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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. First of all congrats to your hubby for the promotion. I say to you...RELAX...Be still and KNOW that God is God. He is the one that planned your path and has a GREAT future for you and your family There are times that we have to walk "blind faith"...not understanding the full picture, but just knowing that God has everything in HIS control. I say to continue to rejoice in ALL that God has done thus far...it will get your mind off of the fact that you are not sure where you are going.
  2. Whoa, that is close...but it shall not come nigh thee...in the name of Jesus!
  3. You have to keep feeding in order to keep the hunger. So right now if you go and open your Bible and ask God to stir up your hunger, He will as you read His Word and pray. The longer you go without "food", the more your appetite decreases. That's true for natural hunger as well as spiritual hunger.
  4. No...do you have a plan like opening up a business...working overtime...a raise/promotion, etc? The reason why I ask is that God CAN move supernaturally, but sometimes he will give us ideas that he will bless to bring in the increase that we need.
  5. Let me say this to you. You said that at first you were in peace and then now you aren't. There are times that the enemy will throw smoke in our faces to prevent us from seeing and hearing when God is about to speak and/or show us something. Have you considered that maybe God wants you to continue to feel your way by faith and not get specific instructions? God is ALWAYS speaking...but sometimes we are just not in the place or position to hear because we are expecting him to come a certain way. I remember a story in the old testament...I think it was Elijah...and he went out to get a word from the Lord so it began to rain and he thought that God's voice was going to be in the rain, but it wasn't. Then it began to thunder and lightening so he thought he would hear God's voice in the thunder and lightening, but he didn't. Finally, everything was still and THAT IS when he heard God...in a still small voice. I sense that you are looking for God to come a certain way and because he hasn't shown up that way, you feel as though He's not answering you. It could be that or that you are supposed to walk in blind faith in this season...and as you step out things will begin to look clearer and clearer. I hope this helps in some way...God is growing us ALL up in this hour and how He moved before, may not be how He's moving now. Praying for you.
  6. Are you still feeling that hunger for God?
  7. Not sure I understand he question. I thought I did, but when you said "getting slimed" you lost me.
  8. That dream is NOT your imagination. I will pray and agree with you for confirmation.
  9. I will pray... Do you have anything in the works that can bring this money in?
  10. Praise the Lord...for HE is goooood!
  11. I m praying that it will leave your body in the name of Jesus!,,
  12. Oh wow...praying too. Don't beat yourself up Daisy...at least she was found. Don't condemn yourself
  13. Yes...a week ago! God is good!
  14. I knew I wasn't going to watch it when I began hearing about it. There is something about mixing Hollywood with the Bible. I have found that when movies like these are made, their is always a compromise to be "politically correct" instead of expressing the truth uncompromisingly. It's sad, but so true...
  15. Hallelujah!!!!! This is an opportunity for God to show out...I'm in agreement with the prayers.
  16. Since you know it's him, why not report him to FB? They will ban him. Anyone that would stoop that low and invade someone's privacy like that is NOT a good person and should be avoided at all cost. IF he will do that, how much more is he capable of. REPORT HIM!!!!
  17. Just like Mark said...it's the spirit behind this man's actions. When you realize that the longer you feel the way you do, the more the plan that the enemy had to ruffle you feathers, worked. Get mad enough to shake it and not let the enemy win. As you know, the hateful things that were spoken are lies so the only thing that should shake you is TRUTH...not a lie. Praying for you...
  18. I just believe that even as the doctors are working on his spiritual heart, it is symbolic to what Dr. Jesus is doing with his spiritual heart. Trust God in this...I truly believe this is the case.
  19. Yep...a couple of years ago I was driving down the freeway and an OLD song by the Five Stairsteps came on called "ooooh child". The lyrics that spoke to me were ooooh child, things are gonna get easier, oooooh child things are gonna get brighter The whole song ministered to me, but those were the main words that BROKE ME DOWN!! It was a "thus saith The Lord" moment.
  20. I just experienced this last week. The girls on my job, that I've been having problems with, were hired back as temps. When they were brought back, it was to help out with the incline of work. The company has been struggling, but as of last week, I have gone from part time...working a shift alone, while the other two split a shift, to full time and overseeing claims. I've only been there 3 1/2 years and they have been there nearly 10 years. Only Gods favor could do that. I was concerned that I was being taken advantage of because they never did work while they were there...just to spite me. I spoke with God, heart to heart and a week later I had the promotion, raise and benefits. #grateful
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