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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. So how do you feel about that?
  2. Hello American! I will pray for God to open a door of employment for you. I would like to share that "BIZARRE" sometimes is where God needs us. Light overshadows "BIZARRE". In the meantime, you should ask God for wisdom to be the light in that bizarre place because they need the Lord. With you gone, how will they know who He is? Just thought I would share with you, but want you to know that I am praying for your new door of employment.
  3. I didnt know your dad wasn't working. DO you think that this could be the reason why your relationship with him has been so strained? Many times, especially men, when things are not going well financially and they are unable to provide they are hard to deal with. Maybe now things will be better for the two of you???
  4. WOW...will definately be praying... Also...I would like to welcome you to this site.
  5. Ugh...this situation reminds me of something that happened to me years ago. I worked for a difficult boss and he used to talk any kind of way to me. At that time I was a new Christian and new in dreaming and I wanted to show Christ in the way I treated people. I never responded to him so I just let him yell at me. One night I had a dream and in the dream I stood in front of his desk with my hand on my hip and went off on him. When I woke up from the dream, I didn't know it was a literal dream or one that would come to pass, but it did. I was asked to go into his office one day and he began yelling at me for something someone else did. All of a sudden I put my hand on my hip and I began yelling back at him. The dream came back to me as I was yelling. The interesting thing was that it shocked him as much as it shocked me. The good thing was, I was able to let go of all the pinned up anger and hurt I felt and I just let him have it. Was it a godly way to handle it? No, but God just showed me that it would be something that would take place. My relationship with that boss changed after that. I think he felt empowered to be able to talk to me like that, but once I told him off, he realized I wasn't as docile as I seemed and he could no longer use me to "empower" himself. I later found out that he was being mean because he was sick. He later died and I was able to minister to him. Not sure if he's in heaven or not, but I would like to believe so. My advice to you is to find a happy medium to how to deal with this person. God doesn't want us to be doormats. People just can't talk to us any kind of way. Being a Christian is standing behind TRUTH. Truth is our guard and our protection. When you approach a person with truth, then you don't have to be concerned with how they receive it...the Holy Spirit takes over. The Bible says that when we know truth, it's the truth that will make us free. Your motive is to bring freedom to her through the truth. There's nothing wrong with being stern with another person. Who says that's not love? Love is in the motive of the heart...not necessarily in our tone. We love our children with everything in us, but there are times we need to speak in a tone that helps them understand that we mean business. I believe this is what this person needs from you. Not sure if I've helped, but this is how I handle things now...with love in my heart and with TRUTH as my rear guard. Praying for you...
  6. I replied on the other post...
  7. Well, do you HAVE TO tell her? What's the importance in telling her since it's YOUR calling and it's going to happen whether she likes it or not. That may sound harsh, but if this is your TRUE calling, then its something that the Holy Spirit will lead you into over time and He's not going to care what other's think or feel about it. There is a reason why you are not wanting to tell her and I'm thinking that maybe you should keep it to yourself until its time. You could be opening up something that you may not be able to handle right now. I'm actuallly getting ready to be ordained next month and NO ONE in my family knows at all. Why? because they are not for me. They only know who I used to be so for them to know that I'm going to be ordained may cause some unwanted turmoil in my life that I really don't need right now. I say that you should remain prayerful about your calling and lay it all down before the Lord so the work that needs to be done in you can be done and then the right time will come for your mom to know. Praying for you...
  8. The Healing Power of Jesus is more than enough. Praying for you girl...
  9. Hi Daisychain!! Along with the others, my sentiments to you. How do you know you don't have the job? I ask that question because I went for a job interview with a Sheriffs Dept. Someone I knew put in a good word for me and I went for the interview. When I got in there, the same thing that happened to you, happend to me. There were three people as opposed to the one I was expecting. It shook me and I messed up EVERY question I had. When I walked out of there, I just knew that I didn't have the job. That night I tossed and turned because this would be the job of a life time for me. As I woke up the next morning, an old choir song that I used to sing a LONG TIME ago was playing deep within my heart. It is entitled "What God Has for Me is for me". I knew that God was speaking and encouraging me. I didn't know that God was telling me that they would call me back for a second interview...which they did. I got calledback for a second and third interview. Right now, my name is on a "hire list" to become an employee of the Sheriffs Dept. The only reason why I'm not working is because the County put a freeze on all hiring within the department, but technically I got the job. I say this to you because "What God has for YOU is for YOU". No bad interview, no person, no anything can stop the plan of God for your life. If I were you, I would go back to your Heavenly Father and let Him know that you put your life into His hands and whatever He has for you and whatever the process it is for it to come, you will submit to it. Your emotional outburst towards God doesn't change His mind about you, nor does it stop His plan for your life from happening. God's love is NOT conditonal and it's not based on what we do.... Be encouraged and allow God the opportunity to show you who He is. He's MIGHTY and SOVEREIGN!! I would even venture to say that maybe God allowed you to bomb the interview because he knew if you would have went in there with your ability, you would have gotten the job and He just may have something better for you...coming a different way. Trust him and His ability to get to you what He has for you.
  10. By the way...you will NOT die and I curse the voices of suicide, death and despair from around you. You WILL LIVE and declare the Word/Works of the Lord. Not situation is worth you dying over and leaving your children behind. You are much stronger than you think...rise up my friend...this is just a test...God will give you double for ALL your trouble!!
  11. This is an UNTRUE statement...I just wanted you to know that in hopes that you change your perspective regarding this because WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. If you decide to leave, God will take care of your children. I want you to know that I've been a single parent my son's entire 21 years on this earth. His father was murdered when he was 4 years old however, even before then, he didn't know him or have a relationship with him. I put him in the hands of God when he was a young boy and God has been faithful. He's a junior in college and living on his own in Arizona and working. I'm not saying that he doesn't NEED a father, because He does, but God has made up the difference. I have two other friends who have children and they made it through divorce...MESSY divorces. Their children are in college and doing very well. As parents, we MUST pray the Word over our children. My favorite scripture to pray over my son is... And all your [spiritual] children shall be disciples [taught by the Lord and obedient to His will], and great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of your children (Isaiah 54:13 AMP) This is my daily prayer over my son and God has been faithful. I will definately be in prayer for you because I know it cannot be easy. This is the time for you to climb in the lap of your Heavenly Father and let HIM minister to you. I agree that you should seek out help, even apart from your husband, but even more than that...Let GOD minister to you. The scripture I hear for you right now is: "...be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." (Matthew 10:16) Not sure what the scripture means to you, but pray because God just spoke it to my heart right now. Praying for you and looking forward to some praise reports from you. No weapon formed against you will prosper!!!!
  12. God has NOT given you a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND. You are making this teacher bigger than the power, love and sound mind that is already in you. Face it and move forward...as you do, the fear will diminish.
  13. WOW...FIRE shut up in your bones. Your life will NEVER be the same...the best is yet to come for you in this NEW year for you Sister...watch and see...
  14. We've got you covered Miss Linda!! My prayer team and I will be going in deep for you. There is NOTHING too hard for the Lord!!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Yes...lots of people have that crazy virus right now. I've been praying for plenty of people lately. I will pray for you son as well...
  16. I'm laaaaaate...HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I'm speechless...Going to war for you this week. We will NOT believe the report of the doctors. You have the FULL use of EVERY cell in your brain...EVERY CELL, in Jesus name and these strokes will cease NOW!!! No more Linda...no more...not on our watch!!!!!!! Fighting for you in the spirit...
  18. Praise GOD MJ!!!!! The Lord is soooo good!!!
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