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Everything posted by Cholette

  1. So sorry Steady...Soooo sorry! WHile I was reading this, I heard a line in an old hymn I used to sing in church when I was younger... "...Earth has no sorrow that heaven can't heal" Praying for you
  2. We were posting at the same time Mia...I get the same thing when it's time for me to give a word to someone. It happens in church A LOT, especially during worship!!
  3. Recently, God has been using a different "technique" with me regarding praying for people. Like everyone else, I have a deep burden or the person is on my mind a lot, but also I begin seeing people around that reminds me of them. For instance, one day recently, it seemed that EVERYONE I saw resembled my father. It was crazy...I kept seeing these men walking around and I would do a double take because they looked like him. I got in my car and I heard the Holy Spirit say "Pray for Him". Since then, he's used this with several people he's wanting me to pray for. Really interesting...we can never put him in a box...EVER!
  4. Hello Steve!! Your prayer requests are not uncommon to those of us who dream. I will tell you this, God wants this for you MORE than YOU want it for yourself. One of the most beautiful lessons I learned on this site when I first joined was this...God gives us dreams so we will seek HIM for the answer. It's HIS form of communication with us so that we will go to HIM to see what He's saying to us. There are certain dreams where God will show you things that you won't know the meaning of right away. My advice to you is to NOT pay so much attention to what the symbols mean because they can drive you crazy. I use to on the symbols so much that I would miss the message God was REALLY trying to convey to me. I would say to you to RELAX and REST in the fact that your Heavenly Father loves you enough to speak to you in dreams. Since He can do that, then He's loving enough to get the interpretation to you. I will say this to you...sometimes, parts of my dreams are revealed to me in the midst of my day to day life. I will hear a message that will reveal to me something about my dream...someone may say something that will trigger a part of my dream, or even in prayer, the Holy Spirit will reach WAYYYYY back to a dream I forgot about and put the piece of the puzzle in the right place. This is the reason why you must relax...allow God to bring the meaning to you...He's good at doing that. Blessings...
  5. I haven't been watchin the news and it doesn't come up on any of the Yahoo or MSN news on the internet...I will be praying.
  6. EXACTLY!!!!!! I think as Christians we spend way too much time tearing down our leaders and spiritual leaders. Because of this, our world is suffering. If EVERY CHristian would open their mouths and use the power that is in their tongue for GOOD, then this world can change. I've read way too many posts on this site and other sites tearing down our country's leaders...and we are sounding just like the world. We are the ones with the power that can tear down demonic kingdoms and turn away disasters like this one in Kenya, but we don't. LETS PRAY PEOPLE OF GOD!!! LET US PRAY!!!!!!!!! The Word of God has COMMANDED us to do this...
  7. Hi Daisy!! What I'm finding out in my life right now that there are just things that "I" cannot change...Only the work of the Holy Spirit can do it. I've spent majority of this year praying more in the Spirit than in English because I know that I'm praying the perfect will of God. When you read Romans 8:26 (AMP), it says... "So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance." Whenever we plan to NOT do something or to STOP doing something, we have already failed. This means we have set up a law for ourselves and the law (in the Word) was created to show us sin and that we can't be right on our own (Romans 3; 7; 8:3-4)...that's why God sent Jesus to FULFILL the law and gave us the Power of the Holy Spirit to do the work in us...both to WILL and DO of his good pleasure (Phil 2:13) So I say to you...pray in your "prayer language" and allow the Holy Spirit of God to turn you away from WORKS. I must warn you...it will be an effortless change, one that you won't know has taken place until you look back over your life and realize it is gone. That's when you KNOW it's the work of the Holy Spirit....you don't even realize when it happens. Turn it over to the Lord and allow him to take it from here and you just keep living your life and serving him. Blessings!
  8. Yeah...see what I'm saying? How a pastor should handle a situation like this is call both parties into a meeting and talk it out. Not only is she siding with the person who said it, she's not giving you the opportunity to say your peace. You have a choice here...you can stay and allow God to justify you, or you can leave and find a church that has the presence of the Lord along with leadership that cares.
  9. Hey Vile!! I remember you...how are things going? We missed ya!
  10. Hi Deborah!! THe prayer that we can pray is that David takes his time and NOT compromise. If he wants a Christian mate (girlfriend) then he should hold out until he finds one. I love the story in Genesis when Adam was longing for companionship. God created the animals to see if they could meet that void, however it didn't work. Then God put Adam to sleep and went away to a secluded place and created Eve. After he was finished, HE BROUGHT HER TO HIM!! When Adam saw her, he knew she was the one because he said she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. I believe there is enough of God in us all to know when the right one comes along, but do we have the patience to wait. He's 20 and has so much more to look forward to. I have a 20 year old son too and he is dating a nice Jewish girl. Her beliefs are not what I desire for him, but she's a good girl and shes good for him NOW in his life. DO I see them getting married? No, but for what he needs to learn NOW, it's okay with me. I would speak more to David about focusing in on other things "until she comes"...She will come, it's just going to be in God's timing. In the mean time...ENJOY THE 20's because they go by SO FAST!!!!
  11. FreePrincess...the Bible says that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty (2 Cor 3:17). This means there is freedom. This church doesn't seem to be free to me. You must try the Spirit of this church through the Word of God. There are no perfect churches, but the church needs to be in the position to care for those who come through the doors and have problems within the church. I don't like what's going on in that church and that is why I shared my experience with you. When we go to church its supposed to be a time for us to ENJOY the presence of the Lord and carry it with us home...and into our week. With all of this going on, I can't see how you can do that. I'm still praying for your situation, I pray you have peace with whatever decision you make...
  12. Thank God for that smoke detector...that was God's emergency sound for you to go downstairs to witness that. What a MIGHTY and LOVING God we serve.
  13. Hello... Has God led you to go and meet with them? I ask this question because I was in a similar situation. Not with the drama, but feeling the need to sit down with leadership and discuss why I was leaving the church. God had already told me it was time for me to leave, but I felt the need to go and sit down with them and tell them personally that I was leaving. That was the worst mistake of my life. I was told that if I left, my life would spin out of control and that things wouldn't work out for me because I was out of the will of God. I had already received my marching orders from God, but man's opinion caused me to linger around a place that I should have left, for an extra 3 months...THREE MONTHS OF HELL!!!! In your situation, you already know that there are issues. You are desiring to go to them out of respect and the want to clear the air, but in my opinion, I don't think they want to clear the air? The Bible does say to be at peace with the brethren as far as it concerns you, but that doesn't mean you have to GO to them, especially knowing that things may not get rectified...only worse. These people seem petty and like Lola said, "not about the Father's business". I personally feel that if you go, it will make you feel worse because they are NOT showing signs of wanting you there and wanting to clear the air with you. A REAL pastor would have called you in for a meeting to discuss why you felt the way you did, but they didn't. You are now labeled as a "slanderer" so I would do exactly like Delightful Soul said..."shake the dust from your feet" and keep it moving. I just wanted to give you another perspective because even though I did end up leaving after the extra 3 months of sticking around, but it took me almost 7 extra months to shake the condemning words from my mind. I don't want you to have to deal with that. Sometimes, making a "clean get-away" is the best way. I should have just gave them my letter to remove my membership and kept it moving, but I wanted to do things "the right way". When something is abusive and wrong, we may have to take the way of escape that God provides and run for our lives without looking back. Just my opinion and two cents...
  14. Yeeeessss...that happens JJP I went through the same thing and I just returned back to the computer, TV and phone. I had to go on a consecration and get into the presence of the Lord to be rejuvenated. I suggest you do that, if possible. God TRULY gives you a touch when you go away with him. How you are feeling is normal, when you pour yourself out...you just need to be poured back into. Praying for you!!!
  15. My heart is saddened...I am in prayer for you and the family of your friend.
  16. Preach Cloud!!! I agree with what has been said and I also want to add that you have to take back the power that you've given the devil. In your statement, it sounds as if the devil is bigger than God. Just because the devil can hear what you say...just because he can wreak a little havoc in your life...doesn't mean that he is almighty. GOD is BIGGER than anything the devil can be or do in your life. Pray to the one who has counted the number of hairs on your head...who knitted you together in your mother's womb...and KNOW that HE has ALL POWER...and SO DO YOU!!! Open up your mouth BOLDLY and pray knowing that your heavenly Father hears you. Praying in your mind is ok, but the Bible says that Death and LIFE is in the POWER Of the TONGUE!! Do you have a "prayer language" (speaking in tongues)? That's another way to pray and it builds you up internally, at the same time. Blessings
  17. Don't worry about how old he is...you never know what his prayer has been to the Lord. Just submit it and let God do the rest. If he isn't too keen on the idea, then God has another opportunity lined up for you, just yield to His timing. I'm proud of you for stepping out in your passion...
  18. Love this scripture. IT comes back to me from time to time. There used to be a book entitled "Hindsfeet" or something like that. Lots of friends of mine read it and enjoyed it. I haven't read it...but maybe it's because I can't remember the actual title. Thanks for sharing this encouraging word.
  19. By the way...do you have a script already written?
  20. Be the first one Jasmine! Just because it's never been done doesn't mean it can't be done. Go to your pastor with the idea and see what he says. This may be the very thing that will get the youth excited about church. I will be praying...
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