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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. Wow...I'm not sure I've really paid attention to what I do to break any barriers. Most times I'm driving in my car because I spend a lot of time on the road. I do agree there is no agenda, but I also know that I go in because of HIM and not me. I don't think I've ever sat down and said, "I'm going to usher in His presence"...usually I'm drawn. He will put something in my heart to where I'm grateful or a revelation of something and then it's like I can feel him "escorting" me to a higher place. I guess what I'm saying is, if I had to think about it, the times I've reached that place has been effortless because He's has been the Initiator. He has been the one who has summonsed me. Another thing that just came to mind is that I can be anywhere and when I realize that He is right there with me, it causes something to spark within me and even without opening my mouth, there is a STRONG presence of His Being which causes me to "be still and KNOW He is God".
  2. How are things going KDRE?? I thought about you this past weekend...my Pastor was teaching on the Gift of Prophecy vs. The Office of the Prophet and he mentioned how certain churches don't believe the other 5 fold offices exist. Just wondering if anything has changed...my prayer group has been praying for you...
  3. Thank you Owen...much strength is needed. I think it's bothering me now because NOW is the time to deal with it.
  4. Oh and it was just impressed on my heart that "you haven't seen ANYTHING yet!"
  5. Good stuff D. I think you are right...IDENTITY!
  6. I have this friend for over 25 years and there is one thing that really bugs me about her...she hates for someone to have the same item (no matter what it is) as she does. She gets upset if someone wears the same color as she does or if they are driving the same car she has, etc. I mentioned to her the other day what my dream car was. I knew that hers was the same maker, but not the same model. When we had this conversation, I told her the type of car and she got ANGRY! I told her the model that I thought she desired and she said NOOOO it was the one I wanted. I said that it wasn't a big deal because they make more than one of each model... She didn't find that funny. I want to help her, but I'm not sure what it is that makes her like this. Does anyone have any clue? Do you know anyone like this? HELPPPPPPPP!!!
  7. I think what your husband said to them IS your answer. The only thing is that you both have to stick to your convictions and not allow them to practice their rituals in your home. The one thing I do know is that your stance will minister to them even more than you know and could be the factor to them coming to Christ. If you become shaky and bending here and there there will be nothing about Christianity they would want because Hindu's are one of the most committed religions. Your witness of "sticking to your guns" will minister more than you know. Praying for you all and this situation...
  8. Hello Danny, The wonderful thing about God is that He LOVES to work miracles however, He can't do it because no one is really ready to believe that he can. As I was reading your prayer request I realized that everything that you were recanting was about what everyone else was saying, but you only mentioned your dream in relation to what God was saying to you. God assured you in a dream that this area would open to you and then He sent someone else to confirm it, yet you are shaken by what it looks like and based on what the institution has told you. God can altar an entire program in the institution just for you. If this is the area that God has for you then your gift will make from for you...but you have to believe that. Trust in what God has shown you and trust in the confirmation he sent. The only thing I would focus in on right now is the timing. I know you are looking at the others around you who have finished and gone on, but you have to not pay attention to them and run your own race. Locate your goal, put your peripheral blinders on and press toward the mark. I will be in agreement with you, as I know others will who read this, but understand that God is ready, but is looking for faith. Ask Him for peace as you wait for him to graciously open the door for you. In the meantime relax knowing that the Chief Strategist of your life is in control and he is aligning things so they can happen at the proper time. Interceding for you...
  9. Can I suggest something? You should sit before God and share everything that is on your heart...including what you shared here. You sound like you need a "pow wow" with God. It does wonders when you get as real as you possibly can with him. Let me know how it goes...if you choose to do it.
  10. God's ways are not our ways. He is the only One that is a GIVER of life. I really believe there is a brighter "tomorrow" in all of this. It may not seem like it now, but I believe one day the lightbulb will come on. In the meantime, keep your head up...God is still on the throne and He's Large and in Charge!!!
  11. God knows best...praying for all...including you.
  12. You will know it when what you've done or what the other person has done, doesn't bother you anymore. You will know when you understand that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. God has forgiven you AND the other person. Why hold them hostage AND yourself when God doesn't? It takes lots of prayer and reading God's Word to get to this place.
  13. Good post Deborah! This is what my ministry is all about. I live 30 minutes from Hollywood and I see the effects of it DAILY. Everyone trying to look like the perfect Barbie Doll, but they don't get that TRUE beauty...Gods Beauty... is internal.
  14. God is sooooooooooooooooo loving, kind and EXTREMELY faithful. I won't stop praying and praising until they get home and are back to normalacy. Praise your name Lord!!!
  15. God is faithful and I am taking this to my prayer team. The enemy will not and cannot prevail when the effectual and fervent prayers of the righteous go forth.
  16. In no way am i insinuating that you were about titles. If i gave that impression, i apologize. was saying that to let you know that I believe I Knew where your pastor was coming from when he made the comment. To hear that someone is a prophet may give someone the assumption that the person is out for titles because many are....that's all. I get that your church doesn't nurture anything outside of the role of a pastor...my former church didn't either. They didn't believe in prophets at all. My point in sharing my story is that no o e can stop your purpose from coming to pass...no one!! You may be unconfortable because it's time to move forward. My point was to encourage you to relax because your gift WILL make room fo you. Spend this time in God's presence more than ever. We have more in common than you know and I'm sharing so you can have peace. This is a good season for you...
  17. One more thing...your Pastor is misinformed. Don't worry about that...your call is YOUR CALL. I know where he's coming from with the titles because I'm the same way. There have been so much negativity surrounding people who HAD TO BE CALLED Prophet this or Prophet that and they never prophesied or did anything...the title was a ego booster. When My pastor asked everyone to start calling me Prophetess Cholette, I shunned the idea because it represented negative stuff in my mindset. My thing is...just be who you are...no titles, no nothing...that's where I am with it. I still shutter when people call me by my CALL, but I always just tell myself that Prophet is what I do, not my first name. No worries...let it go and just do what God is callng you to do. In no time you will be where God is calling you to be.
  18. Hi KDRE! I truly understand where you are and I can say this to you with every fiber of my being...God will take you where you need to be to utilize what is inside of you. I was a part of a church for 20 years. Little did I know that the church was suppressing what was inside of me. I knew I had some gift, but I didn't realize how HUGE my gift and call was. Without me knowing, God was slowly disconnecting me from my church by not allowing the ministry of the word to minister to me anymore. There was something missing. I finally couldn't take not being ministered to so I left on a quest to find THE church where God could speak to me again. I ended up visiting a small church and when I walked in, the Pastor stood me up in the service and gave me the word of the Lord that said "God brough you here to promote you..." This man spoke to every call in me and allowed God to show him where to put me in the ministry. Within a year of becoming a part of that church, I was on leadership and ordained as a Prophet. Only God can do that...he got no help from me...lol! I'm a behind the scenes type of gal and I dont' like being out in the forefront so I went forward kicking and screaming, but I have lived the scripture that says... A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men (Prov 18:16) My gift was making room for me the moment I became unhappy with not receving ministry from my other church. My gift led me to the right church where it could be nurtured and cultivated...ONLY GOD can do that. I said all of that to say this to you...BE STILL and know that God is God. He will get you where you need to be. Frustration is not of God so you need to lay it on his lap and allow him to do what needs to be done and so you can hear him and discern his leading. Maybe you've outgrown your church...but God will confirm that to you. It's okay...you won't miss a beat...you won't miss a step. There are plenty of ways you can operate in what you know is inside of you. I didn't think I was a Global Prophet, but I felt the need to give people the word of the Lord all of the time. I just did it because it was welling up in me. You don't need a platform to do what you are called to do. You can prophesy to those who are in your personal world...family...friends...strangers. That is what I do...I always ask God to put people in my path that need to hear a word from him. I can be in WalMart waiting to check out and someone will be in front of me or behind me and I will just give them what God lays on my heart. Oh, there is no greater reward than to see the look on their faces...that's what it's all about so God can be glorified. You dont' have to prove or explain you call...just BE who you are...no titles...no understanding from anyone...JUST BE! I pray this helps!
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