may not be the intent of the poster to be cruel or insensitive however we have to be careful so that the things we are trying to relate can be well received. This is definately a sensitive subject and Gracee I just want you to know that I have put your name before my prayer group and we are praying for you. I'm also praying that you will come into the full knowledge of who you are and your rights as a child of God. The Lord has you covered so continue to talk to him about the situation and watch him open your eyes to His Word and to who you are. Peace be still...
  9. Praying...let's place them in the Lord's hand and trust His faithfulness.
  10. By the way...I also have an analytical mom. She's also very critical so I understand WHOLEHEARTEDLY!
  11. I'm here for you if you like. Underneath my avatar, is a gold envelope...which links to my email. You can email me privately and I will be more than happy to be THAT person for you.
  12. My grandmother used to say to me "A closed mouth never gets fed"...what that means, if you don't open your mouth and tell someone what you are going through, you may never get the help you need. It's amazing because usually when you say something to someone, they have either dealt with it themselves or has known someone who has or is going through what you are experiencing. The fact that you wrote this out is a step in the right direction. Night terror dreams are NOT uncommon. It's designed for the enemy to torment you in your mind and in your life. It's the devil's will for you to keep it to yourself so you can remain in the dark cold room that he's tormenting you in. The moment you tell someone, you are opening the door to expose him for what he really is. He's lied to you and said that you won't be accepted by anyone, but I'm here to tell you that God has ALREADY accepted you through His Son Jesus Christ. "...just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved." Ephesians 1:4-6 I have news for you...being vulnerable is the place of strength. The Bible speaks about how God's strength is made PERFECT in our weakness so when you try to put on a strong exterior, you are really being weak because you are not allowing God in to be your strength. It's in your vulnerability that you are stronger so embrace that and find someone you can trust to open up to. You just did that by posting this message so I'm here to encourage you to continue. I'm praying for you... Blessings
  13. Amen!! Is this real life or is this a story. If it's real, you are a great writer. I felt like I was reading a book or a devotional.
  14. Ugh...praying! So sad...even if she is 90 years old. God help and heal this woman, in the name of Jesus!
  15. A relationship with God is the easiest and most rewarding relationship you can ever have. I'm not being cliché when I say that...it's truth. Without your relationship with Him spiritually, no natural relationship will ever work. You will search high and low to feel fulfilled, but will never be until your relationship with God is in tact...
  16. I will step in and add my two cents here because I will tell you Jasmine that if it were true that you knew who you are, you would attract different types of people. I call it "the scent of a woman". We only attract people that can sniff out our scent. That is why you see women who are in abusive relationships keep going from one to another because they keep attracting the same type of man. If you are attracting certain people to your life, THAT'S what's inside of you. I know it sounds harsh, but it's truth. My friendships had to change recently because I had a bunch of lazy people around me. When I saw them, I immediately looked at myself and said that must be inside of me. So I went before God and got into His word and began to hide his word in my heart so I would not sin against him (as David so eloquently put it). Your positive thought about yourself are only in your head...but not in your heart. It's the condition of your heart that is attracting the people your way. I could go deeper into this, but I won't do it here, but EVERYTHING Astra is saying to you is spot on and is not from one perspective, as you stated...it's the ONLY perspective in your case. You mentioned not having a father in your life...and yes that is a void. I was in your shoes at your age. I had a father in my life, but he was absent emotionally. I enjoyed allowing the older men come after me. I actually dated older me for a lot of my dating years until I realized that was what I was looking for...validation from my father. Validation is HUGE and you say you want to pour into someone else, but you don't have much to pour yet sweetheart. You got into a car with a 60 year old man. Wisdom and a secure and validated heart would have told you to NOT do that...no matter what he was offering you. I want you to see this outside of what your feelings are telling you. Your "scent" has to change...and that can only happen through the Word of God...washing yourself in His Word and TRULY understanding who you are. I gotta go, but please read this from a place of love. It's a little bold in writing, but my heart is saying this to you because I've been where you are and I know what my problem was and I definately know what your problem is as well. Go back to God and ask Him to help you...change your focus...there is more for you in this season of your life besides a relationship. You have to have a healthy one with God FIRST...then the others will follow.
  17. EXCELLENT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wholeheartedly AGREE!
  18. WOW...praying for you! I don't have anything to add because I know you know what needs to be done. My prayer is that God gives you the strength, strategy and resources to do what needs to be done. My prayer is that God touches the hearts of your children (and yours) so that you can move forward in your lives.
  19. I normally just buy the olive oil. It's not about the smell, it's about the faith attached to what you are praying for.
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