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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. I'm at a loss for words right now... I have a really good friend who believes he has found his future wife. It seemed to be great in the beginning, in my eyes, but I began seeing some strange things take place. After knowing her for a few weeks, he was ready to pack up his son and move 200 miles away to be near her...even knowing that his daughter would be left behind with her mother. I asked him, why in the world would he be rushing to move when 1) he doesn't have a job and 2) he would be leaving his daughter behind (which is the most important one). He didn't want to listen to me so I left it alone. Soon after, his ex wife got involved and then took him to court to stop him from moving her son 200 miles away from her. That whole battle opened up his eyes and he realized he was getting ready to make the worse mistake of his life by uprooting and leaving his daughter behind. Because of that quick decision, he opened up a "can of worms" and now things are intense with his ex-wife. After awhile the true colors of his "future wife" began to show and it was all about him moving and it was like she didn't care what he was leaving behind (his children), while HER two children were safe with HER. So he began realizing that things with her were not right and he needed to go back to God. Well, my prayer team and I were interceding and out of the blue, one of the girls heard God say something to her about this guy...who she only knows is my friend, but doesn't know what's going on with him. She said that she saw him in a web and the web was formed by a black widow that is in his life. I gasped because I knew EXACTLY who she was speaking about. She went on to say that he needed to RUN FOR HIS LIFE!!! I told him the word and he said it confirmed some things in him. Now...I just found out that he went to see her for the Christmas Holiday's and now he says that his heart has changed and that he feels differently about her and they are looking towards the future with each other. I explained to him what a black widow does...she woos her prey and gets it to connect to her before she entangles it in her web and kills it. He's supposed to feel good because that's her tactic, but he won't listen. So I've made the bold and honest move to turn around and walk the other way. I can't pray anymore...I can't talk to him anymore...I'm pretty much done. There is a part of me that says that God doesn't give up on me when I make wrong moves so why am I doing it to him, but this situation has taken my focus. I'm in training to be an Elder in my church...I've been asked to seek God for a Word for my church and give it on New Years Eve...but I haven't given any thought to these things because I'm inadated with this situation. I hate it when I see close friends take a nose dive...and that is what he's doing...I can see the end results even as I type this. What would you do?
  2. I will be praying however please continue to seek God about if this dream is literal or symbolic. I've had "cancer" dreams before and it was more about a spiritual issue than physical.
  3. I spent time in Church last night and our Pastor didn't schedule any church services today so we can spend it with family. So I'm going to spend time alone and watch sports ALL DAY!!!!! I'm a L.A. Laker basketball fan so I will be watching the season opener TODAY and just CHILLLLLLLLLL...
  4. Praise GOd! I read this earlier, but got called away from the computer before I could respond. THE LORD IS GOOD!!!!
  5. Praying for deliverance in this situation. God is faithful!!
  6. Good Word Astra!!! I would like to add that it's after the promise that things get tough!! Where we go wrong is that we interpret what we THINK God is doing/saying and HOW He's going to do what we THINK he's doing/saying and when it doesn't go as plan, we blame Him. As Astra said, God never said it would be easy and that we wouldn't go through trials because it's in those trials that "your life will turn around and help you put both of your feet in His Kingdom, not one on earth and one in heaven". My Pastor was just telling us yesterday that whenever he receives a prophetic word or a promise from God, he braces himself because it's THEN that the battle begins. Even though it doesn't feel like things are going the way you desire, it really is. Even though things are rough right now, it's all for your good. This is coming from someone (me) who has gone through 10 years of turmoil. I'm not saying you have to go through 10 years of this, but what I'm saying is that while you are in this process, buckle down and get into His Presence in prayer and in His word. God will speak to you and encourage you throughout the time. When you look back, surprisingly you will say "it was worth it". The HELL that I've gone through almost made me feel like I wasn't going to make it. There were times I thought things were beginning to look up for me and then everything crashed again. I too, lost my job. I was unemployed for a year and a half. What did I do to deserve it? Absolutely nothing. It had nothing to do with God turning His back to me, it had more to do with God providing an opportunity for him to REDEFINE Himself to me as my Source. God told me that a job was only a MEANS, but He was my Source...my Supply. When I turned to him, he caused men to give to my bosom. I made him my source and he spoke to the hearts of people and they sowed into my life. I could have kicked and screamed, but I used this to draw closer to him. Now, I'm closer to Him then every. Don't be made at the Lord. Even if you are, His love doesn't change...it's unconditional. Rest assure that this season of your life will end, but you will come out as God promised...a new life and both of your feet in His Kingdom. Be encouraged, for the Lord our Mighty God is with YOU!!
  7. Ok, from one mother to another, I can empathize with you. We raise our children one way and when they do something that contradicts their home training, we tend to take it personal...as if it's something we've done wrong. I'm not sure if you are feeling like there was something more you could have done to train him better or not, but I'm here to tell you that you can do the basics of training all right and they will still make errors. What I had to learn is my son has his own life story that needs to unfold. Some of it has gorry details that hurt my heart from time to time, but now that he's 21, I realize it was all necessary for his maturity. Mistakes happen so we can learn from them. Thank God it was only a BB gun lying around and not a real gun. Count it all joy because what could have been coming up in the future is an opportunity for a real gun to be shot, but because he will learn his lesson with the BB gun, we won't have to worry. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON (I know this is cliche but true in so many ways). I'm praying for this situation...STAND in there Hindsfeet!
  8. Amen Lori!! I will be praying for you. This seems to be happening a lot lately, But I've seen the hand of God move in situations so be encouraged.
  9. I'm not familiar with BB guns...was the child hurt in anyway? Have you spoken to the parents regarding the incident?
  10. I'm like this too. I'm an Accountant by nature and EVERYTHING has to "Balance" in order for me to be happy. It has to make sense to me so of course this took a toll on my faith because I allowed that part of me to move into the spiritual side of me. I can honestly say that although I still try to analyze everything, God has his own way of ministring to me so that I GET IT and can still operate in faith. I can't tell you how He does it, but like Mark said, "He knows how to get through ANY intelletual barriers..." Glad things are going well for you Miss Daisy!
  11. Soooooo true. I'm going to copy and share this...
  12. You've said a mouthful here Miss Deborah. SOmetimes our situations are not about us, but other people. If your husband didn't have this situation, you would not have had the opportunity to pray with the lady in the waiting room. God ALWAYS turns EVERYTHING the devil brings for evil for the glory of the Lord. Still praying...
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